Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4281: Dali's reaction

Great departure from the state.

Dali Imperial Court is the most prosperous and largest state among the 108 major states, the core area of ​​Dali Imperial Court.


Countless chaotic essences fell like waterfalls, and laws roared between heaven and earth, as if telling the truth of heaven and earth and expounding various mysteries.

If you live in it, you will get twice the result with half the effort when you practice.

And to say that Dali Prefecture has the most abundant spiritual energy and the largest number of strong people, it is Dali Imperial City.

In Dali Emperor City, the seventh-level powers that are difficult to see in other major states seem to be everywhere, and there are even top-level powers in the eighth realm, and even marquis-level powers in the ninth realm.

The power is like a cloud, and the strong are born in large numbers!

This is the bustling scene in Dali Emperor City.

When the powerhouses of other big states came to the Dali Imperial Court, they could not help but restrain their arrogance.

In Dali Emperor City, although Dali can be called a strong man, but that's all, only the Dali above the rank can shake a little.

And the power above the king level can only stand at the top of Dali Imperial City.

Today, the rulers of the Dali Imperial Court are Prince Dali, Prince Qingkong, Grand Master Dali, and Daojun Zhanyue, all of whom are king-level almighty.

One side of the palace, two people sitting.

One is dressed in a red golden dragon robe, embroidered with a nine-clawed golden dragon, and the elephant of the mountains and rivers of thousands of miles, although not saying a word, seems to occupy the center of the world.

Anyone who looks at it will be attracted to all eyes.

It is Prince Dali, Prince Qingkong.

The other person was wearing a green shirt, with sword brows and star eyes. There was an infinite stern look between his brows, like an unsheathed divine sword. His eyes fell, turning the entire hall into a sword domain.

It was the Grand Master Dali, Daojun Zhanyue.

These two are the top existences in the Dali Imperial Court today. If you stomp your feet at will, the entire Dali Imperial Court will be shaken.

"Master, what do you think of the new rising Tingfengwei?"

Prince Qingkong put down the information in his hand and asked.

"It's nothing to be afraid of listening to Fengwei. Although most of the powerhouses of the Divine Firmament Sect have gathered, it does not pose a threat to the imperial court at all."

Daojun Zhanyue looked calm and commented at will.

In his words, he did not take Tingfengwei to heart, even if Tingfengwei gathered most of the Divine Soaring Sect powerhouses now.

For this, Prince Kinkong also defaults.

In the eyes of the two Prince Qingkong, the only person in the Shenxiao sect worthy of their attention is the old man Shenxiao, this old-fashioned king-level almighty.

Even Chen Xuanming, who had broken through the king-level almighty mentioned in the intelligence, and Prince Qingkong just glanced at him casually.

A fallen king-level almighty is not worthy of their concern.

"Compared to Tingfeng Guard, it is the divine soldiers behind Tingfeng Guard who deserve our attention."

Daojun Zhanyue's eyes were condensed, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

As for the strength of the Divine Soldier Clan, he is very clear, but in the past, he had dealt with the strong Divine Soldier Clan, and even fought against the strong Divine Soldier Clan.

You must know that the Divine Soldier Clan has produced several peak emperor-level powers. If it weren’t for the fact that the Divine Soldier Clan had certain restrictions, they would not be able to break through the emperor-level powers.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the Dali Imperial Clan would not be able to sit still and destroy the Divine Soldier Clan.

"The Divine Soldier Clan has been hidden for a long time, but now they are suddenly born. What purpose do they have? Could it be that someone from the Divine Soldier Clan has broken through the emperor level?"

Prince Qingkong also looked solemn.

"Impossible, there is a shortage of the souls of the Divine Soldier family, and there is no possibility of breaking through the emperor-level power, unless there are creatures of the Divine Soldier family that can make up for the lack of their own origin."

Daojun Zhanyue shook his head in denial.

The lack of the source, like the injury of the Dao, is the most difficult injury for the emperor to recover.

Although the lack of the source is not like the Dao injury, it may cause the emperor to fall, but it is not a simple matter to repair the lack of the source, and it is as difficult as repairing the Dao injury.

You must know that Emperor Dali was injured by Dao and almost fell.

If it weren't for the fate of the Emperor Dali, I am afraid that the Emperor Dali would have already fallen, and for so long, the Emperor Dali's Dao injury has not been repaired. It is conceivable how difficult it is to repair the Dao injury. thing.

In the same way, it is basically impossible to repair the lack of the source.

Unless the creatures of the Divine Soldier Clan can obtain the Heavenly Venerate-level Immortal Medicine, otherwise, facing the lack of their own origin, the strong Divine Soldier Clan can only stare blankly.


How rare is a Heavenly Venerate elixir, in the entire history of the great world of creation, only one Heavenly Venerate elixir has ever been born.

And this immortal medicine was obtained by the master of the immortal court of creation, that is, the master of the great world of creation, how could the powerhouse of the Divine Soldier get a heavenly-ranked immortal medicine?

"What is the purpose of the Divine Soldier Clan being born now, and the purpose of creating Tingfengwei?"

The Crown Prince frowned.

"Perhaps to find a way to break through the emperor-level power?"

Daojun Zhanyue guessed.

He has also heard about the devotion of the powerhouses of the Divine Bing Clan to the Emperor Feng. In order to break through the Emperor Feng, several of the Divine Bing Clan's peak powers went into the devil and fell.

Now that the Shenbing Clan was born, Tingfengwei was founded, perhaps to find a way to break through the emperor-level power.

Of course, Daojun Zhanyue is not optimistic about this.

It is undeniable that there are geniuses with amazing talents and talents in the world, and they may create a way to break through the emperor-level power even if they have the injury of the original source.

If the powerhouses of the Divine Soldier Clan find this way, they will realize how to break through the emperor-level power even if the source is lacking.

But if the source is missing, even if it finally breaks through the emperor-level power, it will still be inferior to the emperor-level power with a complete source.

Can this still be considered a real Emperor-level almighty?

"Furthermore, according to the news delivered by King Beiyue, the Divine Soldier Clan has not yet been fully born, and there is only one king-level powerful person."

Daojun Zhanyue said so.

"One thing has two, a strong man of the Divine Soldier Clan is in this world, which means that when the other strong men of the Divine Soldier Clan come into the world, it will not be too far away.

We need to prepare early, we can't wait until the Divine Soldier Clan really appears before making plans. "

The Crown Prince shook his head.

"What the prince said is very true, and it should be so."

Daojun Zhanyue nodded.

"Uncle Wang, since these days, he has been chasing and killing the old man Shenxiao, and it is not a problem to drag it on like this.

If the old man Shenxiao is allowed to escape, it will also be troublesome for the imperial court. I have already summoned Uncle Wang to force the old man Shenxiao to Canglan Prefecture.

At that time, I also asked the teacher to take action and kill the old man Shenxiao together with Uncle Wang. "

Prince Qingkong pondered for a while and said to Daojun Zhanyue.

"Yes, His Royal Highness."

Daojun Zhanyue did not hesitate, and immediately agreed.

Although he and Prince Qingkong needed to guard the Dali Imperial City to guard against the great demon under the Imperial City, it would not be a big problem for him to leave for a short period of time.

What's more, Canglan State is close to Dali State, with the power of a king-level power, one can go back and forth in a single stick of incense, which is not too far away.

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