Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3042: Flowers in the mirror, moon in the water

The sky above.

The huge shadow of the golden-winged roc bird shrouded all directions.

Three thousand Mo Yunwei held soldiers, and the vast blood enveloped tens of millions of miles in the sky, overwhelming and surging wanton.

The huge Jinpeng stretched out its wings and dropped hundreds of millions of chaotic auras, covering up the sun, moon and sky.

Nangong Chen and Chiyang God Sovereign stepped on Jiuxiao, with indifferent eyes, overlooking the boundless sky.

Dome the world.

The silver-haired young man walked out of the secret realm of Beihe with the longevity goddess.

The vast aura instantly locked the two of them, like a violent wind, and a torrential rain. If it broke out, it would be shocking!

"Interesting, this guy really dared to show up, should I say it's arrogant or ignorant?"

Chen Changfeng raised his eyebrows and sneered.

"A true warrior too."

Gu Xiaoyi sighed, her eyes full of admiration.

So courageous, so courageous, worthy of the word ‘warrior’.

If it were him, he might not dare to step out of the secret realm, maybe he would stay in the secret realm and try to get a chance.

But Qin Yi dared to step out of the secret realm, even if Qin Yi finally fell, in the next thousand years, no, ten thousand years, his name will be spread to Qingmingzhou and will be remembered by countless people.

Such a record is not as strong as Nangong Chen against thirteen emperors of the same rank, and it is almost the same.

In the secret realm, Qin Yi suppressed many arrogances and defeated Xiaoqing Pluto. He admired more of Qin Yi's power in the world.

When Qin Yi stepped out of Beihe mystery, what he admired was Qin Yi's spirit!

Although there are thousands of people, I am fearless.

"This person?"

"The eyebrows are handsome, they don't seem to be fascinated by the mind, why dare to kill Nangong Jun?"

"People shouldn't look at their faces. People in the magic way can even pretend. Who knows how this person is."

Although the crowd of onlookers retreated tens of thousands of miles away, the worst of everyone was above the ancient sacred realm. This distance was not worth mentioning to them.

With mana power running, the sight of thousands of miles away is like a palm pattern.

Most people have never seen Qin Yi, but seeing the appearance of many Qingmingzhou Tianjiao, everyone can naturally see that Qin Yi is the culprit of this storm.

"This person dares to show up, he is really bold."

"Heh, what if you don't show up? I haven't seen Master Sword Master intending to destroy the Beihe Secret Realm. His plan to hide in the Beihe Secret Realm is useless, so naturally he can only show up."

"This is indeed a coward like a ghost."

The crowd onlookers ridiculed.

Most of the strong people present were from various forces in Qingming State, and their own forces were almost implicated by Qin Yi. Most of the people had no good impressions of Qin Yi.

People like Gu Xiaoyi are only a few after all.

"It's this person who caused the death of my sect?"

Sect Master Huanghuo, the real person of Tianhuo was staring at Qin Yi with gleaming eyes.

"Huh? This person seems to have condensed the immortal emperor body, and the soul has the immortal charm. This person has stepped into the emperor realm?"

The Sect Master of Wanshou Sect, the Taoist of Longevity also looked at Qin Yi, suddenly his eyes condensed, and said in incomparable surprise.

As soon as this remark came out, many high-level leaders of various forces in Qingming State quickly looked at them and couldn't help showing surprised expressions.

From their perspective, it was natural to see that Qin Yi had already crossed that pass and set foot in the emperor realm.

The difference between Xianfan has jumped!

If there is no such thing, it is because they see Qin Yi, they have to be friends with the same generation and regard him as a dao friend.

"Huh, really."

The real person Tianhuo gave a surprise, and didn't care too much.

What if Qin Yi breaks through? However, a kid who had just broken through the emperor realm said that his realm was not stable, how could he be the opponent of the Nangong family.


Many senior officials also shook their heads.

No one thought that after Qin Yi set foot on the emperor's realm, there would be a comeback.

Flowers in the mirror, moon in the water.

That's it!

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