Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3093: Out of the mountain


The endless aura in the hall boils and rolls, like the sea is turbulent.

The tyrannical will fills the void, squeezing the entire hall to tremble, and it may be blown apart by this momentum at any time.

"What does Long Xiaoyun want to do?"

The old man’s voice was deep into the bones, with unspeakable anger: "Will he dare to rebuild the seven prison gates and be the master of the seven prison gates?!"

How revered is the master of the seven prison gates, and is in charge of the entire holy land.

The seven prison gates back then were not the half-step Tianzun who took the path of Tianzun to the extreme, and he was not qualified to be the master of the seven prison gates.

There is a dragon Xiaoyun, the ant of the fifth stage, dare to be the master of the seven prison gates?

Is it true that this seat is not asking about world affairs?

"Teacher also asked to calm down his anger. Although the Long Family re-established the Seven Prison Gates, it is not Long Xiaoyun who is the master of that gate, but someone else."

The middle-aged Lan Pao quickly said.

"Not him? Who is that?"

The old man was stunned, the thunderous anger temporarily extinguished, and his cold eyes looked at the blue-robed youth.

No matter who is the master of the seven prison gates, this seat will never tolerate it!

"It is the junior who offended the Nangong family and the Demon Ape King. This son was promoted as the master of the'Seven Prison Gate' by the forces of the Long Family."

The young voice in the blue robe spoke.

"It's him?"

The old man’s eyes flickered, there was doubt, unbelief, and surprise:

"This news, are you sure?"

Qin Yi is just a junior in his eyes, even if this kid is making trouble after another in Da Yin, he never cares.

If it weren't for the disciple of the school to gather news of the Seven Prisons and report to him regularly, he would not even know who Qin Yi was.

This kid dares to be the master of the'Seven Prison Gates' and dominate the'Seven Prison Gates'?

"The disciple is sure."

The middle-aged blue robe nodded, and when he received the news, he was as shocked as the old man, and then he rushed to tell the old man.

Unlike the old man, the first time He heard the news of this person was through the mouth of his son. He praised him and praised him extremely.

However, He did not care too much.

However, the second time I learned about Qin Yi's news, Qin Yi suddenly became the master of the ‘Seven Prison Gate’, and even Long Xiaoyun fell under him!

This can't help him not being shocked, when he heard the news, he was even more gloomy than the old man.


The old man's emotions calmed down, but his brows were tightly frowned.

Although he was concealed in the secret realm he opened up, he was basically aware of the powerhouses and changes in the Seven Prisons Great World, and he was also concerned about some arrogances.

I didn't care about it before, but now I think about it, but I can't see through Qin Yi.

"With the blood of a true dragon, there is a suspected powerhouse in the fifth and even the sixth level to follow, and then subdues the boy Long Xiaoyun..."

All kinds of thoughts flashed in the old man's mind, and even with the power of Dayan's supernatural powers to deduce Qin Yi's origins, he never found anything.

The old man's brow furrowed deeper and deeper, and he became the elder of the Dayan Palace, he cultivated his formation together, and he also involved in the deduction.

As a result, Qin Yi's body was like infinite smoke, and he couldn't see through.

Even if he wanted to continue the deduction, a crisis suddenly rose in his heart. If he continued, he was afraid of disaster.

"Where is that junior?"

The old man suppressed the throbbing in his heart, with a ray of deep thought in his eyes:

"Could it be that this son has something to do with the changes in the way of heaven before?"

Before that, when the ways of heaven had changed, He also felt that it seemed to be the beginning of the Great Tribulation. He had calculated that a Great Tribulation that swept the Seven Prison World seemed to be coming soon.

Could it be that this child is the person who should be robbed of this time?

"Let's go, I'm going to see where this one came from!"

At this point, the old man could not sit still.

Out of the mountain!

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