Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4121: The Surprise of the Powerhouses in the Five Realms

The appearance of a virtual immortal, not to mention changing the pattern of the entire five realms, but it will definitely shake the existing pattern of the five realms.

The appearance of a Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate means the appearance of a **** dynasty, an ancient holy land, or an immortal race.

And once the powerhouse of Tianpu Continent proves the Taoist Void Immortal Celestial Venerable, it means that he will not fall into the Emperor Dynasty to have Xu Immortal Celestial Venerable in charge, and then he will be promoted to the All-Heavenly Divine Dynasty.

At that time, how can they be the gods of the gods, and how can the gods of ten thousand dare to easily take action against the gods?

"The Unfallen Emperor Dynasty has such a background, no wonder it is not afraid of the Ten Thousand Taoist Dynasty."

A flash of enlightenment flashed in Dongqing Daojun's eyes, and finally understood why Buluodi Dynasty dared to oppose Wandao Divine Dynasty.

There is such a strong man who is about to prove the Dao Xianxian Tianzun, plus the Tianzun weapon that does not fall into the emperor's court, naturally there is no need to be too afraid of the Wandao God's Dynasty.

"However, proving the Dao Xunxian Tianzun is not a simple matter."

Dongqing Daojun looked in the direction of Tianpu Continent and thought so.

The Three Tribulations of Heavenly Venerate, Thunder Tribulation, Heart Demon Tribulation, and Human Tribulation, each one is more difficult to overcome than another.

A little careless, you may fall under the Heavenly Venerate Three Tribulations.

In the history of countless years of the five realms, I don't know how many amazing quasi-Tianzun powerhouses have fallen under the three tribulations of Tianzun.

Among them, there are many quasi-tianzun peak realm powerhouses.

Although this strong man who does not fall into the emperor's dynasty is qualified to knock on the door of Tianzun, he may not be able to prove the Taoist Immortal Tianzun.


Just when Qin Yi and Dongqing Daojun were chatting, the first calamity of Tianzun's three tribulations, Tianzun's thunder robbery finally came.

With the Tianpu Continent as the center, the chaotic void with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles originally had nothing, but in an instant, a vast ocean suddenly appeared.

This is an ocean of countless thunders!


One after another thunder pierced the void, as if the roar of God, the roar of the avenue, made people terrified.

The Five Elements Divine Thunder, Yuan Magnetic Divine Thunder... These powerful divine thunders that are enough to kill the seventh realm emperor are just the most inconspicuous ones in the thunder ocean.


A pitch-black divine thunder pierced through the void, annihilating everything in the chaos, leaving a terrifying black mark.

This is Hunyuan Promise Divine Thunder!

It only takes one wisp to seriously injure the divine thunder of a quasi-tianzun powerhouse.


The terrifying will fills the void of hundreds of millions of miles, and the Fangfang world near the Tianpu Continent is affected. Countless creatures are crawling on the ground, daring to make a sound, just feel as if the end is coming.

Only some strong people who are far away and whose cultivation base is above the seventh realm can barely stand.

"What happened?"

"The Great Dao fluctuates and thunders down, this is someone knocking on the door of the Heavenly Venerate, wanting to prove the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate!"

"Someone wants to break through Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate?"

A strong man was horrified and exclaimed.

Without any hesitation, the powerhouses who still have the ability to act have left here one after another, unwilling to stay in place.

How far can you go, how far you can run!


At the same time, the fluctuations of the avenue spread out along the avenues of the heavens, and I don't know how many powerhouses were disturbed.

Countless powerhouses turned their attention to Tianpu Continent, wanting to find out what happened.

"In this era, someone knocked on the door of Heavenly Venerate, wanting to prove the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate?"

There are strong doubts.

In the five realms, it has been a long time since no strong person knocked on the door of Tianzun, let alone a strong person who verifies the Tao and immortal Tianzun.

The last time a strong man knocked on the door of Heavenly Venerate was dozens of epochs ago.

With the increase in the number of powerhouses in the five realms, the difficulty of proving the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate has also increased.

This also resulted in no one willing to knock on the door of Heavenly Venerate and go through the impossible three tribulations of Heavenly Venerate.

After all, after a cultivator breaks through the seventh realm, he can transcend the long river of time and is no longer limited by his lifespan.

But if you knock on the door of Tianzun, there are only two results.

One survived the three tribulations of the Heavenly Venerate, proving the Dao of the Immortal Heavenly Venerate, and the other failed to transcend the calamity and fell on the spot, other than that, it was impossible.

Therefore, most quasi-Tianzun strong people will not easily knock on the door of Tianzun.

Even most of the quasi-tianzun peak powerhouses are the same, they will find various ways to improve their combat power as much as possible.

If you want to find a way to break the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, or practice powerful magical powers, in order to achieve the purpose of improving combat power.

It was only when he was unable to enter that he would knock on the door of Tianzun.

Of course, among them, there are many quasi-Heavenly Venerate powerhouses who, with their blood, thought that they could survive the three tribulations of Heavenly Venerate with their own will.

The result is, of course, self-evident.

Therefore, when the Dao fluctuations came, the powerhouses were more curious than shocked.

One after another, the strong men lowered their spiritual thoughts and observed them hidden in the void.

"This Dao fluctuation seems to come from the Dao of Death Qi. Could it be Daojun Wanku, or Daoist Xiegu knocking on the door of Tianzun, wanting to use the Dao of Death Qi to prove Dao Xianxian Tianzun?"

Some strong people guessed.

Daojun Wanku and Daoist Xiegu are the most famous quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses in the five realms who practice the Dao of Death Qi.

As early as hundreds of epochs ago, these two had broken through the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, but because they were jealous of each other and many hidden old monsters, they did not dare to knock on the door of Tianzun easily.

Could it be that one of these two can't hold back and wants to prove the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate?


The thunder was raging, and the violent power was surging, like countless stars falling.

The chaotic void in the radius of hundreds of millions of miles was submerged by the divine light, and as far as the eye could see, there were terrifying rays of thunder of various colors everywhere.

Every thunderbolt was extremely terrifying, and contained a terrifying power that was comparable to the full-strength strike of the giants of the seventh realm. In an instant, the Tianpu Continent was annihilated into nothingness.

Only a figure in a black robe remained, sitting cross-legged in the void.


A stream of yellow springs lingered around him, and the wailing of countless unjust souls floated from it, as if to compete with the roar of thunder.

Wisps of death energy permeated the air, as if it was evolving into a dead air.

At a glance, many strong people seem to see the terrifying sight of the heavens falling, the sun and the moon being shrouded in death, and everything withering away.

It was Cai Yulei.

"Who is this person?"

When they saw Cai Yulei, the eyes of many powerhouses narrowed.

This person is not the Daojun Wanku, nor the Daoist Evil Bone, or even a strong person who is well-known to everyone and cultivates the Dao of Death Qi.

"Could it be an old monster who can't stand the loneliness and wants to prove the Tao?"

Many powerhouses have speculated about Cai Yulei's identity, how vast the five realms are, and how many powerhouses have accumulated over countless years.

It is not impossible for a hidden old monster that many strong people do not know about from time to time to appear.

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