Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4138: Dragon Subduing Arhat, Venerable Kasyapa

"The reincarnation of the dragon-subduing Arhat? The reincarnation of the great disciple of the Tathagata, Venerable Kasyapa?"

Qin Yi looked at Fahai's attribute panel on the system panel, and his eyes couldn't help condensing.

Fahai is the reincarnation of Arhat Subduing the Dragon. Qin Yi was not surprised by this, but Fahai was actually the reincarnation of Venerable Kasyapa, which surprised Qin Yi.

Who is Venerable Kasyapa?

Among the Lingshan Mountains of Buddhism, it is known as the first head of the Buddha, the disciple of the Buddha who has followed the Tathagata before he attained enlightenment.

In terms of status, Venerable Kasyapa is still above Jin Chanzi.

Such a great supernatural being could actually be reincarnated as a dragon subduing Arhat, and then reincarnated as Fahai.

Even later, he will be reincarnated as Jigong.

‘Perhaps it has something to do with this samsara art? ’

Qin Yi's eyes stayed on Fahai's martial arts column, the most conspicuous one.

"Reception and Induction of Reincarnation: Quasi-Saint-level magical powers.

Explanation: Receiving and citing the supreme supernatural powers created by the Buddha has extremely high requirements on the talents of the practitioners, and the practice is also extremely difficult.

Red dust is rolling, greed, hatred, and delusional thoughts, if you can stay in the red dust, go through thousands of baptisms, harden the mind of the supreme Buddha, and unite all worlds, you can directly enter the realm of quasi-sage. "

When Qin Yi's eyes stayed on "Receiving and Inducing Reincarnation", the information of "Receiving and Inducing Reincarnation" appeared.

"Quasi-Saint-level supernatural powers, can you directly enter the Quasi-Saint realm?"

Qin Yi's expression was shocked, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

In the Immortal Dao cultivation system, the Quasi-Saint Realm is the last realm under the Saint Realm, which is equivalent to the Nine Heavens Realm in the Heavens and Myriad Realms.

That is to say, as long as he completes this "Reception and Induction of Reincarnation", Fahai will be able to enter the realm of the Nine Heavens and Immortals.

How terrifying is this?

You must know that even in the Endless Underworld, the Nine Nether Abyss, and even the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, the existences of the Nine Heavens True Immortals are all top-notch existences, and their status is equivalent to the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate in the five realms.

As long as Fahai completes this "Reception and Induction of Reincarnation", he can suddenly become a small group of the most powerful characters in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

If the powerhouses of the five realms know, even many immortals, I am afraid they will be crazy in an instant.

Even the Void Immortal Realm Peak Heavenly Venerate standing on the top of the five realms would be tempted.

However, the cultivation difficulty of this "Reception and Induction of Reincarnation" must be extremely difficult.

According to the original development, in order to practice this "Reception and Induction of Reincarnation", Venerable Kasyapa, the great disciple of the Tathagata Buddha, was first reincarnated as an Arhat, then reincarnated as Fahai, and then reincarnated as Jigong.

Of course, whether it was Fahai or Jigong, they were the first to become famous after the reincarnation of Venerable Kasyapa.

Among them, there must be unknown identities. Others do not know it, which does not mean that Venerable Kasyapa has not experienced it.

After so many lifetimes, Venerable Kasyapa has never completed the "Reception and Induction of Reincarnation", but seems to be quiet, with a momentum that is far worse than before.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to practice "Reincarnation".

You must know that Venerable Kasyapa can become the big disciple of the Tathagata Buddha to sit down and hold Jin Chanzi and others under him, his talent is beyond doubt.

When Venerable Kasyapa was at his peak in the past, his cultivation would inevitably reach above the Daluojin fairyland, and he might even touch the quasi-holy realm, which is the Nine Heavens True Wonderland.

Venerable Kasyapa is still like this, the difficulty of practicing "Reception and Induction of Reincarnation" can be seen.

"Fahai... No, Venerable Kasyapa."

Qin Yi looked at Fa Hai.

"Your Majesty, Kasyapa is not here, and now in front of you is Fahai."

Fahai put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name.

"Zen Master Fahai, how far are you from breaking through the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerable Realm, which is the Daluojin Immortal Realm?"

Qin Yi was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted.

To Fahai today, whether it is Venerable Kasyapa or Arhat, they are all just past lives of his own body.

If you can't cultivate the supreme Buddha mind and cultivate the "Reception and Induction of Reincarnation", the identity of the previous life will be like a cloud of smoke.

When He completed the "Reception and Induction of Reincarnation", all the worlds became one. At that time, He was both Fahai, Dragon Subduing Arhat, and Venerable Kasyapa. Naturally, there was no distinction of identity.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the poor monk has retrieved all the cultivation bases of the Dragon-subduing Arhat, and has already touched the threshold of the Great Luojin Wonderland.

This world is different from the mythical world of Journey to the West, with different avenues, laws, and cultivation systems. If he can practice in this world for ten years, the poor monk can break through the Daluojin fairyland. "

Fahai thought for a while, and then he said.


Qin Yi's eyes lit up, and he could break through in ten years. This speed is not unpleasant.

I don't know how many of the powerhouses in the five realms are trapped at the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm.

In countless years, hundreds, and even thousands of epochs, there are countless quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses who have not made breakthroughs.

Although there is the influence of the Three Tribulations of Heavenly Venerate, it can also be seen that it is difficult to break this shackle.

Fa Hai can break through the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerable Realm within ten years. If it is spread out and let many powerhouses in the five realms know about it, I am afraid it will cause them to burst into laughter.

But Qin Yi knew that with Fahai's character, he would definitely not lie.

In any case, this time Hu Cong summoned the opportunity to recruit Fahai, which was already a guarantee for Qin Yi.

After all, a strong man who is about to break through the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate Realm is enough to make the foundation of the Unfallen Emperor Dynasty rise again.

If Fahai breaks through the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerable Realm in the future, he will be able to add another Void Fairy Realm combat power if he does not fall into the Emperor Dynasty.

Even if the next two squires have the opportunity to summon strong squires, Qin Yi will not be at a loss.



My luck is in the sky, and I have three squire summoning opportunities. The first squire summoning opportunity is to summon a powerful squire such as Fahai.

This means that the next two squires summoning chances must not be bad, or even better.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for recruiting the Jinghe Dragon King."

The result of the second squire summoning opportunity was like pouring cold water on Qin Yi's face.

Wake up, stop daydreaming.

Qin Yi's smile suddenly froze on his face, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This Jinghe Dragon King is one of the unfortunate people in the mythical world of Journey to the West, and it can even be said to be the most unfortunate Dragon King.

As the Dragon King of the Jinghe River, he is in charge of the Jinghe River's water veins, and he is the righteous **** enshrined by the Heavenly Court.

As a result, the Jinghe Dragon King was calculated by the mortal monks, rammed the human king, and finally was beheaded by the mortal ministers, and ended up dying.

It can be said that it has lost the face of the dragon family and the heavenly court.

Although there are calculations from various parties, the Jinghe Dragon King himself is also unwise, otherwise, as a member of the dragon clan and the righteous **** of the heaven, how could he end up in a dead end?

The most crucial point is that the strength of the Jinghe Dragon King is not strong.

Even a mortal monk who has not become an immortal can count on him, how can the strength of the Jinghe Dragon King be so strong?

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