Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3355: Did they change, or the world changed


Daxiang the Great and several giants joined forces to attack, the strongest gods can sweep the chaos, and the violent power drowns the universe.

The blood is like a sea, roaring, a spear pierced through the sky, and a small mountain was pressed across the a **** descending from a wrathful divine punishment.

Under God's punishment, everything is shattered!

The giants didn't have any intention to keep their hands, the vast gods were surging wanton, wanting to kill the strong who could not wait for Baiqi in one fell swoop.


The long river of years surging like a tide, exuding invisible fluctuations, evoking the resonance of the great avenues of the heavens, lingering on Yin Chang.

A round of brilliant golden sun rises from behind Yin Chang, ups and downs in the long river of years, wanting to break free from the river of years, but is bound by the river of years.

This big day is the essence of Yin Chang, manifested in the long river of years.

As long as this round of great sun breaks free from the long river of years, Yin Chang will be able to transcend the long river of years, set foot on the seventh realm, and become a giant of the heavens.


The big sun shook the river over the years and quickly caused ripples.

This wave of fluctuations spread out along the long river of time at a very fast speed, spreading across the entire eastern border in a flash, and even into the surrounding borders.

The heavens and myriad worlds are vast, in which there are not many creatures, nor do they know how many powerful men have been born.

Some strong people are keen to pursue fame and fortune, but there are also strong ones who insist on penance.

In the Eastern Frontier, and the territories near the Eastern Frontier, there are naturally strong people who don’t know how much they like to practice asceticism.

After breaking through, most of these powerhouses did not reveal their reputations and create power, but found a place to continue to practice.

Such strong people are generally called ascetics. These ascetics do not show up all year round, and they have almost no knowledge of the outside world.

It was the avenues in the eastern border that had disappeared before the closure of the town, and none of these ascetics were disturbed.

But this time, the fluctuations that came from the long river of years have awakened these ascetics who were immersed in the long river of detachment from the retreat.

"Years are fluctuating?"

"A big day? Someone wants to transcend the years and become a giant!"

"This direction is the Eastern Frontier?"

A powerful figure was startled, and he couldn't help but look towards the eastern frontier, and he also saw the golden sun in the long river of years.

The birth of a giant of the heavens is enough to attract the attention of all major forces.

After all, a giant of the heavens is also considered a strong man in the heavens and all realms, and all the major forces are all important figures.

Even the immortal gods and the powers of the extreme Taoist gods could not despise a giant of the heavens.

The forces under the Supreme Taoist Sect did not dare to underestimate a giant. A giant of the heavens was born in the eastern boundary, which has a certain influence on the eastern boundary, but the forces around the eastern boundary.

For most forces, a giant of the heavens is already an unimaginable big figure.

The Eastern Frontier has been in peace for too long, and the inheritance of martial arts has been cut off. It is far less powerful than other areas. Similarly, many forces close to the Eastern Frontier are not considered strong.

The birth of a giant of the heavens is enough to change the pattern nearby.

Therefore, even if these ascetics were in retreat, they were all disturbed by the fluctuations when Yin Chang broke through.

For a time, the entire Eastern Frontier boundary and even the other powerful people close to the Eastern Frontier boundary cast their eyes down and saw the first battle in the Eastern Frontier boundary.

"what's going on?"

"When did so many overlords of the heavens emerge in the eastern frontier, one, two, three...his, six overlords of the heavens!"

"Could it be that I have been in retreat for too long?"

When the situation in the eastern frontier was clearly seen, all the ascetics were suddenly bewildered.

Although these ascetics devote themselves to asceticism and seldom care about external affairs, they still have an understanding of the general situation of the eastern frontier.

In the Eastern Frontier, since the ancient times, after the avenue fell and the avenue was closed, a large number of giants were suppressed, their auras declined, and the inheritance of martial arts was cut off.

The number of powerhouses in the Eastern Frontier began to drop drastically. In the past, the seventh realm was able to shake in the Eastern Frontier. Later, the emperor of the fourth realm could control the entire Eastern Frontier.

The eastern frontier has long been reduced to the weakest of the five great realms, and it has been looked down upon by other realms.


The scene in the Eastern Frontier at this moment made many ascetics feel bewildered.

Six overlords of the heavens? !

One overlord of the heavens is enough to sweep the entire eastern frontier, as well as the surrounding large and small forces, no one can resist.

Not to mention, there are six overlords of the heavens!

Is this seat closed for too long, so that the world has changed, or this seat has hallucinations?

Suddenly, a question arose in the hearts of all the ascetics who had just awakened from the retreat.

But they communicate with the world, calculate the time, and have deeper doubts in their hearts. Not only has it been hundreds of years, how can this world become something they don't know?

Did they change, or did the world change?

"No, who is not King Taixu of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, and King Baiwu?"

Soon, some strong people recognized Taixu Taoist and Baiwu King.

The Ten Thousand Ways of Gods is the most powerful force near the Eastern Frontier. Naturally, all the powerful people in the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods also have an understanding.

Especially such top figures as Taoist Taixu and King Baiwu are even more important.

And Xinghai Daojun and other powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty were also recognized.

"Two heavenly overlords, five heavenly magnates, is the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty bringing the Eastern Frontier into its control?

However, the Eastern Frontier has already declined, and the aura is exhausted. For the Ten Thousand Dao Gods, it is a barren land, which is optional. At the beginning, the Ten Thousand Gods defeated the Seven Prison Gates, so they didn't abandon the Eastern Frontier. "

These powerhouses couldn't understand how.

What shocked them even more was Qin Yi and others who fought against Taoist Taixu and other powerful men from the Ten Thousand Dao Empire.

Monkey King, Bull Demon King, Qin Yi, and Jin Chanzi were more powerful than the other, and their strength was amazing. Even the powerful men of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, such as Taixu Taoist, were crushed and beaten by Monkey King and others.

Similarly, these powerhouses also saw the many giants of Eastern Xinjiang on the sidelines.

To the many giants of Dongjiang, these strong men were first taken aback, and they also recognized the identities of the giants of Dongjiang, secretly surprised.

Even these old monsters of ancient times have awakened. It seems that they must have missed the major events that happened in the Eastern Frontier.

Then, they saw a group of tycoons in the east, brazenly attacking a group of people who didn't fall the emperor!

"What's the situation, these giants of Dongjiang are so shameless, they actually attack some emperors who don't even have the seventh realm?"

Some ascetics are not ashamed of the actions of the tycoons of Eastern Xinjiang.


The following development directly caused many penance practitioners to be confused again.

I saw that several giants, such as Daojun Biluo, brazenly attacked the giants such as Daxiang the Great!

What's the situation? !

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