"It is said that the emperor of the imperial dynasty is Qin's surname. This master Qin is also a member of the eastern boundary, and he himself follows a giant above the seventh realm.

In addition, Zhang Zhenshan also called this Master Qin His Majesty. "

Yang Yiming's eyes flickered, connecting countless pieces of information one by one and integrating them into the closest answer.

Surname Qin, Your Majesty, Eastern Frontier, these key pieces of information easily make Yang Yiming think of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty.

At the thought of this, Yang Yiming's heart felt more miserable.

Before entering the Eastern Frontier, he knew that the least offensive force in the Eastern Frontier was the current Eastern Frontier overlord Buludi Dynasty.

The background of the Buluo Emperor is unfathomable, and I don't know how many powerful people are hiding in it, and they have been passed on by the seven prison gates.

You must know that even the relics they want to fight for are only left by a quasi-tianzun powerhouse among the seven prison gates.

It is conceivable how terrifying the Buluo Emperor Dynasty that inherited the entire seven prison gates would be.

Moreover, even the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty suffered a big loss in the hands of the Emperor Buluo.

But Yang Yiming didn't expect that he actually ran into the hands of the Emperor Buluo directly, thinking that the other party was a little white face at first.

Thinking back to his previous thoughts, he didn't know what to say for a while.

How could he never think that he would die like this?

Thinking of this, Yang Yiming was a little bit eager to cry without tears.

"Your Majesty, the thief who coveted the relics of Dayan Daojun has been driven away by all the ministers, and the thief, Emperor Wu, has also fallen into the hands of the minister."

Zhang Zhenshan could ignore Yang Yiming's psychological activities and said to Qin Yigong.

As an old fritters in officialdom, Zhang Zhenshan didn't mention his own merits in his words, and it seemed that everything was what it meant.

But he knows very well that only by taking credit and not being proud can survive better in officialdom.

Jane is in the emperor's heart.

This is what the onlookers should do. Don't worry about a little reward, but let the emperor remember your credit.

Only in this way can one's position be stabilized.

On the contrary, if you pay too much attention to the short-term gains and losses, you will only lose points in the hearts of the superiors, which is not conducive to your future development.

Since he had already returned to the imperial imperial dynasty, Zhang Zhenshan naturally wanted to plan for his own future and win Qin Yi's trust.

In the final analysis, he is not a strong man from the Buluo Emperor, but a strong man who betrayed the Great Wudi Dynasty and joined the Buluo Emperor halfway through. He has no foundation in the Buluo Emperor.

In this case, if he could not win Qin Yi's trust, he might be squeezed out of the power center of the imperial dynasty.

"Well, good job."

Qin Yi let out a laugh, and he was naturally insightful to Zhang Zhenshan's thoughts.

But he didn't care.

How did he not know the careful consideration of a group of strong men in the Buluo Emperor dynasty?

As long as they don't do things that endanger the imperial dynasty, Qin Yi won't be troublesome, instead letting the powerhouses of imperial dynasty do it.

As long as there is desire, Qin Yi can better control them.

Some people pursue power, Qin Yi gives them power; some people pursue benefits, Qin Yi gives them benefits; some people pursue the peak of martial arts, Qin Yi helps him pursue the peak of martial arts.

Regarding Zhang Zhenshan's careful consideration, Qin Yi would not interfere.


While Qin Yi was chatting with others, the Chaoyang Mountain Range not far away suddenly heard a huge wave, which swept over.

In an instant, this wave of volatility shook the void of a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and even the entire Ten Thousand Magic Domain.

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