Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3013: Kill intent


The rain is torrential.

The extremely strong smell of blood filled the foot of the mountain.

There was this disgusting smell lingering in the nose, and everyone felt trembling in their hearts, and their expressions were a bit sluggish.

Sixteen quasi emperors!

Mo Yunwei of the Nangong family!

Under one-on-one, few of the many Tianjiao present dared to say that they would surely win against Mo Yunwei.

Mo Yunwei, as the Nangong family's suppressing background and guarding the guards of the members of the lineage, is carefully selected, saying that it is one in ten thousand, and one in ten thousand is not an exaggeration.

Coupled with the special exercises prepared by the Nangong family, a lot of training resources.

Every one of Mo Yunwei who grew up had a fighting power that was not inferior to most Tianjiao in Qingmingzhou.

If you can set up a battle formation, even Tianjiao from big states such as Yun Tianzhou will have to retreat when they see Mo Yunwei.

However, Qin Yi slaughtered all sixteen Mo Yunwei with just one flick of his finger.

Who the **** is this?

The crowd looked at Qin Yi in astonishment, and their hearts were beyond shock.

"How is it possible? This... how is this possible?"

Nangong Jun was desperate.

Where did the monster come from? With a single sword, Commander Jin and others were killed.

This level of kendo has already stood at the top of the Great Yin Dynasty, and even many emperors can't compare it!

A touch of regret flashed in his heart, regretting why he came to provoke this person who doesn't know the details.

Sixteen Mo Yunwei was damaged all at once, not to mention hurting his muscles and bones, at least it would also greatly hurt Mo Yunwei's vitality.

The more elite Mo Yunwei is, the more difficult it is to cultivate.

In this way, every Mo Yunwei has the possibility of becoming an emperor, and many of the elders of the Nangong family are from Mo Yunwei.

Losing sixteen Mo Yunwei is equivalent to losing sixteen potential emperor seedlings. Even in his capacity, he will be punished.

"The son...?!"

Yun Yaner's soft voice, instead of exciting Nangong Jun, made Nangong Jun's heart angry.

If it wasn't for this cheap maid, how could he provoke this person!

Nangong Jun looked at Yun Yan'er who was close to his arms, but he saw Yun Yan'er with a panic expression.

Following Yun Yan'er's gaze, he saw that the silver-haired man's right hand slightly opened, and a ray of sword light rose again.

And the target of this ray of sword light was him!

This person wants to kill him!

Nangong Jun's heart exploded, and an incredible idea emerged in his heart.

He is a disciple of the main line of the Nangong family, and his status is so respected, even if the powerful emperors of each family move him, he must think twice before acting.

How dare this person?


Qin Yi held his sword light in his hand and stepped forward with a calm expression.

"Your Excellency, what are you going to do? I am a direct disciple of the Nangong family, what do you want to do?"

Nangong Jun trembled.

At this time, he can only hope that the reputation of the Nangong family can make this mysterious person retreat.

However, his words were quite stern.

Qin Yi directly ignored it and didn't care about it.

"Your Excellency, don't stop!"

Many powerhouses on the side changed their colors, and at the same time they opened their mouths to block.

They can watch Qin Yi kill Mo Yunwei, but they definitely can't watch Qin Yi kill Nangong Jun, this is the main disciple of the Nangong family.

If Nangong Jun died in the secret of Beihe, everyone present would be implicated and even buried with him!

The Nangong family is qualified, able to do it, and has done it before.

Zeng Jin, a disciple of the Nangong family fell in a city, and the Patriarch of the Nangong family directly ordered the slaughter of millions of lives in that city.

This is true for the branch disciples, let alone the main line disciple?

Even if everyone didn't want to take care of this matter, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and talk to dissuade Qin Yi.

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