Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3103: Hidden danger

"See Master Master."

When he saw the True Dragon King, the True Dragon King also bowed to Qin Yi.


After Qin Yi nodded slightly, he stepped into the hall.

The True Dragon King's eyebrows were drooping, half a step behind Qin Yi, and he walked into the hall, daring not to make any transgressive behavior.

Unlike the other strong players in the Long Family, the True Dragon King Lao Cheng is prudent, or in other words, fully aware of his identity.

Since he chose to respect Qin Yi as the master of the seven prison gates, he naturally had to put himself in a proper position, otherwise, he would inevitably be caught by others in the future and be attacked because of this.

The old way is like the true dragon king, of course, it will not leave any handle.

After the two entered the main hall, they did not stop, and went straight into a side hall, which was very simple and only had a pavilion.

One old tree, one stone table and two stone chairs.

Qin Yi took the seat first. The True Dragon King and the Longevity Goddess stood behind Qin Yi. The True Dragon King took out a pot of tea and filled Qin Yi with a cup.

The fragrance of tea is refreshing and refreshing.

"Not bad."

Qin Yi took a sip, the entrance was sweet, and the aftertaste was endless. He couldn't help but brighten up: "This tea enters the Purple Mansion at the entrance, and wipes away the dust of the Lingtai. It can help people understand the principles of the road, and it is considered a boutique."

"This is the old man brought out from the seven prison gates. It is called Enlightenment Tea. If you like it, there are many old people, and you will give them all."

The real dragon king smiled, quite contented.

This enlightenment tea, which is of great value, is of great value for the emperor, and it is of great use to the emperor.

"No need."

Qin Yi waved his hand.

Enlightenment tea is useful for ordinary emperors to cleanse the soul and enlighten the avenue.

But for him, it can only be counted as a pastime. Drinking can only get its special taste. Enlightenment is nothing but tasteless.

If it is to comprehend the laws of the Great Dao, how can it be as quick as to directly melt into the Great Dao with the clone of the Dao of Heaven and wander the long river of laws of the heavens?

The same is true for the True Dragon King, with the realm of the True Dragon King, it has long been beyond the scope that Enlightenment Tea can influence.

This is not to say that enlightenment tea is not precious, for most emperors under the fourth realm, enlightenment tea is the most precious treasure.

"How are you preparing for the Sect Master Ceremony?"

Qin Yi asked while drinking tea.

"My respect, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. Three days later, the sect master ceremony will be held as scheduled."

The True Dragon King replied.

Before entering the Long Family Library, Qin Yi held a ceremony for the master of the door three days later.

"My lord, there is a saying, I don't know whether to say something wrong?"

The True Dragon King hesitated for a moment and said.

"But it doesn't matter."

Qin Yi put down his tea cup and looked at the real dragon king.

"The Grand Ceremony of the Sect Master is the most important event in the re-establishment of the Seven Prison Gates. Whether the preparation time in three days is too hasty, the major forces in Xuanhan Prefecture have rebounded.

I don't know if it can be held in January. The old man can assure the venerable that the entire Xuanhan Prefecture can be controlled by the door. At that time, even in the face of the great Yin Dynasty army, we can deal with it calmly. "

The True Dragon King's face was solemn, and he expressed his worry.

In his opinion, the sect master ceremony was held too hastily.

Even if the Seven Prison Gates were re-established, the area that was truly controlled by the Seven Prison Gates would only be within the sphere of influence of the original Long Family.

Even the forces in this area may not be convinced.

You must know that for several epochs of the Great Yin Dynasty, the majesty has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the seven prison gates that suddenly appeared can not eliminate their fear of the Great Yin Dynasty.

If it were not for the pressure of the Long Family, they would have defected long ago.

Even so, many forces have secretly begun to shift their foundations.

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