Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4497: Endless Devouring Supernatural Powers

three million years.

three eras.

three eras.

Adding up the three, in less than seven epochs, the pink and pink demon venerable broke through from the first realm of the emperor to the realm of the virtual immortal.

Such a speed is not unpleasant.

It can even be said that the speed of such cultivation is extremely amazing, far exceeding 99% of the creatures in the five realms.

Even among the many existences of the Taoist Void Immortal Venerable, the cultivation speed of the Red Pink Demon Venerable can be ranked in the forefront, and few people can match it.

After all, it is not uncommon for practitioners in the five realms to be trapped in one realm and not be able to deposit for several epochs.

Not to mention, the threshold from the peak of the quasi-celestial realm to the virtual fairyland, it is necessary to trigger the great calamity of the celestial being, and pass through the three tribulations of the celestial veneration, in order to be able to prove the path of the illusory celestial being.

In the five realms, for countless years, I don't know how many quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses have been trapped in front of the quasi-tianzun realm peak.

Until his own body fell due to various reasons, he failed to prove the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

Even in the five realms, there is no shortage of quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses that have existed since the ancient times of the five realms.

From this, it can be seen that the Red Pink Demon Venerable's talent is strong and the talent is amazing.

After proving the Dao Void Immortal Venerable, the speed of cultivation of the Red Pink Demon Venerable did not slow down, and it was still amazing.

Since he first entered the virtual fairyland and broke through the early stage of the virtual fairyland, it took only three epochs for the red-pink Taoist priest, and then the red-pink demon monk got a chance in a forbidden area of ​​the five realms, and then quickly broke through the middle stage of the virtual fairyland.

Then, a hundred epochs ago, he broke through to the late stage of the virtual fairyland.


This red-pink demon lord is a late-stage celestial lord, and he is a celestial lord who has broken through hundreds of epochs in the late-stage virtual fairyland.

Also because of the existence of the Red Pink Demon Venerable, the status of the Five Elements Tianxuan Spider Clan has advanced by leaps and bounds in the Heavenly Divine Beast Clan.

It even became the most powerful family of divine beasts under the top divine beasts.

All of this is because of the existence of the Red Pink Demon Venerable.

If it weren't for the fact that the bloodline of the Five Elements Tianxuan Spider Clan was too weak to compare with other top divine beast clans, perhaps the Five Elements Tianxuan Spider Clan would all be promoted to the top divine beast clan.

Although the heavens and the world are respected by strength, the Five Elements Tianxuan spider clan has become a powerful race among the gods and beasts of the heavens because of the existence of the red-pink monster, second only to the ancient races such as the real dragon clan.

But the gods and beasts of the gods, after all, still have to use their bloodlines.

No matter how strong the Red Pink Demon Venerable is, it cannot make the Five Elements Tianxuan Spider Clan be promoted to the top Divine Beast Clan. Even in terms of strength, the strength of the Five Elements Tianxuan Spider Clan has surpassed that of the Qilin Clan.

Of course, among them, there are also the Five Elements Heavenly Venerate spider clan, except for the pink and pink monsters, there are not many strong ones.

Under the full training of the Red Pink Demon Venerable, after so many years, only one quasi-celestial Venerable powerhouse was born in the Five Elements Tianxuan Spider Clan.

This kind of strength, not to mention compared with the first-level forces of the gods, even compared with many first-class top forces, is far inferior.

It was as if the Red Pink Demon Lord had absorbed all the talents and luck of the members of the Five Elements Tianxuan Spider Clan.

Despite the countless years of hard work and the use of many means, the Red Pink Demon Lord has not been able to break this shackle, but has only cultivated a quasi-Tianzun strong.

Because of this, the Five Elements Tianxuan Spider Clan cannot be promoted to the top Divine Beast Clan.

But this does not prevent the power of the pink monster!

"Kunlong Tianzun actually invited the Red Pink Demon Lord?"

"The Red Pink Demon Venerable has something to do with the powerhouses in the Immortal Burial Domain?"

"Sure enough, there is a connection between the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate and the Immortal Burial Domain in the five realms!"

Seeing the scene of the appearance of the pink monster, the faces of the virtual immortals of the five realms couldn't help but change.

You must know that the pink monster is a late-stage celestial lord, and in terms of strength, it is second only to the ancient celestial being at the peak of the virtual fairyland.

It can be said that, apart from the ancient Heavenly Venerates who are at the peak of the virtual fairyland in the five realms, the Red Pink Demon Venerable is the most tyrannical existence.

It's just that what the celestial celestial beings didn't expect was that the red-pink demon venerable was actually related to the burial immortal domain celestial beings such as Kunlong Tianzun.

Of course, the one who was most shocked in his heart was the Divine Master of Wandao and the others.

For a long time, they thought that Kunlong Tianzun and other Burial Immortal Realm Tianzun, in the five realms, only they could rely on.

As a result, I didn't expect that Kunlong Tianzun and other Burial Immortal Realm Tianzun, or the Nine Heavens Real Immortals such as the Great Sun Real Immortal, have long been connected with the powerhouses of the five realms.

Even the late-stage Heavenly Venerates like the Red Pink Demon Realm must obey their orders.

These methods make the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and others feel a little fear of the methods of the Nine Heavens and the Nine Heavens. The methods of the Nine Heavens are really not what they can imagine.


Such means are not a bad thing for them today, but a good thing.

With the Red Pink Demon Venerable, a new force, it is enough to change the current situation. With the strength of the Red Pink Demon Venerable, although he cannot defeat the Jumang Ancestral Witch, he can also help the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths to defeat Qin Yi.

When Qin Yi, Cai Yulei and the others are defeated, the God Lord of Wandao and others can also free up their hands and besiege Jumang Zuwu together.

The eight Heavenly Venerates in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland are not the opponents of the Jumang Ancestral Witch, but the eleven Heavenly Venerates in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, plus one Heavenly Venerate in the late stage of the virtual fairyland, may not be able to suppress the Jumang Ancestral Witch.

The appearance of the Red Pink Demon Venerable can completely change the situation on the scene today.

However, after the Red Pink Demon Lord appeared, he did not intend to take action immediately. Instead, he looked at the Jumang Ancestral Witch curiously, with a trace of greed in his eyes, as if he wanted to melt the Jumang Ancestral Witch.

'Such a powerful existence, such a surging qi and blood, if he can swallow all his qi and blood, perhaps the deity can break through the peak of the late virtual fairyland and be one step away from the peak of the virtual fairyland. ’

The Red Pink Demon Venerable pursed his lips, unable to control his own desires.

No one knows that the reason why the Red Pink Demon Venerable can break through so quickly is because it has obtained the inheritance of the magical powers of a Nine Heavens True Demon.

This supernatural power is called the Great Supernatural Power of Endless Devouring. Cultivating this supernatural power can continuously devour everything in the world and turn it into a resource for self-promotion.

Any treasures of heaven and earth, spiritual energy, can be quickly devoured and refined by the pink monster.

Of course, this also includes the practitioners of the five realms.

Every cultivator has swallowed countless elixir on the way of cultivation, and the spiritual energy itself can be regarded as a genius treasure.

Moreover, it is still a very high-grade treasure of heaven and earth. If it can be swallowed, it will be enough to make the Red Pink Demon Venerable advance by leaps and bounds.

Jumang Ancestral Witch has a tyrannical cultivation base and a strong physical body. If the Red Pink Demon Venerable can devour it, it can completely make the Red Pink Demon Venerable make great progress.

However, it is not an easy thing to devour Jumang Zuwu.

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