Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3076: Impossible, just impossible

"Maybe it's because this person has practiced cultivation techniques, or his bloodline is superb, and his combat power is higher than that of the general Fenghou-level powerhouse, that brings you this feeling."

The red-haired man guessed.

Between the same realm, the emperor's combat power also has a huge gap, just as there are top students and ordinary students in a class.

The Seven Prisons World is vast, and Tianjiao evildoers emerge in endlessly.

It is not impossible for some evildoers to have terrifying bloodlines and tyrannical combat power, master countless secretaries, and fight against the realm, with one enemy five and one enemy ten.

In the eyes of the man in red, the man in black may be such an existence.

"However, the frantic Chaoshou Hou is not a good match, and its strength is far more than that."

The red-haired man said solemnly.

Even he had to admit that the blood of the Blue Scale Demon Ape clan was powerful.

Luan Yuan Hou inherited the blood of the Blue Scale Demon Ape of the Demon Ape King, and the blood of this clan can also rank in the forefront of the many bloodlines of the Demon Realm.

Especially when members of the Blue Scale Demon Ape clan are furious, their combat power will skyrocket, and they can completely fight against many powerful people in the same realm with their own power.

In the old days, the furious Chao Hou had just entered the fourth realm and brazenly defeated a veteran Hou Ye who had been in the fourth realm for tens of millions of years.

Not to mention, how terrifying the more powerful Chaohouhou is now.


The brawny man in black frowned, inexplicably disapproving in his heart, but he also had to admit that the red-haired man made a lot of sense.

Even the many emperor realm powerhouses who cast divine minds on the side also nodded and agreed.

Compared to a black-robed man who concealed his head and showed his tail, and dared not show his true colors, the powerhouses were more optimistic about Chaoshouhou.

Just from the breath comparison, you can see the gap.

The breath of Chaoshouhou is like a dragon, shaking the sky and the earth, but the black robe people can only support in the breath of Chaoshouhou, which can be seen.


Dome the world.

The great ape roars up to the sky, screams everywhere, and envelops the atmosphere of the ancient prehistoric, like the ancient beast overlord reappearing in the world.

The surging coercion swept through the wasteland, covering hundreds of millions of miles of boundlessness.

A ray of coercion dissipated, and there was the power to suppress the ages, but in the blink of an eye, a mountain range stretching for thousands of miles was instantly destroyed!

The Great Ape Town is fierce and mighty!

"After all, Luan Yuan Hou is the Lord Hou pro-appointed by His Majesty the Emperor. His strength is unfathomable. Few people can be his opponent."

A strong emperor said with a smile.

"Looking at the madness of this fellow Luan Yuanhou, I'm afraid this thing cannot be done right today."

Another strong man said.

"I want Benhou to say that it's not good for these people to provoke him, but they are going to provoke the chaos. This guy is just like his father."

A strong man from Demon Ape State couldn't help shaking his head.

If the Demon Ape King is a big madman, then Luan Yuanhou is a little madman.

Behave erratically. Anyone who provokes both of them feels extremely headache. Even some powerful kings are unwilling to easily provoke chaos.

Among the many powerful emperors, none of them was optimistic about Qin Yi and others.

Although Qin Yi had emerged as a tyrant boxer in the recent period, he was only a third-level powerhouse after all.

Even if there is one more black robe man, it is far inferior to Luan Yuanhou.

"This seat always feels wrong, this black-robed man is definitely not an easy one."

The strong man in black is still uneasy.

"Brother Zhao, why do you have to be suspicious? You are completely worried. This seat has just observed carefully, and I can guarantee that he is definitely not a king..."

The red-haired man laughed, patted his chest and promised.

However, His words were not finished yet.

far away.


The unimaginable breath rose to the sky, moving for hundreds of millions of miles.

It seems that there is an indescribable, indescribable supreme existence, and when it comes, a ray of breath stops endless time and space.

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