Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3000: Chiyang Cave Sky

Dome the world.

An ancient mountain stands tall, tens of thousands of meters high, smashing the sky, and it has the power to connect the world.

The name of the mountain, Chiyang.

Therefore, the mountain is named after the endless sacred fire that has been lingering for many years. It is like a big sun falling here, casting this mountain.

In Beihe Secret Realm, it is not a particularly famous place.

Most of the products produced in the mountains are also fire elixir.

Except for a few strong people who practice the fire attribute technique, few strong people are willing to come to this Chiyang Mountain.

Now, Chiyang Mountain is lively.


A series of vast auras, driving the escape light, like a long rainbow that runs through the world, coming towards Chiyang Mountain.

The black water is surging, the Changhong is shaking the sun, and the nine dragons are pulling a cart... Each ray of light represents a strong Qingmingzhou.

There are not only Tianjiao who make up the rankings after the emperor, but also many casual repairs.

Along the way.

Qin Yi saw a lot of casual cultivators, there are also ancient sages, saints, and even a lot of powerful feathered men.

Or alone, or in groups, wanting to fish in troubled waters.

As soon as the five phoenix divine medicine was born, it seemed to have induced countless years of accumulation in Chiyang Mountain, and countless elixir suddenly appeared near Chiyang Mountain.

These casual cultivators, or strong men of small forces, came for these elixir.

They didn't dare to expect magical medicines such as the Five Phoenix Medicine, but if they were lucky enough to find one or two quasi-magic medicines, or top-grade medicines, they would win the big prize.


Many people are mixed.

Fighting in battle and competing for treasure are naturally unavoidable.

Even if he hadn't seen the five phoenix magical medicine, some strong men had already begun to kill and hunt for treasures, and the closer they were to Chiyang Mountain, the more chaotic they became.

Qin Yi was no exception, but these people who did not have long eyes were slapped to death by the longevity goddess.

Soon, Qin Yi and the two came to the foot of Chiyang Mountain.

Looking up, through the layers of clouds, you can see that there is a hundred-foot-tall Tianmen on the top of Chiyang Mountain, and above the Tianmen there are two simple and simple characters "Chiyang".

Chiyang Cave Sky.

That is where the five phoenix divine medicine is present in this world, where everyone's goal is.

Qin Yi took the longevity goddess and was about to walk to the top of the mountain.

At this moment, a slightly frivolous voice came:

"Oh, isn't this the longevity goddess of Wanshouzong?"

I saw a group of people approaching a woman in red with a peerless appearance but boldly dressed and charming as a fire.

The person who spoke was a man in this group.

A black robe, slender body, flashes of thunder in his eyes, and a wicked smile on his face.

"Lei Xingkong?"

The longevity goddess frowned when she saw this man.

This person is the son of the sect master of the Purple Cloud Thunder Sect in Qingming Prefecture, the first true biography of the Purple Cloud Thunder Sect.

"Hey, you deserve to be one of the top ten beauties in Qingmingzhou. She looks like a fish and a wild goose, and she looks like a shameless flower.

Lotus is like a face and willow like an eyebrow, so a pretty lady. "

Before the longevity goddess could speak, another man joked.

The man was dressed in a Chinese robe, he was full of arrogance, and his expression was full of lofty arrogance.

The frivolous gaze fell on the concave and convex body of the longevity goddess, and the heat in the eyes did not hide.

The man in Huapao respected his identity, and the group faintly respected him, even the woman in red who was surrounded by the crowd carefully looked at the man's face.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the man in the garb is the center of the crowd.

Everyone else should lower one end.

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