Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4194: listen carefully


In Tianhaijie, a void dimension, an unknown battle unfolded silently and ended silently.

During the whole process, there is no more than one breath in ten million.

Murong Yun, who was battling with the Emperor Tianhai, did not know that his senior sister, Dong Bing, whom he regarded as his greatest support, had already been beheaded.


Lu Dongbin raised his hand and put away Dong Bing's avatar's corpse, without any emotion on his face.

For today's Lu Dongbin, after five hundred years of cultivation, he has already broken through the peak of the seventh realm, and he is not far from the eighth realm, so killing Dong Bing's clone is naturally no problem.

Even if Dong Bing was really in person, he could kill him with a single sword.

Standing in the void, Lu Dongbin watched the battle between the three emperors of Tianhai. He didn't care much whether the emperor of Tianhai won or Murong Yun won this battle.

In fact, if Dong Bing hadn't wanted to intervene in the battle between the three of the Heavenly Sea Emperors, Lu Dongbin would not have intervened.

In any case, Murong Yun was a living being in the Eastern Boundary, and his fight with the Emperor of the Sea of ​​Heaven could be regarded as a battle within the Eastern Boundary, and Lu Dongbin would naturally not intervene.

But if Dong Bing intervenes, it will be more than just a battle within the Eastern Border Region.

Originally, according to Lu Dongbin's thoughts, if Murong Yun won this battle, he would not take action, and would only hand over the news about Murong Yun to Ting Fengwei, and let the strong of Ting Fengwei monitor Murong Yun.

This set of ways of doing things has been upheld by many strong men who have not fallen into the imperial dynasty for hundreds of years.

After the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces blocked the Eastern Frontier, within five hundred years, the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces, in addition to fighting against the powerhouses who did not fall in the borderlands, were also constantly sending powerhouses to infiltrate into the eastern frontier.

Or the avatars of powerful people such as Wan Dao Divine Dynasty, or the creatures that originally belonged to the eastern border like Murong Yun.

It stands to reason that when Lu Dongbin and other strongmen who did not fall into the imperial dynasty encountered the strongmen sent by the Wandao dynasty and other forces, they should have shot directly and killed them on the spot.

In the beginning, Lu Dongbin and others did exactly that.

But in the face of the undercover agents constantly sent by the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces, Lu Dongbin and others understood that it was meaningless to do so.

Therefore, under the leadership of Zhang Liang, Lu Dongbin and others changed their strategy, no longer killed the powerful men sent by the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces, but turned to surveillance.

As long as the whereabouts of these powerhouses are fully controlled, it doesn't matter whether they kill each other or not.

For this point, the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and other forces also know it, but they have formed a tacit understanding with the Buluo Dynasty.

I sent undercover agents to hide in the eastern border. As for whether you can discover the undercover agents I sent, it depends on which of us is more sophisticated.

This is the idea of ​​Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces.

The ideas of the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces are not wrong, and even, it can be said to be very clever.

The eastern border is so large, a world as many as Hengsha, with billions of trillions of beings, there are always places that the emperor cannot take care of.

As long as there are undercover agents infiltrating the eastern border, it will be a victory for the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces.

However, the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces did not know that it was naturally impossible for the Emperor to choose a transformation method without fallout.

The reliance of Buluodi Dynasty came from a strong man, a strong man who was recruited by Qin Yi.

Listen carefully.

"Character: listen carefully;

Identity: The mount of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the mythical world of Journey to the West, with nine dissimilarities;

Realm: Golden Immortal Great Perfection (the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm);

Weapons: listening ears, listening horns, etc.;

Martial arts: practice Qi method with nine qi, follow the laws of heaven and earth, listen to the great, the law, monitor the heaven and earth, etc.;

Talent: S. "

During the five hundred years that the Eastern Frontier was blocked, Qin Yi also completed many system tasks issued by the system, received a lot of rewards, and got a lot of recruitment opportunities.

Taking advantage of these recruiting opportunities, Qin Yi recruited many strong people, and Listening Truth is one of them.

Listening to the truth only has the cultivation base of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, and it is not the strongest in today's Buluodi Dynasty, but listening to the truth has the ability that ordinary powerhouses do not have. He has a pair of ears that can monitor everything.

In the mythical world of Journey to the West, Listening Truth relies on this ability to monitor the Three Realms and get a panoramic view of what happens in the Three Realms.

After coming to the heavens and the worlds, the ability to listen carefully, although the heavens and the worlds are too large to monitor the entire heavens and the worlds, they can still monitor the entire eastern boundary.

Listening Truth fully mobilized the ability to monitor heaven and earth, and everything that happened in the eastern boundary and the small half of the surrounding boundary could be heard.

Moreover, the ability of listening to the truth will continue to increase with the cultivation of listening to the truth. If the listening to the truth breaks through the realm of the open mind, it may not be able to monitor the entire five realms.

Even in the end, it is not impossible to cross the boundary wall set up by the Great Dao of All Heavens and monitor the situation of the Nine Nether Abyss, the Endless Underworld, and even the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

Of course, listening to the truth is still unable to do this step, but the things that happen in the eastern border are basically hidden from the listening to the truth.

Although there are also strong people who can avoid the listening and monitoring, this does not include the strong people who are placed in by forces such as the Wandao Dynasty.

That is to say, the actions of the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and other forces in the Eastern Border Territory have been exposed in front of the Unfallen Emperor Dynasty.

This invisible war was doomed from the very beginning.

And Lu Dongbin learned about the traces of Murong Yun and Dong Bing from Di Ting's mouth, and took the initiative to take over the task and came to Tianhai Realm.

"Dong Bing is dead, so there is no need for Murong Yun to exist."

Lu Dongbin's expression changed, and he looked down at the battle below, and then smiled: "Maybe I don't need to take another shot."


The Heavenly Sea Emperor held the Heavenly Sea Saber in his hand and slashed horizontally, as if to divide the heaven, the earth, the sun and the moon, and with a single slash, he knocked Murong Yun back hundreds of miles.

Then, the Emperor of the Sea of ​​Heaven was unforgiving, and joined forces with Zhao Qiandu to kill Murong Yun again.

Murong Yun was completely suppressed by the two of them, and a wound was added to his body from time to time.

In the final analysis, Murong Yun only relied on the Sword of Ten Commandments to fight against the Heavenly Sea Emperor, but he did not really control the Sword of Ten Commandments, so he could not exert more power of the Sword of Ten Commandments.

Under such circumstances, how could Murong Yun be the opponent of the two Heavenly Sea Emperors who had the advantage of geographical location?

"Also ask Senior Sister to help me!"

At this time, Murong Yun couldn't sit still any longer and shouted loudly.

As soon as these words came out, the two of the Emperor Tianhai became tense and cautiously guarded, but to a few people's surprise, no matter how Murong Yun shouted, the senior sister in his mouth did not appear.

For a time, the two emperors of Tianhai were very angry, thinking that they had been deceived by Murong Yun, and the offensive in their hands became more and more fierce.

Then, Murong Yun, who was bewildered, was suppressed by the two emperors of Tianhai.

When Lu Dongbin in the void saw the result, he turned around and left, and the farce ended.

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