Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3405: Buddha vs. Buddha


The descending magic pestle penetrates time and space, as if countless Buddhist kingdoms are circulating under it.

Before it fell, the Buddha felt that he was under unimaginable pressure and was enveloped by a terrible force.

In the mighty voice of the Buddha, he seemed to have turned into the dead Buddha, experiencing everything that the Buddha had endured before his fall.

In the endless Buddha's light linger, the devil's pestle penetrates the world.


From the big sky to the Buddha's pupils shrank, only to feel that time no longer flows, everything seems to be static, and the world is pressed the pause button.

He could only watch the magic pestle, piercing towards his heart.

Like the fallen Buddha, there is no resistance.

"I'm not reconciled... I'm not reconciled!"

"I am Tantan meritorious Buddha, I have attained the Buddha status, how could I fall!"

"Dead! Die!"

The sorrowful sounds of Buddha shook in the void.

Like a magic sound, poured into the ears of the Great Heaven to the Buddha, affecting the mind of the Great Heaven to the Buddha.

"No! The poor monk is the great Buddha, how could he be killed like you!"

From the heaven to the Buddha, his eyes were red, and the Buddha's light was all over his body, and his blood was boiling like an endless ocean surging.

In the end, he is a quasi-tianzun and the strongest person who has attained the Buddha status of Buddhism. How firm is his mind, and with great perseverance, he can break free from the influence of Buddha's voice.

"The Great Fearless Seal!"

From the great sky to the Buddha, he pinched a Dharma seal, and the flames of the Buddha rising up all over his body became hotter.

The Buddha's light shines on the world, and the Buddha's prestige is full of the universe.

Then, punch out.

Bottom-up, to meet the lower magic pestle.

Where this fist passed, the void collapsed into pieces, and was directly annihilated into nothingness.


In the next moment, this punch collided with Jiang Mochu.

Just like billions of thousands of thunderbolts exploding at the same time, all the void within a radius of tens of thousands of miles shattered, the space here no longer exists and turned into chaos.

The violent force swept through, setting off a wave of destruction.

If it weren't for the blockade of the enlightenment ancient trees, the mountains and rivers and the Eight Diagrams formations, the aftermath of the collision between the two would fall into the Tianyao Continent, and I am afraid that the entire Tianyao Continent would be messed up.

This is the existence of two Heavenly Overlord-level combat powers, and one person can destroy countless mid-thousand worlds.


Even with the blockades of the ancient trees of enlightenment and the Eight Diagrams formations of mountains and rivers, there are still aftermaths scattered into the Tianyao continent.

In Tianyao Continent, the aura is rolling, as if to evolve into a storm that destroys the sky and the earth.

The territories of hundreds of millions of miles trembled and roared!

"What happened?"

"This direction... is Chenglong Hall!"

"What's going on, what happened in the depths of Tianyao Continent?"

A strong man who did not fall into the imperial dynasty was also alarmed and looked inside the Chenglong Hall.

"That is Master Jin Chanzi, and the other is..."

Many powerhouses then saw the golden cicada and the great Buddha fighting against each other.

To Jin Chanzi, many people who do not fall are naturally no strangers to Jin Chanzi, but they are particularly strange to the Datianzhi Buddha, who is the enemy of Jin Chanzi.

"Buddhist strong? Is there a Buddhism strong who sneaked into Tianyao, was discovered by Master Jin Chanzi, and fought with it?"

The complexion of those who did not fall into the power suddenly became gloomy.

Because of Qin Yi's attitude, many powerful people do not have much favorable impressions of Buddhism.

What's more, the purpose of the Datianzhi Buddha sneaking into the Tianyao Continent must be impure, and as the guardians of the imperial dynasty, they did not find the trace of the Datianzhi Buddha.

This has already slapped them in the face!

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