Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4189: Bull Demon Takes Action


Miao Dao Sanren slammed the air with a palm, trying to stop Sun Wukong.

However, Sun Wukong just glanced at it, without any intention of resisting, he went to the depths of the eastern boundary on his own, letting the power of the Miaodao Sanren pour down.

"Your next opponent is me!"

Just when the power of Miao Dao Sanren was about to fall on Sun Wukong, a majestic voice sounded.

An invisible force spread out, shattering the power of Miao Dao Sanren.

Miao Dao Sanren's eyes narrowed, looking at the place where the voice came from.


I saw a man with a tall body, horns on his head, and muscles all over his body, like endless mountains stacked up, stepping forward.

In every move, it seems that there is a supreme force pouring out, shaking the chaotic universe.

Before the man could make a move, there was a sense of oppression rushing towards him, causing Miao Dao Sanren to turn his attention away from Sun Wukong and fall on the man.

"The Bull Demon King!"

Miao Dao Sanren's expression changed, and he recognized the man's identity.

He has some understanding of the many powerhouses who did not fall into the imperial dynasty, the Jiuhun Divine Sect, or in other words, many first-level forces of the gods of the gods.

Apart from Jumang Zuwu and Cai Yulei, the most famous powerhouses in the Buluo Dynasty were Jin Chanzi and several other quasi-celestial powerhouses.

In addition, there are several giants of the heavens such as Sun Wukong, and the Bull Demon King is one of them.

Even the many ancient giants who surrendered to the emperor's dynasty are not as famous as Monkey King and others, because Monkey King and others are good at fighting across borders, and even well-deserved evildoers.

Sun Wukong has shown his strength, and even Miao Dao Sanren failed to suppress Sun Wukong.

Although there is the suppression of the Great Dao's town, Sun Wukong still shows the combat power comparable to the power of the quasi-celestial realm, which is eye-catching.

As a powerhouse with the same name as Sun Wukong, the Bull Demon King may also have the strength not inferior to Sun Wukong.


Just thinking about it, the Bull Demon King took a step forward, and endless blue-black blood burst out from his body, spreading out in all directions.

In just an instant, the chaotic void in the radius of hundreds of millions of miles was soaked with blood and blood, turning into a vast blue-black.

At this moment, as long as the strong people in this area look up, they can see this vast scene and feel this mighty blood.

The powerhouses of the Myriad Dao Divine Dynasty and Jiuhun Divine Sect couldn't help but sway their minds.

What terrifying blood is this!

Even the Miao Dao Sanren couldn't help but change his face slightly, such qi and blood are no less inferior to a quasi-tianzun powerhouse who practiced body training.

Even more powerful.


The Bull Demon King's nose shook, and two hot air jets spurted out, like a long dragon whistling, shaking thousands of miles of chaotic void.


Then, it was a punch.

The power of overbearing and tyrannical to the extreme erupted in an instant, as if the immemorial mountain was overwhelmed, and it was like an endless world smashed down.

The chaotic void let out a whimper under this power, and it shattered in an instant.

The majestic power raged in the void, setting off a chaotic storm that destroyed everything, and swept away in all directions in an instant.

This punch seems to be the same as that of Miao Dao Sanren just now.


Miao Dao Sanren's expression condensed, he exhaled and opened his voice, punched again, and met the bully and majestic punch of the Bull Demon King.

If Wushang Daozu dropped the highest punch, he would not accept the suppression.

Two strong men who practiced boxing began to fight.

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