Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3683: Journey to the West

"All beings are suffering, and the poor monk is willing to go west again to save all beings."

Jin Chanzi Baoxiang solemnly announced the Buddha's name.

When he spoke, there seemed to be infinite Buddha light blooming all over his body, and a Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Arhat Bhikkhu appeared.

Or recite the Buddha's name, or give a speech, or sit down and talk about the Tao...

Hearing Jin Chanzi's words and looking at Jin Chanzi's righteous words, Qin Yi couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Let him translate Jin Chanzi's words, the meaning of Jin Chanzi's words can be directly translated into Jin Chanzi's desire to conquer other forces in the Eastern Frontier.

It's just that Jin Chanzi changed his way of saying that he was going to rescue the creatures under the control of other forces.

‘Sure enough, I am worthy of being a Buddhist disciple, shamelessly, really the same. ’

Qin Yi smiled freely.

Although it is not very attractive to the Buddhism, it is actually quite useful if you really want to use it yourself.

At least, you can give yourself a moral advantage.

You see, we are not here to conquer you, but to rescue you. If you are not here to welcome you, you still want to resist?

This is your fault.


Just kidding, no matter whether there is such a statement, it is impossible for other forces to give up resistance and obediently surrender to the imperial dynasty.

"However, Jin Chanzi is going to go west again. This is to make a westward journey of the heavens and ten thousand realms in the eastern boundary?"

Qin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly became interested.

He knew very well that Jin Chanzi wanted to implement the Journey to the West of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, and his purpose was naturally to gain a foothold in the Buluo Empire, and to obtain the corresponding merits to improve himself in the Buluo Empire. Status.

However, for Qin Yi, the Journey to the West of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms is not without its value.

Although the Buluo Dynasty is now training and rejuvenating, and is unwilling to use foreign troops, it does not mean that the Buluo Dynasty is not paying attention to the outside world.

The Buluo Emperor occupies most of the eastern frontier, and the other areas of the Eastern Frontier were deliberately let out by the Buluo Emperor.

But everyone knows that the Emperor Buluo Dynasty will eventually retake this area.


These areas were occupied by many forces in other realms, as well as the Eastern Frontier League supported by the Buluo Emperor, and were not directly controlled by the Buluo Emperor.

Moreover, more and more forces have settled in this area, even including many forces such as the heavens and gods, the eternal holy land, which is not a good thing for the imperial dynasty.

With the passage of time, these forces' ability to control these areas will only become stronger and stronger, and it will be more difficult for the Emperor Buluo to remove the nails left by these forces in the eastern border in the future.

For this matter, Zhuge Liang did not lose sight of the ministers, so he didn't bother much.

For example, secretly guiding the strong of the Eastern Frontier League to take action against these forces.

It is a pity that most of the powerhouses of the Eastern Frontier League are newly emerging local powerhouses in the Eastern Frontier realm, and their strength is much weaker than the strong ones in other realms.

If it weren't for the powerhouses of other realms in the eastern boundary, they would more or less be affected by the closure of the avenues and towns, and I am afraid that the Eastern Frontier League would have been defeated a long time ago.

Of course, in the constant collision, the local powerhouses in the Eastern Frontier are also growing rapidly, gradually being able to contend with the powerhouses in other realms.

But if you want to get rid of the nails that other realm forces have left behind, it's still too much.

At this time, if you make a version of the heavens and ten thousand realms, to be precise, you will not be able to pull out the nails left by other realms.

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