Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4241: Invincible Zhou He


One after another, the spears of the stars fell, wrapped in extreme sharpness, and shot towards a group of Chu family powerhouses.

Under the powerful star spear whose power was comparable to that of the eighth realm's top power, a group of Chu family powerhouses were slaughtered by Zhou He like ants.

In just a few breaths, hundreds of Chu family powerhouses fell.

"Elder, save me!"

"Why, Great Elder, why didn't you take action?"

"Do not!"

The Chu family's mansion was filled with grief, and a group of strong Chu family members angrily questioned the elders of the Chu family.


The elder of the Chu family did not seem to hear it, standing in the void, quietly watching the strong people of the Chu family being slaughtered.

Only the clenched fists and the slightly fluctuating breath showed the restless state of mind of the first elder of the Chu family.

"Chu Yuntian, this old guy, can really bear it!"

"Tsk tsk, even if the Chu family can survive this calamity, their vitality will be severely damaged."

"The Chu family has paid such a huge price. If they don't get this marquis-level imperial weapon in the end, the Chu family will be miserable."

The Tianqing City powerhouse on the side, naturally also saw the plan of the Chu family's first elder, and sneered.

How could they easily give the titled imperial weapon in Zhou He's hands to the elders of the Chu family, all secretly accumulating strength and waiting for an opportunity to make a move.


As time passed, the elder Chu family's expression became more and more gloomy, and he suddenly let out a cold drink.

At this time, most of the Chu family's strong people had been slaughtered, and Zhou He's breath still did not mean to decline, the Chu family's first elder finally couldn't sit still.

Although he had the idea of ​​letting the strong Chu family consume Zhou He's power, if the loss of the strong Chu family was too great, it would be a hassle for him to rebuild the Chu family in the future.

"Enough? How can I do it? The Chu family slaughtered all my Zhou family members. If I can't slaughter the Chu family, I will be a son of man!"

Zhou He's eyes were red, and his murderous intent filled his heart.

At this time, how could he stop?

How could he stop without slaughtering the entire Chu family?

You know, just a few hours ago, the strong people of the Chu family slaughtered the entire Zhou family like this, no matter how the Zhou family begged for mercy, they did not stop.

With a word from the Chu family elder, he wanted him to stop, how could there be such a simple thing!


Under Zhou He's control, the spears of the stars shot towards the Chu family's first elder, and the terrifying edge ripped apart the empty universe, pointing directly at the center of the Chu family's first elder's eyebrows.


The first elder of the Chu family snorted coldly, and a giant bell rose up from the endless divine light, dropping hundreds of millions of divine rays of light.

The giant bell trembled and suddenly became bigger, enveloping the Chu family elders.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The star gun fell and hit the giant bell, making a huge roar, trembling, as if it could be broken at any time.

But the giant bell firmly isolated the star gun, and failed to hurt the elders of the Chu family in the slightest.

This giant bell is the most powerful imperial weapon of the Chu family, a top-level imperial weapon that is about to be promoted to the emperor-level imperial weapon.

It was with this imperial weapon that the Chu family was able to secure the position of the No. 1 family in Tianqing County.

However, under the continuous bombardment of the star guns, this giant clock is also crumbling, and it seems that it will shatter at any time.


The first elder of the Chu family no longer hesitated, and hurriedly activated the giant bell, making a chiming sound.

Then, a huge sound wave swept in all directions like a wave, sending many stars and guns flying upside down.

However, under Zhou He's control, the spears of the stars fell down again.

The stars are endless, the magic guns are endless!

If the countless stars and guns are pouring rain, they will drown towards the Zhou family elders.




The elders of the Chu family could only keep urging the giant bell to burst out the powerful sound waves of Chu, blocking the countless star spears that were falling.

But even so, there are many star guns breaking through the block of the sound wave, bombarding the giant bell, leaving a clear crack.

The elder Chu family didn't care about being distressed, and could only keep pushing the giant bell to resist Zhou He's attack.

"Damn it, how can this little beast be able to push this Marquis-level imperial weapon?"

The first elder of the Chu family cursed inwardly, and his expression became more and more gloomy.

Originally, according to his guess, Zhou He should soon lose his resistance and can no longer control the Chiyue Spear.

However, after such a long time, Zhou He's attack did not show any signs of decline, and he had been firmly suppressed. Even, if he hadn't burned the origin world and blessed the giant bell, I am afraid that the giant bell would have been shattered by now.

The power of the Scarlet Moon Spear is too tyrannical and contains the ultimate edge.

"What's the matter with Zhou He this time?"

"Why is an emperor of the fourth realm able to hold a title emperor for so long?"

"If it goes on like this, I'm afraid the old guy Zhou Yuntian will also be killed by Zhou He!"

A group of Tianqing City powerhouses looked at the battle in the sky and couldn't help but stunned.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for a fourth-level emperor to fully wake up a prince-level emperor. Even if it can, I am afraid that the fourth-level emperor will be recruited for the first time.

And Zhou He can not only make Chiyue Spear completely awake, but even can maintain it for such a long time, as if there is no limit.

If it weren't for Zhou He's own realm, there was really only the fourth realm, and everyone would think that Zhou He was a peak power at the peak of the eighth realm.

"Are these the handwriting of these two people?"

The eyes of the powerhouses in Tianqing City fell on Qin Yi, who had been standing in the void, quietly watching Zhou He and the powerhouses of the Chu family fight.

The series of changes on Zhou He, whether it was the Chiyue Spear or the terrifying combat power Zhou He showed at the moment, was probably inseparable from Qin Yi and the two of them.

At this time, all the powerhouses in Tianqing City were very fortunate to have the Chu family, the early bird, to test the depths of Zhou He and others for them.

Otherwise, the fate of the Chu family at this moment is the fate of the powerhouses present.

The powerhouses in Tianqing City had no intention of snatching the Scarlet Moon Spear. If nothing else, Zhou He alone was enough to sweep away all the powerhouses present.

A Fenghou-level imperial weapon that is fully awakened and capable of bursting out the Fenghou-level mighty power, and all the powerhouses present are only able to compete with it.

Not to mention, there are two powerhouses who do not know the depths.


At this moment, Zhou He's eyes suddenly brightened, and he pushed the Chiyue Spear to the extreme.

The stars all over the sky darkened silently, and countless stars fell down. If the nine-day star sea rolled down, setting off a boundless giant tide, it seemed to destroy the entire world and penetrate the entire Tianqing City.

How terrifying the power of this attack, the tyrannical force penetrated the void and drowned the entire Chu family mansion with an unstoppable force.

Zhou He is going to wipe out the strong Chu family together with the entire Chu family mansion!

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