Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4486: Kunlong Tianzun preaches the Tao


Powerful fluctuations swept across the nine heavens and ten places, shook the universe, and enveloped the chaotic void for hundreds of millions of miles.

If it wasn't for a group of powerhouses who removed this chaotic world in advance, I am afraid that these worlds have now been shattered by the aftermath.

Even so, this chaos was stirred into a mess.

More than thirty quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses shot together, not to mention, there are many giants in the seventh realm, eighth realm, and ninth realm.

Even if it is changed to a Daqian world, if Daqian Tiandao does not take shelter, I am afraid that at this time, it has already been destroyed by the aftermath of many strong fights, and it has collapsed into countless fragments of the world.

Such terrifying fluctuations are no longer inferior to the two Heavenly Venerates who have just entered the virtual fairyland, and even more.

This shows how dangerous and terrifying this battlefield is.

The creatures under the seventh realm, as long as they step into it, are likely to fall here immediately, and even be shattered into nothingness by the aftermath.

Only the existence above the seventh realm, or the army that forms a large formation, can survive in this battlefield.

But even the giants of the seventh and eighth realms are only at the lowest end of this battlefield, and they may fall if they are not careful.

Only the overlords of the heavens above the ninth realm can have a certain influence on this battlefield.

Of course, the existence that really dominated this victory and defeat was the many peak powerhouses of the quasi-tianzun realm, including the Sword God King.

"It seems that the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces are fighting for their lives with the Buluo Shen Dynasty!"

"Thirty quasi-celestial realm peak powerhouses, hundreds of giants of the heavens above the seventh realm, I am afraid that only the alliance of the Ten Thousand Taoist Dynasty and other forces can come out."

"It's not bad if you don't fall into the God Dynasty. Relying on the existence of powerhouses that are far less than the number of powerful people such as the Wandao Dynasty, they abruptly blocked the Wandao Dynasty and other forces."

Countless powerhouses cast their gazes towards this chaos and couldn't help sighing.

All the powerhouses were shocked by the strength of the forces such as the Unfallen God Dynasty and the Wandao God Dynasty.

Not only was he shocked by the profound background of the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces, but also was shocked by the powerful combat power of many powerful people in the Unfallen Dynasty.

Under the emperor's realm, even the emperors of the lower three realms and the middle three realms, often hear that there are Tianjiao who are invincible in the same realm, and can even fight across borders.

But after reaching the seventh realm, everyone is a giant of the heavens. If you want to fight across borders, or to be invincible in the same realm, you can have more than one enemy, which is not an easy thing.

This must be a monster-level existence with amazing talent and extraordinary talent to be able to do this.

Generally speaking, such monsters are extremely rare, and there are at most a few born in a Great Thousand World.

But this kind of evildoer seems to be seen everywhere in the Godless Dynasty, and there are even many who are at the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm, and they can also exist as one enemy and many.

Such as Sun Wukong, Yang Jian, Niu Demon King, etc., all of them are the peak powerhouses of the quasi-tianzun realm who can have more than one enemy.

"Buluo Shen Dynasty has such a background. If it is allowed to develop for several epochs, it may not be able to grow into a behemoth like the Western Heaven Buddhist Sect."

A strong man sighed with emotion.

"It's difficult, if you want to grow to the point of Xitian Buddhism if you don't fall into the gods, let alone the Western Heaven Buddhism that was the peak of the past, even today's Xitian Buddhism will be extremely difficult."

A quasi-tianzun strong shook his head and retorted.

His words were also recognized by many powerful people on the side.

If the Buluoshen Dynasty wants to grow and develop, it will inevitably be blocked by other forces, or deal with the Buluoshen Dynasty overtly or covertly.

Just like in this battle, on the surface, only the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces shot, but secretly, there may not be no forces to shoot against the Bu Luo Shen Dynasty.

Moreover, it is still a question mark whether Buluoshenchao can survive this catastrophe.

The Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces dare to take action against the Buluoshen Dynasty, and naturally there is a way to deal with the mysterious Heavenly Venerate behind the Buluoshen Dynasty.

In this case, the Godless Dynasty may not be able to block the forces such as the Wandao Dynasty.

"You said, which side of the virtual immortal Tianzun can't help but take the lead in this battle?"

At this time, a quasi-tianzun powerhouse in the central realm asked with great interest.

Many powerhouses on the side suddenly fell into contemplation, and the meaning of this quasi-tianzun powerhouse was very direct.

Before Xuxian Tianzun took action, the victory or defeat of the quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse was the key to this victory.

But once the quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse on his own side is defeated, those aloof and immortal celestial beings will inevitably be unable to sit still and shoot directly.

"Judging from the current situation, although Buluo Shen Dynasty can maintain the situation, it is still in an absolute disadvantage in terms of the number of strong players.

Once there is a problem with a strong person who does not fall into the gods, the unfallen dynasty will definitely lose. "

There are strong people who are not optimistic and will not fall into the dynasty.

"Although there are many powerful forces such as the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty, they come from different forces after all, and they are guarded against each other.

Once one side loses too much, the alliance will collapse. "

There are strong people who are not optimistic about the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and other forces.

In the final analysis, the powerhouses of the Wandaoshen Dynasty and other forces are not single-minded, and they are not as single-minded as the Godless Dynasty. Once Qin Yi orders, all the powerhouses of the Godly Dynasty will obey.

The powerhouses of Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces can't do this.


Just when many powerhouses were arguing with each other, the mutation suddenly occurred, and a wave originating from the Great Dao of the Heavens suddenly spread, shaking the entire five realms.

"Is this the fluctuation of Qiankun Avenue?"

A group of powerhouses were suddenly shocked, and instantly recognized the source of this fluctuation, which was clearly derived from the fluctuation of Qiankun Avenue.

"Could it be that someone knocked on the gate of Tianzun with Qiankun Dao, proving the Taoist Xianxian Tianzun?"

Some strong people guessed.

But soon, the strong man denied this idea, because the vibration of Qiankun Avenue became stronger and stronger, as if someone directly occupied the source of Qiankun Avenue.

No, not like.

Rather, there is a real existence that directly imprints the rhythm of one's own body on the source of Qiankun Avenue, occupying the source of Qiankun Avenue.


The next moment, Qiankun Avenue and even All Heavens Avenue issued a huge roar, and the tyrannical fluctuations swept the five realms.

Visions appeared one after another, golden lotuses surged from the ground, Brahma flowers descended from the sky, and phantoms of gods and Buddhas appeared, salute those who agree with the Tao!

This is the vision of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate!

"how can that be!"

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses were stunned and a little unbelievable.

From the beginning of Qiankun Avenue's fluctuations, and then to the appearance of the vision of the Proving Dao Xuxian Tianzun, the time before and after only a stick of incense was over.

Where is the Proving Dao Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, it is exactly like the origin of the Dao of Qiankun Dao actively let it occupy.

"My name is Kunlong Tianzun. Today, I occupy the source of Qiankun Avenue and am the master of Qiankun Avenue."

At this time, a huge voice escaped, instantly roaring the entire five realms, and the Great Way of the Heavens resonated with it.

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