Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4099: Dan surrendered

Heavenly Venerate.

An ancient and incomparably mysterious Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate from the Five Realms.

This Tianzun rarely has a record of shooting, and even many virtual immortals don't know much about him, only know that he is good at deduction.

Tianji Daozun not only acts mysteriously, but his identity is also very mysterious.

It is said that when Tianji Taoist first appeared in the five realms, he had the cultivation base of the peak of the quasi-celestial realm, and he was only half a step away from the immortal Tianzun.

Then, within an epoch, Tianji Daozun swept away many powerhouses who practiced and deduced one another, quickly proving the Dao Xuxian Tianzun.

After that, Tianji Dao Zun disappeared without a trace.

As a deduction, it is too simple to hide the traces of his own body so that others cannot find his own body.

Deduce together, seek good luck and avoid evil.

As long as Tianji Taoist does not take the initiative to appear, even Tianzun, who is also a virtual fairyland, may not be able to find where he is.

For countless years, although there have been rumors that Tianji Dao Zun appeared from time to time and pointed out the five realms of Tianjiao, but in these rumors, Tianji Dao Zun took the initiative to appear, and no one has taken the initiative to find Tianji Dao Zun.

It stands to reason that with the means of Heavenly Secret Daoist, as long as you don't kill yourself, you can provoke the existence of only a few peaks of the virtual fairyland in the five realms.

Even if several Void Immortal Heavenly Venerates take the initiative to calculate Heavenly Secret Dao Venerable, Heavenly Secret Dao Venerable can rely on deductions and turn misfortune into good fortune.

It can be said that in terms of life-saving means, Tianji Dao is honored as the second, and no one dares to be the first.

How could such an existence have a life-and-death crisis?

Moreover, Qin Yi, an ant who has not yet proved the Taoist Heavenly Venerate, needs to be rescued?

Just kidding!

"The reason why Tianji Dao Zun was injured is related to me and the emperor."

Lihe Danzun also understood Qin Yi's doubts and smiled bitterly.

"It's about me?"

However, upon hearing the words of Dan Zun Lihe, Qin Yi felt even more puzzled.

He had never seen Taoist Tianji, let alone dealt with Taoist Tianji. How could the injury of Taoist Tianji be related to him.

"This matter has to start with my request for Heavenly Secret Dao Zun to deduce the fate of the Dan clan..."

Daozun Lihe's voice was faint, and he slowly explained the reason to Qin Yi.

With the narration of Lihe Danzun, Qin Yi also understood the cause and effect.

"Tianji Daozun used a deduction to spy on the future of the Dan Clan, but accidentally spied on Fuluo, and was hurt by an existence who did not fall, spanning the long river of time?"

Qin Yi looked weird and wanted to laugh.

As mentioned in the previous article, Tianji Daozun's life-saving means are extremely strong. As long as Tianji Daozun does not die, there is no life worry.

But if Tian Ji Dao Zun chose to die, it would be different.

Qin Yi doesn't know how powerful the future Buluo Dynasty will be, but as time goes by, the Buluo Dynasty will only get stronger and stronger.

Not to mention other things, with Qin Yi's continuous recruitment, there will be more and more powerhouses who do not fall into the emperor's dynasty, and there are many peaks in the imaginary fairyland, and even the existence of the Nine Heavens True Immortals.

Even, there will be strong people who are good at deduction.

In the great world of the Great Desolation, the Great World of Fengshen, and many other great worlds, there are not a few great supernatural powers who are good at deduction.

In other words, most of the powerhouses in the Immortal Dao cultivation system will deduce the secrets, but it is just the difference between good and bad.

It is reasonable for Tianji Daozun to deduce a way to spy on the Emperor who did not fall, and was found and injured by a strong man who did not fall.

In this way, everything makes sense.

There is also an explanation for why Lihe Danzun is so respectful to him and why he asks him to rescue Tianji Daozun.


Lihe Danzun smiled bitterly, feeling quite guilty for Tianji Daozun.

If he hadn't asked Tianji Daozun to take action, how could Tianji Daozun be injured, and it is even more impossible that he has not recovered from his injuries until now.

According to his original agreement with Taoist Tianji, if Taoist Tianji recovers, he will come to the Dan family in person to help him maintain the existence of the remnant soul, and protect the Dan family by the way.

However, after so long, the Taoist Tianji still did not come to the Dan Clan, which means that the injury of the Taoist Tianji has not recovered.

Now that thousands of epochs have passed since Tianji Daozun was injured, Tianji Daozun still has not recovered from his injuries. It is conceivable that Tianji Daozun was injured at the beginning.

If he hadn't sensed the origin of the deduced Dao, and was still occupied by that familiar figure, I'm afraid he would have thought that Heavenly Secret Dao Zun had fallen.

But I am afraid that the situation of Tianji Daozun is not much better.

Only then did Lihe Danzun open his mouth, asking Qin Yi to rescue Tianji Daozun.

Qin Yi is the emperor who does not fall, and has the ability to order the strong man who seriously injured Tianji Dao Zun. As long as Qin Yi speaks, Tianji Dao Zun may be able to avoid a problem.

"Ding, the system task has been sent, please pay attention to the host."

Without waiting for Qin Yi to answer, the system prompt sounded in Qin Yi's mind at the right time.

"Mission: Conquer Tianji Daozun: Difficult-level mission;

Explanation: Countless years ago, Taoist Tianji was injured because of his constant spying. Thousands of epochs of torture have made Taoist Tianji feel remorse.

The host should open up to the Internet, find Tianji Daozun, and bring it under his command;

Reward: 30 billion Kill Points. "

"Three billion killing points?"

Qin Yi's eyes lit up, this time the system reward is not bad.

Moreover, these 30 billion killing points are basically equivalent to giving away, as long as Qin Yi can recruit the strong man who seriously injured Tianji Dao Zun.

He will let this strong man take action again to restore the injury for the Taoist Tianji, and the probability of subduing the Taoist Tianji is basically 80-90%.

Of course, if Tian Ji Dao Zun is unwilling, Qin Yi can't help Tian Ji Dao Zun.

After all, if Tianji Dao Zun is unwilling to submit to the Buluo Emperor Dynasty, it may mean that Tianji Dao Zun has a grudge against the Buluo Emperor Dynasty.

Qin Yi naturally did not allow a Heavenly Venerate who held a grudge against the Buluo Emperor Dynasty to continue to exist.

However, if you want to come to Tianji Daozun, you will make a wise choice.

"Since Dan Zun opened his mouth, I should go down."

Qin Yi opened his mouth and responded to the request of Dao Zun Xia Tianji.

"Thank you, Lord."

Lihe Danzun was overjoyed, and immediately thanked Qin Yi: "I have nothing to repay the emperor's righteousness, if the Changsheng Emperor does not dislike it, the Wudan people are willing to take the Changsheng Emperor as the mainstay and serve the Changsheng Emperor. "


Qin Changsheng, who was beside him, was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Qin Yi, saw Qin Yi nod his head, and then opened his mouth.


Hearing this, Lihe Dan Zun's expression was straight, his mind moved, and a thought floated out from the Dan Zun trial tower and fell into the hearts of the Dan clan elders and others.

"Abide by the decree of Dan Zun!"

The Dan clan chief elder and others immediately kowtowed to the ground and shouted:

"We Dan clan creatures, I would like to respect the Emperor Changsheng as the main, and serve the Emperor Changsheng as a dog and horse. If you violate it, the body will perish, the soul will be burned, the body and spirit will be destroyed, and the heavens will learn from it!"

The Dan tribe surrenders!

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