Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3058: Shocked, the emperor actually summoned


The space channel formed by the system disc shook for a while, and a crystal clear porcelain bottle floated out of it.


Qin Yi stretched out his hand, caught the porcelain bottle, and pulled out the stopper of the porcelain bottle with a light stroke.


The extremely strong medicinal fragrance filled the entire system space from the porcelain bottle.

The fragrance of the medicine condensed into a floating mist, and even turned into drops of medicine, dripping on the ground of the space.

Countless elixir, ling grass, and ling plant grow out of thin air, as if constructing a blessed land with a lot of zhilan.

Qin Yi inhaled lightly, only feeling refreshed, and all his limbs were nourished and nurtured, extremely comfortable.


Qin Yi raised his brows, an accident flashed in his eyes.

He quickly poured the Hunyuan Yiqi Pill from the porcelain bottle. This pill was about the size of a baby's fist. The pill was surrounded by lines, like a sky.

Dan pattern.

The pill becomes a superb product, and the pill pattern symbolizing quality will be derived from the pill.

Counting down, the number of pill patterns on Hunyuan Yiqi Pill is forty-eight, which is seven or seven!

"Forty-eight pill patterns!"

Qin Yi was happy.

He originally thought that this Hunyuan Yiqi Pill was just an ordinary middle-level Emperor Grade God Pill, but in the end, he gave him a small surprise.

Judging from the information transmitted by the system, the division of medicines in the mythical Qin and Han worlds is the same as that of the heavens and the world.

The pill body has ten pill patterns, which can be ranked as the emperor's magic medicine.

The middle-level imperial medicine, the pill pattern on the pill, between thirty-six and forty-nine, more than forty-nine is the high-level imperial medicine.

In other words, this Hunyuan Yiqi Pill is also the best pill among the middle-rank emperor grade magic medicines, only two lines of pill pattern become the high-level imperial medicine of Emperor grade.

"An emperor pill with forty-eight pill patterns, if this clone swallows it, it may be able to break through the gates of the fourth realm."

Qin Yi touched the porcelain vase in his hand, thinking in his heart.

After he cultivated Daqian Town Shibaolu, his obstacles to the seventh stage have basically been swept away.

In the realm, there are avatars of the Heavenly Dao and the deity as the base. The only difference is the accumulation of the power of the source. As long as you continuously improve your own source world, you can set foot on a higher realm.

These accumulations, this Hunyuan Yiqi Pill, is enough!

"This clone has just broken through, and it's mainly a solid state in the near future. It's not suitable for continuing to break through."

Various thoughts flashed in Qin Yi's mind, suppressing the idea of ​​swallowing the pill.

The strength breakthrough is too fast, but there is not much benefit.

Even this clone is the same.

The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest, and the mansions of thousands of miles collapsed in the base soil.

If the foundation is not consolidated and reached a high level, it is very likely that you will be trapped and locked in place, unable to make progress. I don't know how much work it takes to make up for it.

In order to capture the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng, this clone has repeatedly stepped on multiple realms, causing damage to its foundation.

Simply, Qin Yi slashed his realm and practiced anew, only then did he complete the foundation of this clone.

Qin Yi didn't want to make the same mistake again.


Qin Yi turned over and put away the porcelain bottle containing Hunyuan Yiqi Pill.

Then, he continued to check the results of the last call.


The aura of vastness floated from the space channel.

This breath is extremely vast, as if it came from the ancient prehistoric, immortal forever, instantly suppressing the void universe.

The supreme coercion radiates from it, which seems to crush the ages and suppress the years.


The dazzling colorful divine clouds circulated, and a figure in divine armor was vaguely visible, coming from behind the passage.

Qin Yi couldn't sit still, his eyes showed excitement, his face was unconcealed with joy, and he stared at the space channel:

"this is……"

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