Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3960: Jumang Zuwu's Contempt


The two parties confronted each other.

There are four people on one side, the Baiwu King, the Nightmare King, and the Buddha of Hundred Kills, and the Buddha in the world. Each of them is the pinnacle power of the quasi-tianzun.

There were six people on the other side, including Qin Yi, Jumang Zuwu, and Wen Zhong.

Qin Yi and the others stepped out of the space passage, Wang Baiwu and others were approaching a major enemy, their expressions suddenly became tense, and the few people who were originally separated quickly gathered together.

Even the Hundred Killing Buddhas were both ready to turn around and leave.

Don't do anything, stop entangled.

The Hundred Killing Buddhas also saw the power of Qin Yi and others, a quasi-tianzun peak realm powerhouse, they can defeat it.

But if the three quasi-tianzun peak powerhouses are already qualified to fight them, not to mention, there are still the powerhouses of the endless underworld.

In this case, let alone suppressing the two Qin Yi, even they themselves are in danger.

The Hundred Killing Buddhas naturally won't stay there anymore, but King Baiwu stopped them. Although he didn't say it clearly, he was very confident in his words.

The two Hundred Kill Buddhas glanced at each other, temporarily dispelling the thought of leaving.

They wanted to see what medicine was sold in King Baiwu's gourd. With their strengths, they could retreat at any time without fear of King Baiwu and the others.

"Yo, you haven't left yet?"

After Qin Yi stepped out of the space channel, his eyes fell on King Bai Wu and others.

He was not surprised by the behavior of King Baiwu and others blocking the door.

Before entering the Taiyi Secret Store, he played a lot with King Baiwu and others. Naturally, King Baiwu and others would not let it go.

Of course, Qin Yi didn't care too much about King Baiwu and others.

With Wen Zhong's strength, as long as he didn't fall into the trap set by King Baiwu and the others, he might not fall into a disadvantage when facing King Baiwu and others.

Or, if the King Baiwu and others did not carry the Heavenly Venerable Device or the original Qi of the Celestial Device, Wen Zhong would have no problem suppressing the King Baiwu and others.

No matter how bad, he can take Qin Yi away calmly.

Before this, Qin Yi wanted to get the essence of innate chaos, and he didn't want to entangle too much with King Baiwu and others.

But now, Taiyi was hiding things secretly, just free to deal with King Baiwu and others.

If you want to take action against me, naturally you have to be prepared to endure the wrath of my thunder!

Before entering the Taiyi Secret Store, Qin Yi and the others were not afraid of King Baiwu and others, let alone now.

‘Your Majesty, there are Da Luo Jinxian lurking around, and there seem to be two Da Luo Jinxian peeping in the dark. ’

At this time, Jumangzu Wu suddenly transmitted his voice.

"Two big Luo Jinxians?!"

Qin Yi's eyes condensed, and a flash of astonishment flashed across his face.

How does Xuxian Tianzun exist?

Looking at the five great realms, it stands on the top of the heavens and overlooks the stalwart existence of the red dust of the ten thousand realms.

If any Void Immortal Heavenly Sovereign is angry, it is enough to set off a earth-shattering storm in the five great realms.

With Qin Yi's current strength, he would be counted as a clone of the Heavenly Dao, and he would not underestimate any Void Immortal Heavenly Sovereign.

Not to mention, the two virtual gods appeared at the same time.

"Don't worry about the emperor, these two great Luo Jinxians did not descend from their real bodies, but were clones of divine thoughts."

Jumangzu's witch eyes are faint, and if endless chaos is reflected in it, it seems to take all the scenes in the depths of the void into his eyes:

"It's just that these two great Luo Jinxians actually come, I am not afraid."

Between the words, there was a touch of disdain.

If the real bodies of these two great Luo Jinxian descended, it would also allow him to ignite a bit of fighting spirit.

However, the two divine mind clones of the Great Luo Jinxian are just two, which can be suppressed at will.

It was their dialogue at this moment that was all caught in the ears of the Jumang Zu witch, but the two great Luo Jinxians knew nothing.

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