Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4286: Great Demon Appears


The endless demonic energy was raging and raging, falling down like a waterfall, covering all directions, causing countless laws to roar.

Even the sound of the Dao issued by the law seems to be corroded by the demonic energy, turning into a demonic sound, trying to lead people to fall into the demonic way.


As the demonic energy surged, a hazy figure slowly emerged.

The monstrous demonic energy is lingering, and countless laws are surrounded. If an ancient demon **** comes to this world and steps down, it will cut off the ages of eternity.

A wisp of deep magic fell from this figure, infecting the world.

The source of all demonic energy comes from this figure.

"Who dares to disturb the deity!"

The vast demonic sound roared the heavens and the earth, as if resounding through the entire time and space of the ages.

Even Qin Yi's mind was shaken for a moment, but he soon recovered.

"This great devil?"

Qin Yi looked at the figure in the sky again, frowning slightly.

The situation in the Taiyi Forbidden Land was completely different from what he expected. Not only did the Taiyi Forbidden Land not exclude this great demon, but it merged with this great demon.

In other words, the forbidden land of Taiyi has been turned into a part of this great demon, that is to say, Qin Yi and the two are in the body of this great demon at the moment.

This is completely different from what Qin Yi envisioned at the beginning.

In Qin Yi's view, the Taiyi Forbidden Land is related to the creation of a true immortal, so it will naturally target this great demon, even if it cannot suppress this great demon, it will suppress this great demon.

But now, the situation is completely different from what Qin Yi thought, this great demon actually merged with Taiyi Forbidden Land and became one body.

Moreover, from this great demon, he felt an aura that came from the same source as the fortune token and enlightenment futon.

"what's going on?"

Qin Yi frowned, a little surprised.

Could it be that this great demon has something to do with the creation of a true immortal?

If this is the case, then it makes sense for him to be able to integrate into the Taiyi Forbidden Land.

"Two ants, who dare to offend the deity, they all deserve to die!"

The ghost's eyes fell and fell on Qin Yi and the two, and an unimaginable pressure was instantly imposed on Qin Yi and the two.

With a single glance, there are hundreds of millions of pounds, enough to crush the eternity and suppress the king-level power.

However, such pressure is like a spring breeze for Qin Yi and the two of them.


Mo Ying's eyes narrowed, and at this time, he finally found that Qin Yi and the two were unusual.

At the beginning, he still thought that it was the emperor-level power of Dali Imperial Court, and luckily found a way to enter the Taiyi forbidden area, and only set foot in the Taiyi forbidden area.

Now it seems that the two people in front of them are far from being comparable to emperor-level powers.

With his cultivation realm, just a glance is enough to suppress the emperor-level almighty, which is the peak emperor-level almighty, and the same is true.

However, Qin Yi and the two regarded it as nothing, and it was conceivable that the two of them must not be simple.

"The Lord of the World born in Immortal Burial Domain is equivalent to the existence of Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate?"

The ghost suppressed the idea of ​​​​making a move, and thought about the identities of Qin Yi and the two.

In the Immortal Burial Domain, only the Lord of the World, whose power is equal to the Immortal Heavenly Venerate, has a powerful power that is not inferior to him.

"But the breath of these two people seems to be incompatible with the entire world of good fortune, no, it should be said that it is incompatible with the entire Immortal Burial Domain."

The magic shadow carefully sensed the breath of Qin Yi and the two of them, and suddenly his expression changed.

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