Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3740: Jin Chanzi's Past

Jin Chanzi smiled at the flower, hundreds of millions of Buddha's light lingered around her body, and dazzling Jin Hui came out from all over her body.

After several months, he finally achieved what he wanted.

After the Westward Journey was over, Tang Seng was blessed with the merits of the Westward Journey, and he ascended to the sky in one step.

This point caught Jin Chanzi somewhat by surprise.

Originally, according to Jin Chanzi's plan, after the journey to the west, he was able to refine Tang Seng and regain control of his body, but it is a pity that Tang Seng once ascended to the sky, beyond his control.

Tang Seng's power is too strong, it has surpassed Jin Chanzi itself, naturally he also gave birth to undesirable delusions, wanting to replace Jin Chanzi.

This is his calamity.

Even the Tathagata Buddha could not help him.

After all, Tang Seng is Jin Chanzi's benevolent body, in the final analysis, it is also Jin Chanzi.

If the Tathagata Buddha shot and killed Tang Seng, then Jin Chanzi's body of three thoughts would no longer be complete, and he would never break through the quasi-sage in the future. It was the possibility of a saint.

Even, let alone breaking through the quasi-sage, it is not impossible for Jin Chanzi to have no further cultivation base in the future.

Therefore, Buddhist powerhouses such as Tathagata Buddha cannot help Jin Chanzi to suppress Tang Seng. They can only rely on Jin Chanzi's own power to suppress Tang Seng.

Fortunately, Jin Chanzi finally defeated Tang Seng by his own means, suppressed Tang Seng, and transformed him into his own body of good thoughts.

But the price Jin Chanzi paid was not insignificant.

You know, according to Jin Chanzi's original plan, he walked the westward road with the body of kind thoughts, and finally gained the merits of the westward journey, and he could break through the Daluojin fairyland in one fell swoop.

Even, through the act of Journey to the West with the body of kind thoughts, he can realize the mystery of the good corpse in advance, and prepare for the beheading of the good corpse.

It's a pity that everything is going to be a wedding dress for Tang Seng.

Not only failed to achieve what he wanted, but also made his own body cultivation fall into the Golden Immortal Great Perfection, and even his body's merit golden body was broken.

As a last resort, Jin Chanzi would choose to go westward again.

One can remove the nails left by the various forces in the eastern frontier, and the other is to use secret methods to plunder the luck of the various forces to assist one's self-cultivation.

At the same time, it is also necessary to repair the golden body with the luck of all forces.

Different from the mythical world of Journey to the West, the air luck in the heavens and myths is more useful than the mythical world of Journey to the West. It can even be used for merit to repair the golden body of the golden cicada.

After months of hard work, under the weight of the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Boat, Jin Chanzi finally recast his merits and made a breakthrough again in the Golden Immortal Great Perfection Realm.


As soon as Jin Chanzi raised his hand, the five fingers were opened, and a layer of gold was plated on the white palms, and the infinite Buddha light flowed back, all of which fell between the five fingers.

Then, take a palm.


next moment.

There was an extremely loud collision, and violent power poured out.

Endless heaven and earth aura, chaotic essence, sun and moon vitality turned into billowing waves, bursting in the sky, as if thousands of ancient fierce beasts rushed and trampled.

In a flash, it spread to all directions.

The void swayed for hundreds of millions of miles, shattered in an instant, and turned into a state of nothingness even more primitive than chaos.

Chaos does not exist, time and space do not exist.

Countless creatures looked up in horror, and this void had become a vacuum zone that seemed to have nothing.

It seems that there is nothing, but anyone can perceive the terrible power hidden in it.

Don't talk about the emperor, even if the giants of the heavens in the seventh realm enter it, they will be strangled into nothingness by the power contained therein, and they can't die anymore.

Such horrible fluctuations forced many strong people to retreat.

Even Monkey King and Canggu Longqi who were fighting each other were affected.

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