Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4349: gate of creation

Deep in the void.

A huge bronze gate stands here, vast and ancient, sacred and great, free and complete, as if it had existed since the beginning of the heavens.

One after another immortal pattern is engraved on it, which contains countless mysteries and great truths.

The infinite fairy light hangs down from the bronze giant gate, suppressing the ages.

The unimaginable power fills the universe, pressing down into the sky, oppressing all the creatures who come to this void.

Any creature whose cultivation base is lower than the king-level power will be crushed into powder by the breath of the giant bronze gate the moment it arrives here.

Even if there are several emperor-level powers, it is very difficult to move in front of the bronze giant gate. Only the existence of the virtual fairyland level can maintain the freedom of movement.

Qin Yi had the protection of Dao Zun Yimu, but he was not greatly affected by this giant bronze gate.

"The Gate of Creation."

Qin Yi raised his eyes to look at this giant bronze gate, his eyes flickering.

This giant bronze gate is called the Gate of Fortune, which is left by the True Immortal Fortune, and behind the Gate of Fortune is the inheritance of True Fortune.

According to the information that Taiyi Demon Venerable told Qin Yi, the immortal boat of good fortune is within the gate of good fortune.


When Qin Yi and the two stepped into the void where the gate of creation is located, Daozun Yimu suddenly frowned, and his own momentum burst out.

A powerful force spread out, as if to seal the void.

Qin Yi's eyes flashed, his heart moved, and a ray of golden divine brilliance floated out from his eyebrows, and together with Dao Zun Yimu, completely blocked the void.

With the help of the system, Qin Yi and the two completely isolated this void from the outside world, and no creature could leave, or transmit information out of this void.

"Isn't your fellow Daoist showing up yet?"

After doing this, Daozun Otsuki took a step forward and said aloud.

As soon as the words fell, a wry smile suddenly came from the gate of creation.


Then, a ray of azure-gold divine splendor fell, forming a figure. If this figure was seen by the outside world's fortune-telling powerhouse, I am afraid that it would exclaim for the first time.

Because this figure is the Immortal Master Fortune, or a clone of the Immortal Master Fortune.

This is the inheritance place of the True Immortal Creation. How could the Immortal Creation Master be unguarded?

In addition to the many great formations outside this void, the Immortal Master Fortune also left a clone of himself on the Gate of Fortune.

If any abnormality is found, this avatar will pass the message to the deity of the Immortal Master of Fortune.

As soon as the clone of the Immortal Lord of Fortune discovered the whereabouts of Qin Yi and the two, he immediately wanted to send a message to the deity, but Qin Yi and the two teamed up to block the void, so that the Immortal Lord of Fortune could not pass the message.

"I have seen two fellow Daoists."

With a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, the Immortal Master Good Fortune bowed to Qin Yi and the two of them.

While speaking, the Immortal Master Fortune calmly looked at Qin Yi and the two. When he saw Qin Yi at first glance, he saw that Qin Yi was incompatible with the Great World of Fortune, or the Immortal Burial Domain.

In other words, Qin Yi and the two came from outside the Immortal Burial Domain.

In an instant, the Immortal Master Fortune understood that Qin Yi and Taiyi Demon Venerable were a group of people. The two parties joined forces, and Taiyi Demon Venerable supported him, and Qin Yi took the opportunity to enter the inheritance place of the True Immortal Good Fortune.

The idea is good, but unfortunately, without those three treasures as the key to open the door of good fortune, it is impossible for Qin Yi and the two to enter the inheritance place of the true fairy of good fortune.

Immortal Master Good Fortune sneered in his heart.

To open the door of creation, a total of three treasures are needed as keys.

Fortune token, enlightenment futon, and fortune ring.

According to the information learned by the Immortal Master of Fortune, the Fortune Token was taken away from the Immortal Burial Domain by a powerhouse from the five realms countless years ago.

The Enlightened Dao futon should still be in the Immortal Burial Domain, but his whereabouts are nowhere to be found.

And the ring of good fortune is in the hands of the **** of good fortune, that is to say, even if Qin Yi and the two find the token of good fortune and the enlightenment futon, they cannot open the door of good fortune.

Without the ring of good fortune, even if Qin Yi and the two have the means to reach the sky, it is impossible to open the door of good fortune.

You must know that the gate of good fortune is a true immortal tool that was cast by the true immortals, even if the gods and gods in the door of good fortune died because of the battle of the true immortals, and they are no longer at their peak.

Even the rank has fallen to the level of the Heavenly Venerate Tool, but its essence is still there. If you want to open the door of good fortune, you must either collect three treasures such as the good fortune token, or force it with great magic power.

But wanting to forcibly open the door of creation is not an easy thing.

Even the pinnacle of the virtual fairyland is not qualified to forcibly open the gate of good fortune. The door of good fortune is a true fairy weapon, even if it has fallen to the heavenly respected weapon, it is not comparable to the ordinary heavenly respected weapon.

Only the existence of the Nine Heavens True Immortal level can forcibly open the door of good fortune.

Qin Yi two, one does not even have a virtual fairyland, and the other is stronger than his deity, but he is only a late stage **** of the virtual fairyland, far less than the nine-day real fairyland.

In this case, Qin Yi and the two want to open the door of good fortune, they can only choose the first method, with the help of three treasures such as the good fortune token to open the door of good fortune.

And the ring of good fortune is in the hands of the **** of good fortune, so it is impossible for Qin Yi and the two to open the door of good fortune.

Thinking of this, Immortal Master Fortune relaxed a little, and even more worried about the situation of the deity outside.

The avatar's avatar is one body, and the Immortal Master of Creation naturally has a certain understanding of the situation of the deity.

"The Immortal Lord of Creation?"

After seeing the Immortal Lord of Fortune, Qin Yi couldn't help raising his brows. Although he was surprised, he was not surprised that the Immortal Lord of Fortune had a clone on the Gate of Fortune.

However, he just glanced at it, and then retracted his gaze.

It's just a clone, it doesn't pose much threat to him, so don't care.


Looking around, Qin Yi's attention was once again on the door of creation.


It seems that because Qin Yi's eyes touched the gate of good fortune, the whole gate of good fortune trembled, bursting with dazzling fairy light.

Qin Yi's expression moved, and he could perceive the fortune token and enlightenment futon placed in the source world by him, as if motivated by some kind of force, and also burst into radiance.

Then, strands of fairy light fell from the gate of creation, and three small holes appeared on the gate of creation.


Qin Yi saw the shapes of these three potholes at a glance.

Token, futon, ring.

In an instant, Qin Yi came to his senses, what this meant, he needed to put the things corresponding to the three potholes on it, and then he could open the door of good fortune and enter the inheritance place of the true immortal of good fortune.

"Three treasures?"

Qin Yi's eyes flashed, and the treasures corresponding to the first two potholes were clear at a glance.

The token pit corresponds to the fortune token, and the futon pit corresponds to the enlightenment futon. What treasure does this ring pit correspond to?

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