Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4109: Broken Celestial Artifact

"Is it a good thing for the Dan tribe to surrender to the Tianhe Sword Sect?"

Lihe Danzun laughed in anger.

The Tianhe Sword Sect is only one of the first-class forces. There is no imaginary immortal weapon to suppress the background, and there is no imaginary immortal Tianzun to protect it. What qualifications are there for the Dan tribe to surrender?

Moreover, the Tianhe Sword Sect nominally wanted the Dan tribe to surrender, but it wanted to annex the Dan tribe and covet the many alchemists of the Dan tribe.

Even the Dan people themselves!

This kind of thing, Lihe Danzun has seen too many similar things.

Some elixir creatures took refuge in certain forces, and their original intention was to obtain the protection of this force, but the results were miserable one by one.

All of them are used as tools by these forces. After all the value is squeezed, even themselves are refined into medicinal pills and become the resources for the promotion of others.

The purpose of the Tianhe Sword Sect must be the same.


Danzun Lihe's eyes sank, and he stopped speaking. The yin and yang wheel moved with a bang, pressing towards Jianzun Chiyue and others.

"Pill Venerable, why are you so stubborn? Since this is the case, this elder can only kill Dan Venerable."

Sword Master Chiyue shook his head and sighed, flipping his hand, and a bronze long sword appeared in his hand.


At the moment when the bronze long sword appeared, countless sword lights seemed to burst out, tearing apart the sky of all ages, and falling down hundreds of millions of green radiance.

There are cracks all over this bronze long sword, full of mottled traces of time, with an aura from the ancient wilderness, it seems to be completely broken at any time.

But no matter who it is, no one will think that this is a useless divine sword.

As long as you look at it, you can feel the terrifying edge bursting from the bronze long sword, as if it can cut off everything.


A sword sounded, as if hundreds of millions of gods and demons wailed in unison.

The extreme sharpness fills the nine-day universe, making people feel chilled.

"Heavenly Venerable Artifact? No, this is a Heavenly Venerate Artifact that has lost its spirit."

As soon as this long bronze sword appeared, many of the strong people in the room were all shocked, even Qin Yi was no exception, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

The bronze long sword in the hands of Sword Master Chiyue is a Heavenly Venerate weapon, but a broken Heavenly Venerate weapon.

The spirit of the tool has been lost, and it is no longer at its peak.

"Tianhe Sword Sect actually has a broken Heavenly Venerate Artifact?"

Qin Yi's eyes moved, and he became interested.

Although this is a broken Heavenly Venerate Artifact, and even the Spirit of the Artifact has been confirmed, the essence of its Heavenly Venerate Artifact is still there and has not changed.

Its full-strength awakening, although not as good as the Celestial Venerable Artifact, is also better than most Quasi Celestial Venerable Artifacts.

After all, the essence of this bronze long sword is there, just like the remnant soul of Lihe Danzun, its combat power is even higher than that of the powerhouse at the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm.

More importantly, this is a sword, a sword with the essence of Heavenly Venerate.

You must know that Qin Yi holds the Emperor Dragon Sword, and under the nourishment of the emperor's fortune, the essence of the Emperor Dragon Sword has been continuously improved.

But after so long, the Emperor Dragon Sword has not been promoted to the Heavenly Venerable Tool, and now it has just been promoted to the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Tool.

The Emperor Dragon Sword is still a few chips away from being promoted to Heavenly Venerate, even if it is nourished by the luck of the entire Emperor Dynasty.

According to Qin Yi's estimation, it would take at least tens of thousands of years for the Emperor Dragon Sword to be promoted to the level of the Heavenly Venerate.

But if this bronze long sword can be swallowed, the promotion time of the Emperor Dragon Sword may be greatly shortened.

How can this not interest Qin Yi?

After all, there are not many famous swords in the five realms that are at the level of Heavenly Venerate.

Except for swords with masters, there are very few.

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