Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3634: Madman Yuanli Mojun

After reaching the seventh realm, for the giants of heaven, the consequences of burning one's own way are more serious than burning the original world.

Although burning the original world may leave extremely serious injuries, or even dao injuries, burning one's own path will leave 100% dao injuries.

A little carelessness on the path of burning oneself will cause the giants of the heavens to fall into the seventh state and fall back into the long river of years.

At that time, the giants of the heavens will inevitably endure the erosion of the long river of years and lose their eternal lifespan.

Even some giants have survived countless years.

When it falls back into the long river of years, the backlash of the years will come and let it fall.

Moreover, compared to the controllable burning of the original world, the road to burning oneself is more dangerous.

When a giant of the heavens burns his own path in exchange for more powerful combat power, unless the giant of the heavens stops fighting and calms his breath, can he stop the burning of his own path.

In contrast, the world of burning origin is more controllable.

The giants of the heavens burn their own source world, even in battle, they can interrupt the burning of the source world.

In the subsequent recovery process, the sequelae of burning the original world, as long as it is not too much, the giants of the heavens can recover.

In this case, the giants of the heavens would rather burn the original world than burn their own path.

But the Yuanli Demon Lord is the way to heaven who dared to burn himself, and Qin Yi would call him a ruthless person.

Prior to this, the Yuanli Demon Lord took advantage of the powerful savage demons to activate the Ten Thousand Fazhen Divine Array, and decisively burned his own way of heaven.

With the help of the volatility of the activation of the Ten Thousand Fazhen Divine Array, the volatility of the way to burn the heavens is concealed.

As a result, Emperor Dawu and others were caught off guard because they were caught off guard for the first time the Yuanli Demon Lord burned his way to the Heavenly Sovereign.

Yuanli Mojun Fang was able to defeat Ziyouhou, Tianhuo Daojun and Baijiang Swordsman one after another.


Demon flames rose from the body of Yuanli Demon Lord, and an ancient phantom of the demon **** flashed one by one behind him.

The tyrannical fluctuations filled the sun and the moon, and through the Ten Thousand Magical God Array, it seemed to shake the entire barbarian world.

"The way to burn your body?!"

At this time, Emperor Dawu also recognized the state of Yuanli Demon Lord.

Suddenly, his face was terribly ugly, lunatic, simply lunatic.

Don’t you want to continue to practice on the path of burning one’s body to heaven?


Emperor Wu also flashed a ruthless look in his eyes, instantly burning his original world.

But he was not trying to fight Yuanli Daojun desperately, but directly turned around, ready to break the Ten Thousand Magic Town God Array and leave.

He didn't want to fight the madman Yuanli Daojun desperately.


In the eyes of Emperor Dawu, Yuanli Daojun is basically equivalent to a lunatic, and he can burn his own path to Heavenly Sovereign. This is not a lunatic, and what is it?

You must know that his deity has fallen. As long as his path to heaven is still there, it may be difficult to return to the current peak, but it is not difficult to return to the seventh and eighth level of cultivation.

But if one's own path to heaven is cut off, not to mention the restoration of the seventh and eighth levels, it is likely to fall in the first place!

In this case, as long as the giants of the heavens with a normal mind, they should know how to choose.

Isn't the Yuanli Daojun who chooses the way to burn his body to be a lunatic?

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