Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4494: Strong Jumang Zuwu

Eastern border.

In the chaotic void of the frontier land that does not fall, a statue has a strong aura, and countless laws linger, like a god-like existence, standing in the void.

But at this moment, these beings are like a big enemy, and their expressions are tense.

Because in front of them, there is a more powerful being, who is watching them indifferently, as if he might attack them at any time.

The ancestors of the swallowing dragon bird and others have cold eyes and be careful.


The next moment, Kunlong Tianzun shot directly, and a bright sword light like the first rays of light in the universe crossed the chaotic universe.

At the same time, he shouted loudly, "Don't hesitate, fellow Daoists, take action to suppress this person, and then destroy the Godless Dynasty."

Kunlong Tianzun is very accurate in grasping the timing. He is very clear that if he continues to drag on, the momentum of their side is likely to be suppressed by Jumang Ancestral Witch.

At that time, they are likely to be easily suppressed by Jumang Zuwu.

Therefore, Kunlong Tianzun had to take the first shot, breaking the momentum of the ancient mang, otherwise, if they dragged on, the situation would be extremely unfavorable for them.


As soon as Kunlong Tianzun made a move, the existences such as the ancestors of swallowing dragons and birds also woke up, did not dare to neglect, and immediately shot at Jumang Zuwu together.

One after another torrent of power swept through the chaos and drowned towards Qin Yi.

The terrifying power penetrated the void and shattered it into countless fragments, and the chaos in the radius of hundreds of millions of miles was stirred into a mess.

How terrifying is the eight Heavenly Venerates in the middle of the virtual fairyland shooting together?

Many powerhouses have never seen it before, but now they have seen this kind of terrifying power, even if a Heavenly Venerate in the early stage of the virtual fairyland is in it, I am afraid that it will be seriously injured for the first time.

Even a direct fall is not impossible.

This is not a joke, Kunlong Tianzun and other Void Immortal Celestial Venerables are not just as simple as the Middle Immortal Realm Celestial Venerable, they are all veteran Celestial Venerables who have broken through the Middle Imaginary Immortal Realm, at least a dozen epochs.

Most of them are at the peak of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, and the last time is close to the peak of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland.

In this way, the eight beings shot together, and their power is definitely not inferior to that of Tianzun in the later stage of the virtual fairyland, and even stronger.

"These are the eight immortals!"

"Everyone is a powerful Heavenly Venerate in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland. I wonder if this mysterious Heavenly Venerate can stop it?"

"The mysterious Celestial Venerable of the Godless Dynasty, but he has suppressed Cang Yi Dao Venerable with one move, and his strength should not be underestimated."

A group of strong people are talking.

Regarding the power of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, the creatures under the Heavenly Venerate have no way to judge, and even do not even know the specific situation in the chaos.

They can only make inferences based on experience and the achievements of Jumang Ancestor Witch and Swallowing Dragon Bird Ancestor.

Of course, not to mention the creatures under Heavenly Venerate, even a group of Immortal Heavenly Venerates have different views on this battle.

Some Xuxian Tianzun believes that the ancestors of swallowing the dragon and the bird exist, with a large number of people, occupying an absolute advantage, and they will definitely be able to surpass the ancestors of Jumang.

Some Xuxian Tianzun believes that the strength of Jumang Zuwu is tyrannical, but he can suppress Cang Yi Daozun with one move, and his strength is enough to crush the ancestors of swallowing dragons and birds.

The two sides argued endlessly, and neither could persuade the other.

"A group of ants."

Just when the group of Xuxian Tianzun was arguing, Jumang Zuwu's expression did not change, his eyes did not fluctuate, and he finally shot.


As soon as Jumang Zuwu raised his hand, there was a huge roar from Yimu Avenue, and endless blood burst out, shaking the chaotic universe.

Then, Jumang Zuwu punched out and met the torrent of power from the ancestors of the Swallowing Dragon Sparrow and other Xuxian Tianzun.

As soon as the powers of the two sides collided, the faces of Xuxian Tianzun, such as the ancestors of swallowing dragons and birds, suddenly changed, and they were directly penetrated by the fist of Jumang Zuwu.

"Don't hold back!"

Kunlong Tianzun's expression darkened slightly, and he was the first to react and shouted angrily.


A piece of clothing that seemed to be made of sapphire glaze appeared on its body, with countless divine patterns engraved on it, as well as the mysteries of Qiankun Avenue.

Qiankun robe!

This is Kunlong Tianzun's natal Taoist tool. It was made by his master, Da Rizhenxian, and helped him refine it. It is a high-level Tianzun tool.

And because it is his original life tool, if he is fully motivated, he can also make it burst into peak power, comparable to the power of Tianzun in the later stage of the virtual fairyland.

That is to say, as long as the Qiankun robe is activated, Kunlong Tianzun can burst into a powerful combat power comparable to the late Tianzun in the virtual fairyland.


This is just the beginning, a venerable immortal Tianzun has urged his own body to press the bottom of the box, or his own life tool, or a powerful secret method, or some kind of magical power.

For a time, the breath of many Void Immortals skyrocketed, and some were like Kunlong Tianzun, directly breaking the threshold of the later stage of Void Immortal Realm.

However, in the face of the changes of the ancestors of the swallowing dragon bird and others, the expression of Jumang Zuwu did not change, but his arms were lowered, and the mighty aura pervaded.

In a trance, there seems to be an indescribable huge mountain.

The Jumang Ancestral Witch stands on the peak of the mountain, and countless gods and demons linger around him, chanting sutras and praising him, and expressing submission to him.


Jumang Zuwu punched out, as if the ancient sacred mountain that supported the heavens fell down.

The incomparably majestic power was surging in the chaos, and the surging and domineering fist intent slammed down with a gesture of crushing everything.

The aura is incredible!

Everything in front of him, whether tangible or intangible, was directly shattered by this punch.

What is power?

This is the power, the supreme power that crushes all things, destroys time, space, and the Dao.

Under this punch, everything is as fragile as a fortress in the sand, and it collapses at a touch, including the attacks from the ancestors of the swallowing dragon bird and others.

"Qiankun Meteorite Taboo Divine Ability!"

The expression of Kunlong Tianzun changed greatly, and he quickly used a forbidden magical power that he had mastered, and his breath suddenly soared.

The Qiankun robe on his body is even more dazzling and dazzling, and the Qiankun Avenue resonates with it, sealing the chaotic universe.


Many virtual immortals do not dare to neglect, even if they use their own means to suppress the bottom of the box.

The eight Void Immortal Heavenly Venerates joined forces and cooperated with their own Heavenly Venerate Artifacts to stop the fist of Jumang Zuwu!

But everyone can see that Jumang Zuwu faced the siege of the eight middle-stage Tianzun, not only did not fall into the disadvantage, but instead had the absolute upper hand.

Just one punch forced the ancestors and others to use their own means of pressing the bottom of the box.

"The mysterious Heavenly Venerate behind Buluoshen Dynasty really has extraordinary strength, and the power level is far beyond the ordinary late Heavenly Venerate."

"This Heavenly Venerate is more powerful than when he suppressed Cang Yi Dao Venerable before. I am afraid that he is only one step away from the peak of the virtual fairyland."

"Such a tyrannical strength..."

A strong man, marveled at the strength of Jumang Zuwu.

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