Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3408: Come, don't go

Five fingers curled up, like a pinch forever.

A Foshan rises and falls in the five fingers, exuding the eternal charm of suppressing the heavens.

From the sky until the Buddha had not punched, the mighty force of the fist had fallen down, giving people a terrible feeling of shattering everything.

The great heaven to the Buddha seal!

Created by this great heaven to the Buddha, the most suitable boxing technique for him is also the foundation of this Buddha's boxing technique, just like the fist and spear that broke through the heavens to Qin Yi.

As soon as he acted out, the aura from Da Tian to Buddha continued to skyrocket, and in a flash, it overwhelmed the golden cicada.

"Good boxing!"

Qin Yi, who was comprehending the Datian to the Buddha's boxing, suddenly brightened in front of him.

Prior to this, he had comprehended the Daotian to Buddha's boxing. Although he had a lot of comprehension, most of them could only comprehend some minor details, lacking the core.

But when Da Tian Zhi Buddha's boxing technique was developed, it was like a skeleton that connected Qin Yi's previous insights into the Da Tian Zhi Buddha's boxing technique.

With this fist as a support, his speed at comprehending Datianzhi Buddha's fist technique rose again.

It is also easier to comprehend the essence of it and integrate it into one's own fist.

"The boxing technique is good, but it is a pity that this clone of Brother Buddha is not enough to give full play to the power of this punch."

Jin Chanzi also admired.

"Not all powers are enough to defeat you!"

The Buddha made a long roar from the sky and blasted out a punch.

Endless qi and blood erupted, and the huge power contained in this fist directly stirred up this tens of thousands of miles of void.

The avenue roars and countless laws emerge, and you can see a Buddha and Bodhisattva appearing, blessing the heaven to the Buddha amidst the mighty Sanskrit singing.

Da Tian Zhi Buddha looked cold, with a terrible killing intent to suppress everything, he killed Jin Chanzi.

"not enough!"

Jin Chanzi sighed lightly, stretched out his hand to hold the lowering magic pestle again, cutting through time and space.

Like the same heavenly path, it cuts through the endless void and hits the heaven to the Buddha.


A powerful collision sounded, and the power of the two leaned against each other.

The violent power spreads around, and a random wisp of air can open up a middle-thousand world, and then destroy this middle-thousand world.

Creation and destruction cycle in an instant.

"As expected to be the enemy of the Buddha, really powerful!"

In the collision, Datianzhi Buddha said with a face as usual.

But the high and low breath at the time reveals its true state.

"This time, the poor monk was defeated. Next time, the poor monk will personally take the life of your buddha enemy."

After speaking, the big sky reached a point at the feet of the Buddha and withdrew.

At this time, his right arm was already weak, and the Buddha's golden body cracked with small cracks, covering the entire right arm, and the Buddha's blood flowed horizontally.

Its right arm had been scrapped in the collision just now!

You must know that at the level of the emperor, everyone can be reborn from flesh and blood, and even with blood.

The injuries suffered by one's own body will soon be able to quickly recover with the powerful resilience of the physical body.

But Da Tianzhi Buddha was unable to suppress the injury of his right arm, so that the injury was exposed. How can I know how severe the trauma he suffered?

Even He can't suppress it!

"If you want to go, Brother Buddha takes it for granted? Isn't it the place where you want to come and leave if you want to go!"

Jin Chanzi smiled lightly, her eyes becoming more and more indifferent.

Now that he is already right or wrong, and still thinking about leaving, would he look down on him too much?

Those who do not offend will die!

Although he can't kill the deity of Datianzhi Buddha, let this clone stay obediently!

Come, don't leave!

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