Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4346: bright sun

Nine Sunda states.

The talents are of two colors, half of which are obscured by the surging demonic energy, and the other half are shrouded in the shrouded fairy light.

The two figures stood in the void, facing each other, the breaths of the two constantly colliding, tearing the void, setting off an endless wave of destruction.

Fang Fang world was born when the two breaths collided, and then quickly collapsed.

The tide ebbs and flows, the world rises and falls, only in a matter of seconds!


The Immortal Master Fortune who was confronting Taiyi Demon Venerable suddenly changed his face, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and the killing intent boiled in his heart.

He can perceive the chaos that appears in Immortal Creation. If it is only those who are strong in Immortal Creation, even though some powerhouses are not completely under the control of Immortal Creation.

However, even if these powerhouses who have fallen into the devil's way will have a certain impact on the good fortune, the impact is also within the control of the good fortune fairy master.

However, as the powerhouses from the ancient times, such as the Soul Master, took action, the situation suddenly developed in a direction that was extremely unfavorable to the Immortal Court of Creation.

In just a few breaths, there were several internal forces within the Imperial Court and the Immortal Court of Creation, who chose to leave the Immortal Court of Creation.

Moreover, as time goes by, this situation will only get worse and worse, and the forces that betray the Immortal Court of Creation will only increase.

In the eyes of these forces, loyalty to the Immortal Court of Creation is far less important than the stability of one's own body.

After all, if they do not agree to the ancient ten thousand clans, these forces may be destroyed by the powerhouses of the ancient ten thousand clans.

"Soul Lord, Spirit Lord, Angel Lord!"

There was a trace of annoyance on the face of the Immortal Master Good Fortune, and he regretted the care of himself.

Knowing that there are people from the True Immortal Sect targeting him, and he is likely to join forces with the ancient tribes, he still did not target the ancient tribes in advance, which made himself in such an embarrassing situation.

Of course, this also has something to do with him not wanting to force the ancient ten thousand races to die.

You must know that he also obtained the thoughts of the high-level ancient Wanzu from the ancient Wanzu Anzi mouth, and he also knows very well the idea of ​​the ancient Wanzu want to leave the great world of creation.

In his original plan, since the ancient tribes intended to leave the great world of creation, he would not push too hard.

After all, the soul master and other three half-step world masters also control part of the world origin of the great world. If he persecutes too much, letting the three soul masters take risks and destroy the world origin of the great world, then he will lose more than the gain. .

Therefore, from the very beginning, Immortal Master Fortune had the idea of ​​boiling frogs in warm water.

As long as he solves the problem of Taiyi Demon Venerable, the ancient tribes will leave the great world of creation, and there is no need for him to take action.

However, he did not expect that the difference in his thoughts would bring such a big trouble to himself and the creation of Immortal Court.

"It can't go on like this any longer!"

In the end, he is the master of the dynasty who has been in charge of the immortal court for countless years. He is so tenacious, he quickly regained his composure and made a decision.

As long as the Taiyi Demon Venerable can be quickly suppressed, and then the Soul Master and other ancient powerhouses of all races can be suppressed, everything can get back on track.

With the decision, Immortal Master Fortune no longer hesitated. First, he used divine sense to transmit sound, and let Daojun Fucang and others take action, leading Fucang Corps and other four major township legions to suppress the rebellion of Fortune Fairy Court.

This time, the Immortal Master of Fortune did not dare to leave his hand, and he made full use of the background of the Immortal Fortune, in order to pacify the power of the Immortal Fortune, and even the many dark sons of the ancient tribes had to use it.

At this time, the Immortal Master of Fortune couldn't care to hide these secrets. After all, if this battle was defeated, the Immortal Court of Fortune would likely be overturned.

Judging from the current momentum, the Taiyi Demon Venerable and the ancient ten thousand races are rushing to subvert the entire fairy garden of good fortune.

In this case, the Immortal Master of Fortune did not dare to keep his hands like before.

After doing this, Immortal Master Fortune's eyes fell on Taiyi Demon Venerable again, and there seemed to be countless great worlds ups and downs in the depths of his deep eyes.

"The Fist of Creation!"

The next moment, Immortal Master Fortune stepped out in one step, and then punched out.


The endless terrifying fairy light burst out, mixed with the fierce fist intent, as if the sky was overwhelmed, covering the whole world.

The Immortal Master of Fortune cultivates two cultivation systems at the same time, how terrifying the strength of his body is, it is much stronger than the ordinary Heavenly Venerate in the middle of the virtual fairyland.

At the moment when he punched, the void of hundreds of millions of miles was directly shattered by the punching intent and turned into chaos.

Countless laws, mighty spiritual energy, and the divine chain of laws are all washed away by this terrifying fist intent and annihilated into nothingness.

In the rolling fist, a stalwart figure suddenly appeared, stepping on the sea of ​​​​stars in the universe, straight into the Qingming, with an inconceivable grandeur.

This stalwart figure is like the most ancient existence in the world. If you step on the mortal king, you can suppress the eternity with a single thought!

The Immortal Lord of Fortune has ruled the Great World of Fortune for countless years, and it is not because of the immortal court of creation, but its unparalleled strength.

With its two cultivation systems, it has reached the powerful strength of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland at the same time, plus the blessing of the great world of good fortune.

The punch of the Immortal Master Good Fortune has already reached the level of the late stage of the virtual fairyland.

That is to say, the luck of the good fortune immortal court fell, and the blessing of the great world of good fortune to the **** of good fortune fell along with it. Otherwise, the power of the fist of the **** of good fortune might have to increase by a few chips.

"This punch!"

Looking at the punch from Immortal Master Fortune, Taiyi Demon Venerable couldn't help but have a ripple in his eyes, as well as a touch of fear.

If the Taiyi Demon Venerable only relies on his own strength to face this punch, I am afraid that this punch is enough to seriously injure and even suppress it on the spot.

After all, Taiyi Demon Venerable only has the cultivation base of entering the virtual fairyland for the first time. Even if he relies on the essence left by the true immortal, he only has the combat power in the early stage of the virtual fairyland.

How can I fight against the Immortal Master Creation in the late stage of the virtual fairyland?

But fortunately, he has a plug-in that the son gave him.


Taiyi Demon Venerable Spiritual Mind communicates with the treasured gods in the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, urging the ancient map of Wan Yaomang.

next moment.

Endless light and heat bloomed, instantly flooding the entire world of good fortune, and even the demonic energy emitted by the Taiyi Demon Venerable was suppressed and disappeared.

The whole world seems to have only this scorching golden splendor. At this moment, as long as the creatures who stay in the great world of creation can feel this golden splendor.

Warm and hot, majestic and domineering, like the brilliance of the sun!

Under the golden radiance, countless creatures couldn't help but dazzled, as if to sink into the golden radiance and completely lose themselves.

Only the creatures above the king level, that is, above the quasi-celestial realm, can maintain their sobriety, but they can't move half a point.

Fortunately, the golden radiance quickly converged, and the creatures in the great world of good fortune slowly woke up from the sinking.

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