Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4134: I am the Eastern Ghost Emperor


The majestic sound of praise shook the five realms.

At this moment, as long as the cultivation base reaches the realm of saints, they can feel the fluctuations originating from the Dao.

Countless powerhouses couldn't help raising their eyes to look at Chaos, and they saw a rolling river appearing out of thin air, traversing the universe.

And at the source of the long river, you can see a boundless figure.

"Someone proves the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate!"

At this time, all living beings have a trace of enlightenment in their hearts.

Among the five realms, standing on the top of the heavens and overlooking the thousands of red dust, there is another one!

"I am the Eastern Ghost Emperor, Cai Yulei!"

Cai Yulei stood at the source of Death Qi Avenue and spoke loudly.

This voice is not high, but under the influence of the Death Qi Dao, it instantly spreads to the five realms and billions of worlds.

The avenue is its mouth and its name!

At this moment, countless creatures in the five realms were disturbed, and everyone raised their eyes to look at Chaos, only to feel that a supreme **** king was rising, and unconsciously fell to the ground.

Even the illusory Heavenly Venerate, who occupies the origin of all the avenues, was disturbed.


Cai Yulei saw different avenues emerging beside Death Qi Avenue.

The origins of some avenues are empty. This is the avenue for which no one has yet proven the Dao, and the origins of some avenues have long been standing in the shadows.

The supreme beings above the illusory fairyland seem to have lowered their eyes and looked at Cai Yulei, who had just proved the Taoist immortal.

"Eastern Ghost Emperor, Cai Yulei?"

A Tianzun muttered to himself, chanting Cai Yulei's honorary title.


There is also Tianzun coldly snorting, seemingly dissatisfied.

This dissatisfaction does not originate from other sources, but from Cai Yulei's honorary title.

There are countless powerhouses in the five realms, and according to the division of cultivation, everyone's honorary title is constantly changing.

For example, if the cultivation base breaks through the emperor realm, the emperor can be honored as the title; if the cultivation base breaks through the seventh realm of the emperor, the Taoist emperor can be regarded as the honorable title; similarly, the cultivation base breaks through the immortal god, and the goddess can be regarded as the honorable title.

These honorary titles cannot be surpassed, nor can they degrade their status.

As Cai Yulei calls himself the Eastern Ghost Emperor, he is degrading his status, and it is not only Cai Yulei's face that has been lost, but also the face of many immortals.

If Cai Yulei took a Taoist, or other normal title, a group of strong people might not care too much, but Cai Yulei took the title of the Eastern Ghost Emperor, which made some Immortal Heavenly Venerate dissatisfied all of a sudden.

You are a ghost emperor, and we are equal to you, so we are not equal to you?

If it wasn't for Cai Yulei who was in the stage of proving the Dao at the moment, I'm afraid some immortal gods couldn't help but take action and teach Cai Yulei a lesson.

A strong man knocks on the door of Heavenly Venerate, and no one else can intervene. Only the strong man who cultivates the same avenue can take action in the event of a calamity.

In addition, other powerhouses who intervene in the Great Tribulation of the Heavenly Venerate will be regarded as provocations by the Great Dao of the Heavens, and will be punished by the Heavens and Gods and killed.

After the Heavenly Venerate Three Tribulations, the Tribulation Transcendator moved the Dao and engraved his own Dao seal on the origin of the Dao, and all the three thousand Dao appeared.

At this moment, if someone shoots Cai Yulei, it will inevitably touch all the avenues.

Taking action at this time is equivalent to confronting all the Void Immortals in the five realms. Therefore, no matter how dissatisfied some Void Immortals are, they will not take action against Cai Yulei at this time.

"Praise the Eastern Ghost Emperor, Cai Yulei!"

"Praise the Eastern Ghost Emperor, Cai Yulei!"

"Praise the Eastern Ghost Emperor, Cai Yulei!"

After Cai Yulei said his honorable title, the praises in the void changed and became louder, shaking the five realms.

This kind of praise is different from the Buddhist praise. It is the gods and demons praised from the Dao, and it does not have the brainwashing power of Buddhist praise to convert people to Buddhism.

Even some amazing talents, if they can hear this kind of praise, they may be able to fall into an epiphany.


At the same time, the small flowers fell, and the golden lotus flowers gushed out from the ground, and the purple energy traversed hundreds of millions of miles.

Various visions spread out, as if congratulating Cai Yulei.

When the emperor proves the Dao, the avenues of the heavens will evolve countless visions, and congratulate them, not to mention, there are people who prove the Dao, the Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

The vast and vast vision fluctuations swept the entire five realms.

Cai Yulei stood on the source of the Death Qi Dao, and his whole body burst into a dazzling splendor, giving people a feeling of being even more stalwart than the five realms.

Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, done!

"Have you really succeeded in proving the Dao?"

Dongqing Daojun looked at the scene in front of him, and he was amazed.

He thought that Cai Yulei had chosen the place of preaching so hastily, and knocked on the door of Heavenly Venerate without any preparations, and there was a high probability that the preaching would fail, and he would end up dying.

As a result, with the passage of time, Cai Yulei showed his jaw-dropping strength, and Cai Yulei actually broke the shackles of the quasi-tianzun realm peak.

No wonder, Cai Yulei dared to knock on the door of Heavenly Venerate without making any preparations.

It can be said that Cai Yulei survived the Great Tribulation of Heavenly Venerate several times easier than he once survived the Thunder Tribulation of the Emperor.

"This Heavenly Venerate catastrophe is far easier than I imagined."

Qin Yi smiled lightly, not having any surprises about Cai Yulei's success in proving the Dao Xianxian Tianzun, but was surprised at the power of Tianzun's great calamity.

In order to let Cai Yulei survive the Tianzun catastrophe, Qin Yi prepared several hole cards for Cai Yulei.

As a result, not a single trump card was used, Cai Yulei survived the great calamity of Tianzun safely and successfully proved the Taoist Immortal Tianzun.

After thinking about it, Qin Yi suddenly realized that the Thunder Tribulation of Heavenly Venerate is not too difficult, even some powerhouses who have broken through the peak of the quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm can easily pass through it. For Cai Yulei, it is not too difficult.

Needless to say, the magic knot of Tianzun's heart does not affect Cai Yulei's dao heart forged by the six paths of reincarnation.

And the most difficult human robbery was overcome by Cai Yulei.

Originally, the seven quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses, plus many quasi-tianzun realm powerhouses, ninth realm powerhouses, together, were enough to pose a fatal threat to Cai Yulei.

Although Daojun Wanku and others have a realm gap with Cai Yulei, they are the peak powerhouses of the quasi-tianzun realm.

Fortunately, from the very beginning, Cai Yulei used the momentum of thunder to kill Daoist Xiegu, and the Great Demon of Thousand Poison, which shocked Daojun Wanku and others.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy for Cai Yulei to survive the calamity.

After all, Daojun Wanku and others are just here to stop Cai Yulei from proving the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate. Although there is a dispute over the Dao, Daojun Wanku and others will eventually have scruples if they can endanger their lives.

No matter how important the avenue is, compared with life, it is still one step behind.

Daojun Wanku and others naturally know that if they join forces and use the method of fighting for their lives, they may not be able to kill Cai Yulei, but how many people can Daojun Wanku and others have left?

Who can guarantee that he will not fall?

Therefore, Daojun Wanku and others resolutely chose to give in, allowing Cai Yulei to calmly prove the Dao Xianxian Tianzun.

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