Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3687: Tathagata hand

Qin Yi's current recruits come from the powerhouses of the mythical world of Journey to the West and the mythological world of the Conferred Gods, and most of them are Taoist or Yaozu powerhouses.

For example, Wen Zhong, Yang Jian, Lu Dongbin, etc., although they belong to the three religions, but in the final analysis belong to Taoism.

Cai Yulei is the ghost emperor of the East, the **** of the Yinsi of the underworld, and can also be regarded as a Taoist man.

Monkey King, Bull Demon King, Black Bear Spirit and others are the strong monsters.

In Buddhism, there is only Jin Chanzi. If you have to force it, Zhu Bajie can barely be considered a member of Buddhism.

After all, Zhu Bajie was named the envoy of Buddhism after the Journey to the West.

However, after Zhu Bajie came to the heavens and all realms, he was also unwilling to abide by the teachings of Buddhism, and acted more favorably on the side of the monster race.

Compared with Taoism and Yaozu, the Buddhism faction appears weak, with only Jin Chanzi alone.

In addition, Jin Chanzi can clearly feel that Qin Yi's sense of Buddhism is not good. In this case, Jin Chanzi must win over other strong men from the imperial dynasty.

Qin Yi watched this, but he didn't mean to stop it.

It is a fact that he does not like Buddhism, but it is also a fact that Buddhism is now working under him.

Buddhism is used by him, and he obeys his orders. Naturally, he cannot act like in the mythical world of Journey to the West and the mythological world of the Conferred Gods.

In this case, Qin Yi would not treat it differently.

In the final analysis, what Jin Chanzi did was good for him and for the imperial dynasty, and there was no need for him to expose Jin Chanzi again.

"Jin Chanzi, I have no objection to re-taking the westward road, but there is one thing you must solve."

Qin Yi thought for a while, and then asked: "You said you want to act in the name of Xiaolingshan Temple, how can you hide the power from Xiaolingshan Temple?"

Xiaolingshan Temple.

One of the top powers in the Buddhism of the Western Heaven Realm, there is a Buddha-level existence who has enlightened for hundreds of epochs, that is, the powerhouse of the Celestial Realm.

Xiaolingshan Temple can be said to be one of the oldest Buddhist forces in the Western Heaven Realm. Except for Tianzun, there are no fewer than 20 Zhuntianzun powerhouses in the temple.

The power background is not inferior to that of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty.

If Jin Chanzi wants to act under the guise of Xiaolingshan Temple, the first strong person to hide from is the strong one at Xiaolingshan Temple.

"Your Majesty does not need to worry. The poor monk has reached an agreement with the strong in Xiaolingshan Temple, and Xiaolingshan Temple is willing to borrow the name of the poor monk Xiaolingshan Temple."

Jin Chanzi smiled lightly.


Qin Yi raised his brows, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

This was something he didn't expect, Jin Chanzi actually had contact with Xiaolingshan Temple, and he was able to reach an agreement with Xiaolingshan Temple.

We must know that Xiaolingshan Temple, as a holy place for eternity, will inevitably act domineering. It is not a simple matter for Jin Chanzi to reach an agreement with Xiaolingshan Temple.

"When the poor monk came to this world, the Tathagata Buddha once gave the poor monk a manuscript of Buddhist scriptures, and the poor monk gave this manuscript to the Buddha of Da Mingde at Xiaolingshan Temple.

In return, the Da Mingde Buddha of Xiaolingshan Temple also agreed to the poor monks to borrow the name of Xiaolingshan Temple. "

Jin Chanzi explained.

"Tathagata Codex?"

Hearing this, Qin Yi also understood why the Da Mingde Buddha of Xiaolingshan Temple agreed to Jin Chanzi's request.

What kind of person is the Tathagata Buddha?

A master of the three ways of Buddhism, Buddhism, Buddhism, and the leader of Mahayana Buddhism on the westward journey. Character, one of the five elders of the heavenly court, with respect for status.

Before worshiping Mahayana Buddhism, Tathagata Buddha was a disciple of the Taoist Tongtian, a Taobao Taoist, and a saint.

After worshipping Mahayana Buddhism, he took over the position of teaching Mahayana Buddhism and became one of the most prominent figures in the mythical world of Journey to the West.

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