Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3768: Tianzun Device, Zhenxuan Yin

For the Sword God King, such as the quasi-tianzun peak powerhouse, it is not a difficult task to cast a clone under the quasi-tianzun realm.

However, it is not a simple matter to create a clone of the quasi-tianzun realm, and it needs to pay a lot of price.

For the Sword God King, the loss of two quasi-tianzun realm's avatars in succession was enough to hurt one's muscles and bones.

"The level of the method depends on the strength of the body? Not to mention, let me see if the methods of the daoists are as tyrannical as the daoists said!"

The Sword God King's eyes were cold, and his eyes burst out with terrifying murderous intent.


A black and simple big seal flew out of the sword **** king's body, and the vast black divine splendor sprayed out from the big seal, filling the world.

The black divine splendor spread, like a black sky river, traversing the sky, from time to time set off a monstrous wave.

Strands of air machine fell down, knocking the vast expanse into dust.

The mountains of billions of meters were annihilated into nothingness in an instant.

Countless creatures in the big world of treasure elephants are crawling on the ground, and they can only shiver under this breath.


The Great Thousand Avenue of the Great Elephant World had to reappear, sealing the void with one's own power, trying to limit the aura of this great seal.

It's just that this time, the power of the Great Thousand Great Dao in the Great Elephant World seemed to be unable to limit the power of the **** seal.

As a last resort, a hazy phantom emerged from the sky, and the power of sealing the town in the void suddenly increased, and this limited the power of the black seal to within a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

Otherwise, if its power is allowed to continue to wreak havoc, most of the treasure elephant world may be destroyed.

"This is…"

The strong men couldn't help but look at the **** seal, their faces full of horror.

The aura of this **** seal has suddenly exceeded a certain limit, overwhelming everyone present, including Wen Zhong.

And Wen Zhong is the pinnacle powerhouse of the quasi-tianzun, and has not been suppressed by the Dao ban, and is steadily in the peak state.

But the aura of this **** seal overwhelmed Wen Zhong, and the identity of this **** seal was ready to be revealed.

A Tianzun device!

"This is Zhenxuan Yin of the Ten Thousand Dao Shen Dynasty!"

At this time, a strong person recognized the identity of this black big seal, which was a great weapon of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire, and at the same time, it was also a treasure of luck that suppressed the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire.

There are two most famous treasures of the Ten Thousand Gods.

One is the original Heavenly Sovereign Tool of the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, the Code of Ten Thousand Ways, and the other is this treasure, Zhenxuanyin, that suppresses the luck of the Ten Thousand Ways of God.

"Hiss, Ten Thousand Ways of Gods are crazy, even Zhen Xuan Yin has been used?"

"The treasure of Qi Luck cannot be used easily. How could the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways allow the King of Sword God to use Zhenxuan Yin?"


A powerful person shouted in exclamation one after another, feeling in awe.

What is the treasure of luck?

The treasure that suppresses the luck of one party and carries the luck of one party has only been called the treasure of luck.

Generally speaking, before the life and death of one force, it is best not to arbitrarily use the treasure of luck that suppresses one's luck.

The great treasure of Qi Luck is still damaged, which is likely to cause the force of this side to fall sharply.

For example, the mountain and river map that suppressed the air luck of the imperial imperial dynasty, after turning it into a treasure of air luck of the imperial imperial dynasty, Qin Yi never used the mountain and river map again.

Therefore, Zhen Xuanyin appeared here, and the strong people were all shocked.

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