Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4086: Chengdan Thunder Tribulation

Without the name of the Emperor Dynasty, it can be said that it is the most famous force in the five realms in this era.

Even the powers of the various gods, immortal races, extreme gods, etc. were once suppressed by the immortal dynasty.

After all, the Buluo Di Dynasty had defeated the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty several times.

Even if the town is sealed off by the avenue, it will make Buluodi Dynasty famous in the five realms.

Not long ago, there was news that there was an immortal celestial being in charge of the Emperor's Dynasty, and even the immortal celestial beings such as the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths were defeated by this imaginary immortal celestial being.

Even the Taoist Cang Yi who came to him personally was suppressed by the Immortal Heavenly Venerate who was behind the Buluo Emperor Dynasty.

This news shocked everyone who got the news, including many virtual immortals, and those in charge of various forces.

Among them, there are also Dan clan elders.

Although the Buluo Dynasty was still an imperial Dynasty in name, it had already become the gods of the gods at the moment when the news was spread.

The Buluo Dynasty has not been promoted yet, but in the eyes of many forces, the Buluo Dynasty is the gods of the gods.

With Xuxian Tianzun in charge, not the gods of the gods, what is it?

That is to say, Qin Yi, the emperor who does not fall, is not just an emperor, but the master of a divine dynasty.

Although it is only the lord of the Divine Dynasty in name, it is enough to attract the attention of all parties.

In fact, with Qin Yi's status, when he came to the Dan clan, the Dan clan should show their strength and lined up to greet him to show their importance to Qin Yi.

However, the internal stability of the Dan clan was unstable, and the chief elder of the Dan clan did not want to reveal Qin Yi's identity, nor did he want to reveal Qin Changsheng's identity.

Therefore, this encounter was avoided, and even He never greeted him in front of Lihe City.

After all, his identity is special. If he goes out to greet him, it will surely disturb the rest of the Dan clan, and Qin Changsheng's identity cannot be hidden.

"The emperor of the Buluo Dynasty... If this emperor really inherits the inheritance of Dan Zun, in the future, the Dan family will inevitably become the vassals of the Buluo Dynasty."

The Dan clan chief elder was like a mirror, and he could see very clearly the result of letting Qin Changsheng inherit the Dan Zun inheritance.

"But, if you don't do this, the danger of the annihilation of the Dan family is imminent."

The Dan clan chief elder sighed in his heart.

The Dan clan fought infighting, and even the luck of the Dan clan continued to decline. Outside, there was also the Tianhe Sword Sect, who wanted to annex the Dan clan.

If the Dan clan cannot be revived, the Dan clan will be in danger.

Moreover, in the eyes of the Dan clan chief elder, letting Qin Changsheng inherit the Dan Zun inheritance is actually a good choice.

Although Qin Changsheng is not Qin Yi's direct son, but he is also the son of the unfallen emperor, Qin Yi's adopted son.

If Qin Changsheng became the master of the Dan clan and took charge of the entire Dan clan, he would inevitably become a vassal of the Buludi Dynasty.

But it also avoids the danger of the Dan clan being annexed, and the inheritance can be preserved.

After all, it is impossible for Qin Yi to embarrass his own emperor, and he must deprive him of the power attached to his own emperor.


At this point, the Dan clan chief elder cut off the distracting thoughts in his heart, and the thoughts in his heart became more and more firm.

"The Emperor..."

The Dan clan chief elder looked at Qin Yi and was about to say something when suddenly, his expression changed and he raised his eyes to look outside the hall.

Qin Yi and others also seemed to be aware of it and looked out of the hall.


Above the sky, a terrifying air force is spreading, filling the sky and the earth.

As if a terrifying will came and swept across the universe, the hearts of the entire Lihe City creatures suddenly cast a shadow, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

"This is thunder tribulation? Chengdan thunder tribulation!"

The Dan clan's chief elder's eyes narrowed, and his face showed surprise.

The Dan family was born from medicinal pills. It can be said that the Dan family cannot reproduce like the human race, the kylin race and other races.

For the strong Dan people, there is only one way to reproduce offspring.

That is to extract the essence and blood of one's own body, supplemented with many magical medicines, and refine the medicinal pills. As long as the pill is completed, and after passing through the pill thunder tribulation, a new medicinal pill creature can be born.

And this new elixir creature is the descendant of this elixir powerhouse.

Of course, this method is not an easy task for the strong Dan people.

The essence and blood of one's own body is very important to the strong Dan clan, even if a drop is lost, it will also affect the strong Dan clan itself.

If the blood essence is lost too much, it will even affect the foundation of the strong Dan people.

And the blood essence needed to create offspring is not small in amount, at least it would take the Dan Clan expert to spend millions of years to recover.

The higher the cultivation base, the more time required.

Judging from the power of the Chengdan Thunder Tribulation, it is at least the high-level Emperor Dan's Chengdan Thunder Tribulation, which means that this Dan Clan powerhouse who wants to derive offspring is at least above the seventh realm.


No need for the Dan clan elders to guess any more, they saw a figure rising into the sky from inside Lihe City.

The figure's long hair is loose, dressed in white, elegant and elegant, but the temples are a little gray, and a half-height furnace is still in his hand.

"Second Elder."

The moment he saw the figure, the look of the Dan clan's chief elder changed slightly.

The face of the second elder of the Dan clan was a little pale, and he glanced at the eyes of the first elder of the Dan clan, but he quickly retracted his gaze and looked at the furnace in his hand, his eyes were firm.


The second elder of the Dan clan shook slightly, and the cauldron in his hand flew out.


Then, the second elder of the Dan clan played a series of pills, and formations continued to emerge from the void, spewing red-blue flames, like a head of fire dragon, wrapping the cauldron.

"Myriad spirits are red and empty fire."

The Dan clan chief elder looked surprised.

The Wanling Chixu Fire is a kind of divine fire bred by the heavens and the earth. It is extremely powerful. Even the giants of the heavens above the seventh realm dare not touch it at will. If it is contaminated with a little bit, it is likely to be seriously injured.

However, the Wanling Red Void Fire is generally not used for fighting, but for alchemy. It can be said that it is one of the top divine fires most suitable for alchemy in the five realms.

Refining alchemy with Wanling Scarlet Fire will not only greatly increase the rate of alchemy, but the rank of the alchemy will far exceed the same rank.

This Wanling Chixuhuo was the second elder of the Dan clan, and it was acquired by chance twenty epochs ago.

It's a pity that the second elder of the Dan clan only got a wisp of Myriad Spirits Scarlet Illusory Fire, which he treasured for twenty epochs, and tried all means to strengthen Myriad Spirits Scarlet Illusory Fire, but failed.

In other words, this Myriad Spirit Scarlet Fire can only be used once.

After one time, all spirits will be exhausted, and the second elder of the Dan clan is unwilling to use it at will, and has always treasured it, but this time he is willing to take it out.

If you count the blood essence lost by the second elder of the Dan family, the price paid by the second elder of the Dan family for alchemy this time is not too big.

"Second elder, why are you doing this?"

The Dan clan chief elder frowned, with a sad look on his face.

How could he not understand the purpose of the second elder of the Dan clan?

It's not just for the inheritance of the Dan Zun, no one in the Dan family is qualified to inherit the Dan Zun heritage, then I will create a clan who can inherit the Dan Zun heritage!

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