Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4213: System tasks

Tianyao Continent.

Enlightenment of the secret realm.

Qin Yi sat under the ancient tree of enlightenment, his eyes were deep, and he seemed to cross countless chaotic paths and fall into the central realm.

"This Yimu Daozun is a good luck road. I sent him to protect the Qilin family. I never thought that I would meet the real ancestor of the Qilin and escaped from the predicament, and I completed the task without taking action."

Qin Yi shook his head and laughed.

Previously, after he asked Dao Zun Yimu to go to the Qilin family, he went to the Imperial Garden to accompany Liu Yiyi and other women.

He never thought that just a few hours later, the system reminded him that the system task had been completed, which surprised Qin Yi.

The swallowing dragon bird family united with the three-headed pan mastiff family to attack the kylin family.

It stands to reason that things cannot be rejected so easily.

Even if Qin Yi also sent Jumang Zuwu to go with Daozun Yimu, it was the same.

After all, isn't the purpose of the Tiantian Longque clan's attack on the Qilin clan just to force out the forces of the Fuluodi Dynasty outside the eastern border?

That is to say, even if Dao Zun Yimu made a move, the swallowing dragon bird clan, or the ancestor of the dragon bird, would not retreat so easily.

But when the true ancestor of the unicorn appeared, this problem was easily solved.

For the Swallowing Dragon Faction and other forces, the Qilin Clan is just a tool for them to target the Emperor Dynasty.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the true ancestor of Kirin has not returned.

If the true ancestor of the unicorn returns, the unicorn clan will be an immortal race, and it will be the same level of power as the Swallowing Dragon Sparrow clan.

In this case, the Heaven-Swallowing Dragon Sparrow family would not provoke an immortal race, or a False Immortal Heavenly Venerate, just because they were targeting the Emperor Dynasty.

After all, in the face of the Emperor Dynasty, the Heaven Swallowing Dragon Sparrow Clan is already troublesome enough. If the True Ancestor of Qilin is pushed to the camp of the Unfallen Dynasty Dynasty, it will also be troublesome for the forces such as the Heaven Swallowing Dragon Sparrow Clan.

Therefore, after the true ancestor of the unicorn appeared, the ancestor of the dragon bird resigned decisively.

Dao Zun Yimu didn't make a move, and the crisis of the Qilin family was lifted.


The tasks issued by the system were also completed. It can be said that this system task is the easiest system task Qin Yi has completed over the years.

No, to be precise, it should be a system task that can be completed with such a rich quest reward, yet so simple.

Of course, it happened to be the real ancestor of the unicorn to get out of trouble, otherwise, this system task still needs some means to solve.

Even Jumang Zuwu had to take action.

In any case, the system mission has been completed this time, and the five system summoning opportunities have also been obtained.

However, Qin Yi did not intend to summon immediately, but looked at the newly released tasks of the system.

"Mission: Get the Immortal Boat of Fortune: Hell-level quest;

Explanation: The True Immortal of Fortune fell into the central realm, and its corpse, along with the corpses of the True Immortal Sun and the Buddha of Great Compassion, evolved into the Immortal Burial World.

The treasure of the True Immortal Fortune, the Immortal Fortune Boat is also left in the Immortal Burial World. The Immortal Fortune Boat is of great use to the host, and the host should get it;

Reward: 10 system summon opportunities, 50 billion killing points. "

Ten system summoning opportunities, plus 50 billion killing points, the reward of this system task is not bad.

Even, it can be said that it is the system task with the most generous task reward in history.

This is also one of the reasons why Qin Yi asked Jumang Zuwu to pass the word and let Daozun Yimu stay in the central boundary.

After its breakthrough, go to the Immortal Burial Realm with the Eternal Clone, obtain the Immortal Boat of Fortune, and complete this rewarding system task.

In addition to the reasons for the system task, Qin Yi asked Daozun Yimu to leave the central boundary, also in order not to expose Daozun Yimu's identity.

In the eyes of the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces, Yimu Daozun escaped from the Buluodi Dynasty and had a great hatred with the Buluodi Dynasty.

Although Qin Yi didn't care whether Daozun Yimu's identity was exposed, if he could, it would be better not to expose it.

If Yimu Daozun returns to the Emperor Dynasty, with his current cultivation, he may still be detected by the Lord of Ten Thousand Daos and others, so that his identity is exposed.

Even without this system task, Qin Yi would not let Dao Zun Yimu return to the Eastern Border to mind, but let him open up forces in the central realm, as another nail in the central realm for the Emperor.

However, because of system tasks, this plan can only be abandoned.

"Burning Immortal Realm."

Qin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes flickered uncertainly.

He had already heard about the largest and most terrifying forbidden place in the five realms.

According to Qin Yi's idea, even if there is no system task, he will definitely take a look at Burial Immortal Realm, but Qin Yi's initial plan was to wait until he breaks through Void Immortal Realm before leaving for Immortal Burial Realm.

However, because of this system mission, Qin Yi will go to the Immortal Burial World earlier.

Of course, it still needs to wait until Dao Zun Yimu breaks through the late stage of the virtual fairyland, and until the eternal avatar breaks through the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

In five hundred years, the eternal avatar has also made a great breakthrough. It has already broken through to the late stage of the quasi-tianzun realm. People like Sun Wukong are generally only half a step away from the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

However, unlike Sun Wukong and others, the eternal avatar did not encounter a bottleneck.

Now the eternal avatar is concentrating on cultivation and breaking through the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm. I am afraid that it will not be long before the eternal avatar can break through.

After all, compared to the deity who practiced the Emperor's Avenue, the difficulty of breaking through the eternal avatar is much less.

You must know that with the blessing of the innate chaotic essence, Qin Yi's deity was able to break through the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm in such a short period of time.

The eternal avatar does not have the blessing of innate chaotic essence, but it can catch up with the deity's cultivation speed in such a short time, because it is not difficult for the eternal avatar to break through.


The difficulty of breaking through here is not to say that you can break through at will, but that the difficulty of breaking through is lower than that of the deity who practiced the Emperor's Avenue.

According to Qin Yi's estimation, the speed of the eternal avatar's proving to the virtual fairyland may be faster than that of the deity.

However, these are all later stories.

"Next, it's another five draws."

Qin Yi immediately sank his mind, and his consciousness entered the system space again.

The system space remains unchanged, the ancient darkness enveloped the entire space, and only the system disc exudes a faint light.

"System, open the call."

Qin Yi spoke in a deep voice.


At the next moment, the system disc turns.

The many divine patterns engraved on the system disc light up one after another, bursting with dazzling divine brilliance, instantly illuminating the entire system space.


The vast silver divine radiance rose from the disk, penetrated the sun and the moon, and turned into a silver galactic river at the top of the system space.

I don't know where it starts, I don't know where it ends.

World shadows, like stars, rise and fall within them.

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