Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4338: Taiyi Demon Venerable shot


Clear footsteps sounded, echoing in the sky.

I saw several figures walking out of the depths of the void one after another.

These people are either skinny, or **** like dragons, or kind-hearted, but the aura of these figures is extremely terrifying,

It can be said that no one's breath is under the three of Daojun Fu Cang.

In other words, these figures are all peak emperor-level powers.


The crowd watching this battle, or the powerhouses from other imperial courts, or the powerhouses from the ancient times, couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Each of these figures is a powerful existence standing on the top of the Immortal Court of Fortune.

"Old Sanyin, Taoist Fuyun, Fairy Shenyue..."

Every time they recognize a person, the hearts of the strong men will tremble.

These powerhouses are all peak emperor-level powers, and their cultivation and status are not inferior to those of Marshal Jiu Xun and others.

As long as anyone stomps his feet, the entire world of creation will be shaken three times.

At this moment, there are four emperor-level peak powers appearing, plus the three Daojun Fu Cang, the good fortune immortal court sent seven emperor-level peak powers.

These are the seven peak emperor-level powers!

An emperor-level peak power can swept away all the forces except the soul clan and several other peak races except the fairy garden of good fortune.

Not to mention, the seven peak emperor-level powers, even a few top races such as the soul clan, cannot be opponents if the soul master and other half-step world masters do not take action.

After all, even among the top races such as the Soul Race, there are only one or two peak emperor-level powers.

In other words, if the entire ancient tribes add up, there are not necessarily seven peak emperor-level powers.

"Is this the foundation of the Immortal Court of Creation?"

Some of the powerhouses from the ancient times could not help but feel startled by the heritage of the Immortal Court, especially the powerhouses of the younger generation.

The younger generation of ancient powerhouses of all races have never experienced the baptism of war in the ancient times, and have a disapproval of the creation of the fairy garden.

Moreover, since this period of time, the Imperial Court of Divine Armament has continuously annexed the imperial courts of all parties, and all parts of the Immortal Court of Fortune have been stirred up by the Taiyi Demon Venerable, and there is a great momentum of destruction.

Under such circumstances, the younger generation of ancient powerhouses of all races naturally paid less attention to the creation of the Immortal Court.

But now, the immortal court of good fortune has revealed some of its background, and the younger generation of ancient powerhouses of all races know the horror of the immortal court of good fortune.

"Is it going to be a big battle?"

The older generation of powerhouses from the ancient ten thousand clans looked even more solemn.

The seven peak emperor-level powers, even for the Immortal Court of Fortune, are not something that can be taken out at will.

At this time, Good Fortune Immortal Court suddenly dispatched seven emperor-level peak powers, which made everyone have to suspect that Good Fortune Immortal Court was determined to pacify Good Fortune Immortal Court.

How will the Nine Sunda Corps respond?

"Daoist Floating Cloud, Fairy Shen Yue..."

After seeing these peak emperor-level powers who created the Immortal Court, Marshal Jiu Xun's face suddenly became difficult to look at.

If it were just the three Daojun Fucang, with the power of Demon Venerable Taiyi, it would not be long before Marshal Jiu Xun could defeat the three.

However, if Daoist Fuyun and others intervene, the situation will be reversed all of a sudden.

After all, the power of the Taiyi Demon Venerable is not the power that he has cultivated himself. He can't exert all the power of this power, and naturally he can't be the opponent of the seven emperor-level peak powers.


As soon as Daoist Fuyun and the others appeared, they immediately shot.

One after another astonishing torrent of power swept towards Marshal Jiuxun in an instant.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of miles of sky shook, like countless thunders exploding at the same time, and the violent power enveloped the sky, as if one after another covering the sky, the galaxy fell down.


The next moment, the torrent of fist intent from Marshal Jiu Xun collapsed directly.

Under the power of the seven emperor-level peak powers joining forces, Marshal Jiu Xun was also tired of dealing with it, even if he pushed the power of Taiyi Demon Venerable to the extreme.

Even, under the offensive of Fu Cang Daojun and others, he actually felt the danger of falling.

‘Lord Taiyi, please lend me some more power. ’

Marshal Jiuxun roared in his heart.

He has not yet avenged his two direct sons and many strong men of the Nine Sundance Sect, and he does not want to die here!

However, Demon Venerable Taiyi did not answer his intentions, nor did he lend his strength to Marshal Jiuxun again.

"Master Taiyi, you?"

Marshal Jiu Xun's expression changed, and there was a trace of unease in his heart.

However, this trace of unease did not last long, because Marshal Jiu Xun clearly sensed a vast aura that rose from behind him.


Infinite demonic energy rose into the sky, instantly covering the void of the universe, as if turning the entire world into a boundless demonic realm.

A wisp of demonic energy descended from the sky, turning into a ghostly shadow of a demon god, holding the supreme power in his hand, suppressing all directions.

The attacks of Daojun Fucang and others were immediately crushed by the wisps of demonic energy. Even Daojun Fucang and others, under the wisps of demonic energy, fell into a state of rigidity, unable to move.

Taiyi Demon Venerable is the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, and although Daojun Fu Cang and others are peak emperor-level powers, they have not been able to break through the virtual fairyland after all, and under the breath of Taiyi Demon Venerable, they have no resistance.

It's just that compared with the creatures under the Fengdi level, Fucang Daojun and others did not completely sink under the breath of Taiyi Demon Venerable.

At least, Daojun Fu Cang and others are still very conscious, and their perception of the outside world has not changed because of the breath of Taiyi Demon Venerable.

After all, Daojun Fu Cang and others are peak emperor-level powers, and their life essence can be said to be transforming towards the virtual fairyland.

Even, some of them have already completed their transformation, so under the breath of Taiyi Demon Venerable, Fucang Daojun and others can still stay awake and have not completely lost themselves.

Of course, although Daojun Fucang and the others did not lose themselves, they were completely unable to move under the aura of Taiyi Demon Venerable.

In this case, whether Fucang Daojun and others lost themselves, it made little difference.


Under the watchful eyes of Daojun Fu Cang and others, a ghostly shadow lingered with monstrous demonic energy walked out from behind Marshal Jiu Xun.

This magic shadow is surrounded by countless laws. If an ancient demon **** comes to this world, strands of deep magic will fall from this shadow, infecting the world.

The demonic energy that covers the world is derived from this demonic shadow.

"Is this the great demon who created the fairy garden with cholera?"

Seeing this ghostly shadow, many of the powerhouses present immediately became enlightened in their hearts.


This ghost is the Taiyi Demon Venerable. When Fucang Daojun and others joined forces to deal with Marshal Jiuxun, Taiyi Demon Venerable had to rescue Marshal Jiuxun.

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