Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3446: Death-seeking Pan Jiuyue

For Fairy Lingshang, she wouldn't care too much about how Pan Jiuyue provoked or provoke her.

But Pan Jiuyue provokes and provokes Qin Yi, naturally she cannot sit still.

This person is at the same level as the patriarch and the great elder. Pan Jiuyue dares to provoke and provoke Qin Yi, and Fairy Lingshang is going crazy.

But before the fairy Lingshang finished speaking, he was interrupted by Pan Jiuyue: "Gong Lingshang, since you care about this human race so much, then I will swallow this human race now!"


Pan Jiuyue's huge figure broke through the chaos, biting away towards Qin Yi.

The big mouth of the blood basin enveloped thousands of miles, trying to swallow Qin Yi and the thousands of miles around Qin Yi.

"Pan Jiuyue, you dare!"

Fairy Lingshang was shocked, and wanted to urge Chuan Tianzhou to stop Pan Jiuyue.


However, the frost moon wheel above Pan Jiuyue sprinkled the endless moonlight, freezing the void, and freezing the fairy sang.

For a while, Fairy Lingshang couldn't move, and could only watch Pan Jiuyue bite at Qin Yi.

"Gong Lingshang, wait until I swallow this human race, then I will deal with you!"

While talking, Pan Jiuyue bit at Qin Yi.

His scarlet eyes seemed to have seen Qin Yi's wailing before his death.

But when his gaze fell on Qin Yi, he couldn't help being stunned.

Standing on the Chuantianzhou, Qin Yi looked calm, looking at him faintly, without the slightest emotional ups and downs in his eyes, let alone any fear.

The gaze towards him is as casual as looking at the weeds on the side of the road.

"Damn, human, you dare to look down on me!"

The anger in Pan Jiuyue's eyes rose sharply, and the movements in his mouth became more fierce.

A human emperor, dare to look down upon him?

court death!

"Yu Lei!"

Facing Pan Jiuyue's attack, Qin Yi uttered two words lightly.


Pan Jiuyue was shocked, thinking that the human race in front of him was going to use some magical powers.

However, with emotion, he realized that nothing happened and couldn't help being furious.

This human emperor, when his death is imminent, dare to fool him?

"I want to kill..."

Pan Jiuyue raged into the sky, and the whole body surged.

But before he finished speaking, he felt a trance before his eyes, Qin Yi suddenly disappeared, and replaced by an inexplicable world.

As far as I can see, I am shrouded in death everywhere.

Unwilling to sad blood, soaked in the vast expanse of thousands of miles.

A group of unnamed and terrifying bones were scattered everywhere, and these were bones that existed above the emperor realm.


Vaguely you can hear the wailing of countless demon gods floating in the wind and the stern roar of evil spirits.

A sense of trembling from the heart gushed out from the soul, and Jiuyue couldn't help but stiffen, and the soul and will could not stop turning.


Then, he could feel an indifferent light falling on him.

At that moment, Pan Jiuyue felt a sense of absurdity that he had turned into a corpse.

No, this is not an illusion.

It's a feeling of truth and innocence. If this continues, he will probably turn into a corpse under this gaze, losing all his vital signs.

"Frost Moon Wheel!"

Pan Jiuyue kept calling the Frost Moon Wheel, and wanted to use the power of the Frost Moon Wheel to free himself from this feeling.

Unfortunately, all is to no avail.

Under this gaze, any of His actions seemed to lose meaning.

And the only thing He can do is to wait for death.

"No, I don't want to die yet!"

Pan Jiuyue yelled frantically, and a feeling of regret surged in her heart.

If time can go back, he said nothing will stop the fairy Lingshang, let alone take action against that human race.

However, it is too late to say anything now.


At this time, the life-shrouded world trembled.

A big hand covering the sky suddenly appeared.

This big hand has five slender fingers, no flesh and blood, only a ivory-like phalanx, but it contains the power to sink the world.

Pan Jiuyue looked at it, as if seeing the terrifying scene of the falling of the heavens and the death of the sun and the moon.

It seems that under this big hand, everything in the world will be annihilated and turned into a dead silence.

‘Maybe it’s good to just die like this? ’

A thought slowly surfaced in his mind.

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