Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3047: Punch down

"Step on the emperor once, step on the three realms in succession, and go straight to the third realm. If there is no accident, it may be possible to spy on the legendary giant realm."

Nangong Chen's voice was cold, freezing into the soul:

"The blame is on you for offending my Nangong family, I can't keep you today!"

Even if Qin Yi showed a cultivation base that was not inferior to his, he didn't care too much, just a rising star.

Like him, he has set foot in the third realm of the emperor for thousands of years, and has been immersed in this realm for such a long time, and is proud of his peers.

A junior who has just set foot in this realm, no matter how enchanting he is, it is impossible to compare with him!

This is his confidence!


Nangong Chen took a step forward, her eyes shining slightly.

The tyrannical will instantly rose up, and for a while, it seemed to fill the endless space, squeezing thousands of miles into the sky and trembling slightly, as if the next moment would be crushed by this huge breath.


There was a terrifying roar.

Behind Nangongchen, a phantom figure appeared.

At first, the phantom was not big, and then it continued to expand, filling the space, but in an instant, it increased countless times.

Supporting the sky and the ground, I don't know how high it is, rising from the boundless sky, his head broke through the firmament, floating clouds, straight into the blue sky.


As soon as the phantom appeared, there was boundless evil spirits and natural disasters, surging like the ocean, filling the void.

In an instant, this piece of heaven and earth seemed to become a **** of evil spirits.

The phantom also gradually solidified, nine heads and twelve faces, holding a sharp sword made of white bones, wrapped in a monstrous evil spirit, like a demon **** coming from Jiuyou.

The devil's feet are vast, with his eyes drooping, looking down on sentient beings, full of scarlet blood:

"Booming red dust will sink into a sea of ​​blood..."

The vast voice is like a cloud hanging down from the sky, blasting thousands of miles into the sky, and countless creatures in several big states such as Qingmingzhou can hear this voice.

Evil, crazy.

Any creature that hears the sound only feels shocked, as if to sink into the boundless evil spirit.

Only the creatures above the emperor realm can barely break free from the influence of the sound and return to reason.

"This monarch has killed the ancient sage, the quasi-emperor, the emperor, the powerhouse of the demon realm, but he has never killed the Tianjiao of the three extreme realms.

Although you set foot in the emperor realm, after all, you have cultivated into the three extreme realms, and beheading you will allow this monarch to fulfill a long-cherished wish. "

Nangong Chen stood on the sky, her eyes were cold and indifferent.

"Kill the deity? Oh, then you come and try!"

Qin Yi sneered.

As the saying goes, clay figurines also have three points of anger.

Nangongchen is a junior on the left and the one on the right wants to kill him. How could Qin Yi not feel angry?

The emperor must not be insulted, even if it is a clone!

If this clone has not yet become an emperor, he might be afraid of its three points. Now that this clone has reached the third stage, what's the fear?

An emperor at the pinnacle of the third realm is nothing more than that.


Qin Yi raised his eyes, his eyes brightened.

In an instant, the blood in the body suddenly boiled, and the roar of countless real dragons erupted, shaking and deafening.

Blood bursts out in the surging weather, as mighty as the Milky Way inverted, instantly permeating nine days, red half of the sky.

Qi and blood are like a dragon, dyeing the sky!

Even a strand of energy and blood that escaped seemed to fall down like billions of thunder, shattering thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.


His arms dropped, and he took a deep breath.

Behind him, there was also a figure that couldn't describe his appearance or form.

There is an endless starry sky above my head, and my feet are standing on the sky.

next moment.

One punch down!

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