Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4328: The Lord of Souls Comes

Every emissary of all races who came to the Imperial Court of Shenbing was not a fool.

They couldn't see Qin Yi's strength, but seeing Zheng Longqiu and others being so respectful, they naturally wouldn't do stupid things to offend the other party.

As for the ancestor of Tianji, the messengers of all races just glanced at it and ignored it.

An intelligence organization with only two emperor-level powers sitting in the seat is not cared by the messengers of all races.

After all, the envoys of all races who can come here at this moment, the races behind them, have at least five emperor-level experts.

"Why did you come to my Divine Soldier Imperial Court?"

Qin Yi sat on the throne, lowered his eyes and asked.

The vast sound waves flowed down, shaking the void of the entire hall, shaking the minds of the messengers of all races.

"Emperor, we are here for cooperation."

Zheng Longqiu didn't mean to be around the corner, and went straight to the topic.


Qin Yi's expression remained unchanged.

"In the ancient times, the Immortal Master of Fortune led the rise of the Fairy Courtyard, wantonly oppressed my ancient tribes, forced us to sign a covenant of all tribes, and had to hide from the world.

What a humiliation this is for my all ethnic groups. In the past, the Immortal Court of Fortune did not know how many powerful people of all ethnic groups were slaughtered. Such a blood feud, we have to avenge it! "

"Now that we have the opportunity to take revenge, a great demon cholera at the level of the world's master, as long as we act in cooperation with this great demon, may not be able to subvert the fairy garden of fortune."

"At that time, we will no longer have to hide in Tibet, and we can avenge the great revenge of the ancient times."

Zheng Longqiu's voice was impassioned and contagious, and a few words made the envoys of the ten thousand races excited, and their eyes were slightly red.

"What does this have to do with my Divine Soldier Imperial Court?"

Qin Yi's voice was calm and unmoved.

As soon as these words came out, Zheng Longqiu's expression became stagnant, a little embarrassed.

The Shenbing Imperial Court was built on the basis of the Shenbing Clan and the Dali Imperial Court. In fact, neither the Shenbing Clan nor the Dali Imperial Court had much hatred with the Fortune Imperial Court.

Needless to say, the Great Li Imperial Court was originally a subordinate force of the Immortal Court of Fortune.

The Divine Soldier Clan had been hidden from the world long before the war between the ancient Wan Clan and the Good Fortune Immortal Court, and did not participate in this battle.

It is also because the Divine Soldier Clan does not have the emperor-level power, but it is a small clan. Whether it is during the war or when the Ten Thousand Clan Covenant is signed, the Divine Soldier Clan has been ignored by the ancient ten thousand clans and the Fortune Fairy Court.

Therefore, in essence, the Divine Soldier Clan does not have a **** feud with the Good Fortune Immortal Court.

"Emperor Lord, according to the division of the Immortal Court of Fortune, the Divine Soldier Clan is also one of the ancient ten thousand clans. Now that the ancient ten thousand clans are born, the great devil is in troubled times, and the Fortune Fairy Ting has not spared it.

If the good luck immortal court is freed up, the Divine Soldier clan will inevitably be liquidated by the good luck immortal court. "

After all, it was the messenger sent by the Soul Clan, and Zheng Longqiu quickly found the answer.


Hearing this, Qin Yi couldn't help falling into silence, as if thinking about Zheng Longqiu's words.

Zheng Long begged and felt slightly relieved. Qin Yi didn't directly refuse, so there was room for negotiation. In his opinion, Qin Yi was already shaken.

As he said, the Divine Soldier Clan has long been tied to the warships of the ancient tribes. Whether it is in the ancient times or now, the Divine Soldier Clan is regarded as a member of the ancient times.

If the immortal court of good fortune is liquidated in the future, the imperial court of the gods will definitely not be able to escape.

"You are very reasonable, but you are not qualified to discuss cooperation with me."

After a long silence, Qin Yi suddenly spoke.

Zheng Longqiu was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Qin Yi meant.

"Why, do you want me to invite you out?"

Qin Yi didn't explain the idea, and his eyes fell on Zheng Longqiu, but Zheng Longqiu knew very well that Qin Yi was not looking at him.

"The emperor has good eyesight, and can even see through the disguise of the deity."

Just when Zheng Longqiu and others were puzzled, a light laughter sounded, making Zheng Longqiu's heart tremble.


A ray of black divine light fell from Zheng Longqiu's body and instantly turned into a figure.

The black hair hangs down his shoulders, his eyes are like morning stars, and the laws are condensed around him, turning into amazing visions, like a **** king coming into the world.


At the moment when the figure appeared, an unimaginable force flooded the entire hall, and the mighty coercion made Zheng Longqiu and the others tremble.

But compared with the coercion that filled the hall, the identity of the figure shocked Zheng Longqiu and others.

"Meet the Soul Master!"

The first time he saw the figure, Zheng Longqiu had already bowed down, and the envoys of all races on the side also bowed their hands in salute.

This figure is the master of the soul clan, one of the three half-step world masters among the ancient tribes.

"Emperor Divine Armament, is this deity enough to cooperate with you?"

The Lord of the Soul Clan and Qin Yi looked at each other calmly, with a hint of curiosity in their eyes.

He is also a little curious about this Divine Armament Emperor. You must know that with his concealment skills, even a powerhouse of the same realm, that is, the Lord of the Half-step World, may not be able to find his trace.

However, Qin Yi found his trace, which made him not curious about Qin Yi?

"The soul master is naturally qualified to come forward."

Qin Yi smiled slightly, "I don't know the soul master, what do you want me, and the Imperial Court of Divine Weapons to do?"

"The Imperial Court of Shenbing doesn't need to do anything, it just needs to keep expanding. Our ancient tribes will support the Imperial Court of Shenbing to expand its territory."

The Lord of the Soul Clan is truthful.

"Let the Imperial Court of Divine Soldiers expand its territory?"

Qin Yi raised his brows, and instantly understood the thoughts of the Lord of the Soul Clan, or the thoughts of the ancient tribes such as the Soul Clan.

After all, the ancient tribes such as the Soul Clan signed the Ten Thousand Clan Covenant with the Immortal Court of Fortune, and they were not allowed to create the Great World with cholera. If they were born like this and occupy part of the Great World of Fortune, it should be the limit.

If the ancient tribes such as the soul clan continue to expand, it is likely to touch the covenant of all tribes.

If the ancient tribes such as the soul clan want to continue to weaken the immortal court of creation, they must change their thinking. Therefore, they are eyeing the **** soldier clan, or the ancient times like the **** soldier clan that have not signed the ten thousand clan covenant.

The Divine Soldiers have not signed the Ten Thousand Race Covenant, and naturally they will not be restricted by the Ten Thousand Race Covenant, so they can expand unrestrictedly.

As long as the Divine Armament Imperial Court continues to expand, the luck of the Fortune Immortal Court will be continuously weakened, and the purpose of weakening the Fortune Immortal Lord will be achieved.

This is the purpose of the ancient tribes such as the soul clan.

"I promise."

Qin Yi pondered for a while, and finally agreed.

The purpose of the ancient tribes such as the Soul Clan coincides with his purpose. If they can get the support of the ancient tribes such as the Soul Clan, the Imperial Court of Divine Weapons will definitely embark on a period of rapid expansion.

In the same way, it can also achieve the purpose of weakening the strength of Good Fortune Immortal Court.

"Wise choice!"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the face of the Lord of the Soul Clan.

For the ancient races such as the Soul Race, the Divine Soldier Race is the best choice among the many races that have never signed the Ten Thousand Race Covenant.

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