Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3597: Eight-armed mad clan


Qin Yi casually raised his hand and slapped a demon creature in the third stage to death.

The terrible green blood splashed all over, corroding the void instantly.

Although this demon creature has a combat power comparable to that of a third-level emperor, it is not a true emperor, and its fall will not cause vibrations in the Great Dao of Heaven.

‘This person has extraordinary combat power, perhaps comparable to the peak emperor of the fourth realm. ’

Yang Yiming glanced at Qin Yi and thought about it.

This demon creature was deliberately missed by him. The original intention was to test Qin Yi's strength, but he never thought that Qin Yi's strength was a little bit beyond his expectation.

The demon creature that died in Qin Yi's hands had only a combat power comparable to that of the third realm, but the degree of difficulty was much stronger than that of the third realm emperor.

An emperor in the third realm, facing this demon creature, would inevitably pay a high price if he wanted to behead it.

It was that he had to waste his hands and feet in the face of this demon creature. As a result, Qin Yi killed it with one move, and his combat power was still not weaker than those of them.

‘I didn’t expect this little white face to have some strength, but that’s all, you are my stepping stone. ’

Yang Yiming gave a cold snort in his heart, and didn't care too much.

Although Qin Yi's strength surpassed his expectations, it did not exceed his control.

In his opinion, Qin Yi may have a good cultivation base, not much different from a few of them, but the real combat power is definitely not strong.

A high cultivation base does not mean a strong combat power.

Just a little white face, how much combat experience can he have?

If he really wants to fight, he has the confidence to kill him within ten moves.

The real fighting is not comparable to the fighting of these demon creatures, neither he nor Peng Gang and others have gone through countless fightings and walked out of the sea of ​​blood.

Cultivation is difficult, and casual cultivation is even more difficult.

Compared with disciples of the sect and aristocratic families who are included in the decent sect, casual cultivators can only fight for their lives in order to obtain the resources for practice.

Countless times of fighting in a lifetime of nine deaths, only now.

This little white face was put on his thighs, and the path of spiritual practice went smoothly. There is no shortage of spiritual resources, and how many life and death struggles he has gone through?

It's just an embroidered pillow!


Just as Yang Yiming and others continued to deepen inside the Zhen Demon Abyss, after countless creatures of the Demon Race, a deafening roar suddenly came out of the pitch-black demon energy.

The tyrannical sound wave blows away the magic energy, revealing the scene behind.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A figure walked out slowly.

Said to be a human, but a monster with a human shape, a creature of the demon race before this.

The figure is dressed wildly, with unknown animal skins covering the key parts, with eight arms hanging down, and the exposed skin covered with black scales.

Each big hand holds a weapon, knives, swords, guns, shields, etc., all.

"Eight-armed Demon Race!"

When Yang Yiming and others saw the figure, their pupils shrank, and their complexions suddenly changed.

The figure in front of him is a strong man of the eight-armed mad demon clan.

The eight-armed mad demon clan, a powerful branch of the nine secluded demon clan.

Most of this tribe practiced killing together and lived by fighting. The whole life is either fighting or on the way to fighting.

This clan is not only bloodthirsty, but also strong in combat power. The combat power in the same realm is enough to rank among the top three of the Jiuyou Demon Clan.

It is said that among the nine quasi-tianzuns that the Seven Prison Heavenly Lord sealed the town, one was from the eight-armed mad demon clan, and the Seven Hell Heavenly Lords had to abolish a lot of exercises before sealing it.

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