Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3065: Welcome to Master Boxer

Longevity Goddess?

Chen Yishan looked at the glamorous woman with a cold expression, like a fairy in the moon palace, and was uncertain.

He knew very well that he had not confessed his mistake. The woman in front of him was the longevity goddess of Wanshouzong, no, it should be said that he was the former goddess.

A few years ago, at the Qingmingzhou Tianjiao Conference, he had seen this outstanding woman, and he wrote down the face of the other person at the first sight.

Didn't this goddess defect to Wanshouzong, and left Qingmingzhou with the madman who dared to attack the Nangong family?

The Xuanji Tower is scattered all over the major cities of Da Yin, and any news can be transmitted to the major cities in the first time. News about Qin Yi has long been transmitted to the city of Wuye.

When Chen Yishan went out and wandered around in the Xuanji Building last time, he happened to hear that people in the Xuanji Building were talking about this news.

He was shocked when he heard the news.

What a magnificent Nangong family!

Compared with the Feixing Gate of his division, it was far behind.

Someone dare to provoke the Nangong family? Even killed two disciples of the Nangong family!

If the news did not come from the Xuanji Building, Chen Yishan would never believe that this would happen.

However, there is no doubt that the two parties who are the protagonists of the incident are not him, or even the existence that can offend the Fei Xingmen.

And now.

One of them was standing in front of his eyes, standing in front of the door of Feixingmen Mountain.

Chen Yishan cautiously looked at Qin Yi who was beside the longevity goddess. He just met Qin Yi's gaze with a smile, and instantly stiffened, sliding down his temples in cold sweat.

The black and white eyes are like a deep abyss that cannot be estimated.

Calm, indifferent, as long as the avenue of heavens, with a trace of inhuman indifference.

Just as humans look at ants and gods look at humans, the indifference that looks down is not the slightest mood swing, only the purest and coldest indifference.

I am like a great road, all beings are ants!


Chen Yishan's pupils shrank suddenly, and his mind seemed to be gripped instantly.

it's him!

That tyrant fighter who killed the two main line disciples of the Nangong family!

Chen Yishan roared wildly in his heart, and his whole body was trembling.

The red armored generals were still taunting Qin Yi and the others. The next words of the Xuanyi man made Chen Yishan's face green.

"Just you, you still want to join Xuan Hanlong's family. It's a toad who wants to eat swan meat. It's whimsical. Don't hurry up!

Otherwise, don't blame this seat for being ruthless and killing you here. "

The Xuanyi man waved his hand, as if driving away a fly.

In his eyes, Qin Yi and the others were like ants, that is, they were in a good mood today. If they were normal, he had already taken action to kill such people who did not know the heights of the world.

The black-clothed man and the red-clad warrior stood with their hands behind their hands, and the whole body was full of breath, just like the heavenly soldiers guarding the heavenly gate.

And Qin Yisan's breath is not visible, more like an ignorant mortal who does not know whether to live or die, trying to attack the heaven.

In comparison, the gap is obvious.

"Let's go, Brother Xu, don't care about these ants, how about you and I continue to drink tea?"

The Xuanyi man chuckled, turning his head to look at the red armored general, and by the way, he also signaled Chen Yishan and other Feixingmen disciples to return.

The Red Armored general also nodded, and did not want to say more.

If you don’t listen to a few ants, just crush them to death.

Besides, he has already said so clearly, he has given them face to the elders of the teachers and elders behind them, and he has done his best.

Just as the two men in Xuan Yi were about to leave, they saw Chen Yishan and other disciples of the Fei Xing Sect. They had no intention of leaving, but took a step forward.

Then, he bowed as if pushing a golden mountain to a jade pillar.

Respectfully said:

"Feixingmen disciple, welcome Master Boxer!"

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