Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3601: Acting with you, I'm serious

"Damn it!"

Yang Yiming looked back and was so scared that his back was soaked with cold sweat.

The distance of hundreds of miles, for mortals, may be difficult to cross for a while, but for the emperor of the fourth stage, it is almost like being close to each other face to face.

"All souls are evil into my body!"

Yang Yiming gave a long whistle, urging the secret method.


In the next moment, countless demonic energy, death energy, and evil spirits swarmed into him, forming nine tornadoes, madly pouring into his body.

In an instant, Yang Yiming's entire body turned purple and black, and his height suddenly rose by several chips, directly turning into a little giant with a height of ten feet.

At the same time, his speed skyrocketed a hundredfold.


Yang Yiming turned into a purple-black streamer and rushed out of Zhen Moyuan.

The direction he chose was the direction Qin Yi was in.

"Brother Yang, what do you mean?"

Qin Yi seemed to be frightened by Yang Yiming's actions, and shouted in shock.

Yang Yiming didn't mean to answer, but rushed towards Qin Yi's place with Hu Yanqu.

"Brother Qin, I hope you will be smarter in your next life."

When Yang Yiming and Qin Yi passed by, a joking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he whispered.

Although the stepping stones chosen this time did not come in handy.

But it can save his life and make the best use of it.

However, he didn't pay attention, and the panic on Qin Yi's face behind him became a touch of sarcasm.

If I play a play with you, will you take it seriously?

"Yu Lei, capture him."

Qin Yi looked indifferent and spoke lightly.

"Hey, what else can you fail to do..."

Yang Yiming also heard Qin Yi's words and sneered disdainfully.

It's just that I haven't waited for him to finish.

A cold voice floated into his ears: "The emperor asked you to stay, so stay!"

The voice was very soft, without the slightest killing intent.

But Yang Yiming felt cold all over, and only felt stiff, a chill that seemed to originate from the Nine Nether Abyss, instantly sweeping his mind, mind, and soul.

An invisible force enveloped his whole body.

If you don't stop, you will die!

An extremely strong thought occupied Yang Yiming's mind.

Driven by this thought, Yang Yiming abruptly stopped the figure moving forward, or in other words, was restrained by this invisible force, unable to move forward.

"This, this is?"

Yang Yiming's pupils shrunk and his heart is frizzy.

He could clearly perceive the killing intent from the depths of the void, but he could not discover where the killing intent came from.

He understands that this is because the strength gap between him and the person who speaks is so big that it is unimaginable.

With his cultivation at the pinnacle of the fourth realm, the fifth realm emperor still can't do this, and the powerhouse who can do this is at least the magnates of the sixth and even seventh realms!

‘This person is followed by a giant of the heavens in the seventh realm! ’

Yang Yiming's eyes were red, and his soul trembled.

If he knew that Qin Yi was following a giant of the heavens in the seventh realm, he would never find Qin Yi.

Isn't this looking for death?


At the same time, Hu Yanqu also came to Qin Yi.

"Don't run away?"

Hu Yanqu looked at the stagnant Yang Yiming with interest and smiled grimly.

In his eyes, Yang Yiming is what is in the bag, no matter how Yang Yiming escapes, he will catch him back.

"Let's become my food together!"

Hu Yanqu let out a cold cry, and slightly extended his five fingers.


The infinite demon energy turned into a big hand covering the sky, covering the void of thousands of miles, trying to catch Qin Yi together.

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