Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4533: Chunyang Gunzong seals the mountain


A knife sounded.

Hei Xuan Dao Zun slashed out a knife, wrapped in the monstrous sword intent and unimaginable terrible power, and instantly enveloped Sun Wukong.

This knife has been like the first ray of light that has cut through the darkness of the ancient times, cut through the years, and came to the back of Sun Wukong in an instant.

This knife revealed the strength of Hei Xuan Dao Zun, and it was extremely terrifying.


Sun Wukong snorted coldly and waved his stick to meet the knife.

The golden hoop rod bloomed with infinite divine brilliance, and collided with the sword light that Hei Xuan Dao Zun slashed, and an astonishing wave broke out, which instantly swept the nine heavens and ten places, and directly shattered this piece of void.

The powerful force sent Sun Wukong flying thousands of miles and smashed through countless void dimensions.

However, Sun Wukong took this opportunity to retreat.

"Hei Xuan Dao Zun, today's humiliation, my grandson will return it tomorrow!"

Only one word of indifference remained.

In fact, Sun Wukong may not have the strength to fight against Hei Xuan Dao Zun, but he still chose to retreat. There are many considerations in this.

In any case, Hei Xuan Dao Zun is the peak Tian Zun in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland. Even if Sun Wukong can beat the opponent, he has to pay a small price.

And if he wants to kill Hei Xuan Dao Zun, Sun Wukong can't do it for the time being.

With the character of Sun Wukong, Hei Xuan Dao Zun shot at him and almost split him in two. He had to avenge this hatred. Only by killing Hei Xuan Dao Zun could he be able to solve his hatred.

With Sun Wukong's current strength, since he can't kill Hei Xuan Dao Zun for the time being, he will naturally not entangle with Hei Xuan Dao Zun too much.

This hatred treats him to break through a higher realm, and then seek revenge for Hei Xuan Dao Zun.

In addition, Hei Xuan Dao Zun is a loose cultivator, and the reason why he took action is because he was asked by that party against the forces that did not fall into the gods, and wanted to protect the pure Yang Daoist.

That is to say, that party may also be watching the situation in the Great World of Pure Yang at this moment, targeting the mysterious forces that are not in the gods.

If that side sends out a strong force, Sun Wukong may not be able to match.

It's better to retreat early than let yourself be embarrassed.

After all, Sun Wukong is no longer the fearless and fearless Great Sage Monkey King who dared to make trouble in the Heavenly Palace. Now, he has gone through countless hardships and is no longer impulsive, knowing the consequences of being reckless.

This is neither good nor bad.

Among the gains and losses, only Sun Wukong himself knows, but, to a certain extent, it is a good thing for Sun Wukong.

Fighting the sky and fighting the earth, the Great Sage Monkey King who is not afraid of everything is good, but in the end he can only end up being crushed under the Five Fingers Mountain.

Occasional workarounds always do more good than bad.

"This seat is waiting."

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Hei Xuan Dao Zun just smiled lightly, as if he did not take Sun Wukong's words to heart.

In his eyes, Sun Wukong is just a **** in the early stage of the virtual fairyland. Although he relies on his own blood and supernatural powers, he has a combat power comparable to that of the **** in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, but it cannot change the fact that Sun Wukong is only a **** in the early stage of the virtual fairyland.

He knows how difficult it is to practice in the virtual fairyland.

For Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, it is a common thing to be locked in a bottleneck, dozens of epochs, or even hundreds of epochs.

Just like himself, trapped in the peak of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, there have been dozens of epochs, and he has not been able to break through the late stage of the virtual fairyland.

Hei Xuan Dao Zun does not think that Sun Wukong's cultivation can improve how fast.

Although Sun Wukong can cultivate himself to enter the virtual fairyland for the first time in hundreds of years, it is extremely amazing.

But Hei Xuan Dao Zun does not think that Sun Wukong can improve his cultivation so quickly. In his opinion, the reason why Sun Wukong can improve his cultivation so fast is because Sun Wukong has accumulated quite a lot in the quasi-tianzun realm.

When a quasi-tianzun realm powerhouse just proved the Taoist immortal Tianzun, there was a period of skyrocketing strength.

When Hei Xuan Dao Zun was proving the Taoist Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate in the past, he also experienced such a stage. In a very short period of time, he went from the level of first entering the virtual fairyland to the level of the early stage of the virtual fairyland.

Although there is no Sun Wukong for hundreds of years, it is so exaggerated to break through from the beginning of the virtual fairyland to the early stage of the virtual fairyland, but he only spent tens of thousands of years.


Hei Xuan Dao Zun restrained his mind, lowered his eyes and looked at the pure Yang Divine Spear suspended in the void, with an inexplicable expression.

At this moment, a figure stepped out from the void and held the pure Yang Shen spear, it was Qingming Spear Venerable.


One after another, the great formations revived, blessing on Qingming Gunzun, and the gods of the Pure Yang Divine Spear also recovered, bursting with a powerful breath.

The Qingming Gun Zun stared nervously at the Hei Xuan Dao Zun, and he had the momentum to go all out with it.

This is also why Qingming Gunzun is not nervous. Needless to say, the preciousness of the Heavenly Venerate Tool, even the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate will be tempted.

Now that the Taoist Pure Yang has fallen, the pure Yang Divine Spear in the hands of Qingming Spear Venerable cannot burst out the most peak power.

With the strength of Hei Xuan Dao Zun, if he were to plunder the Pure Yang Divine Spear, Qing Ming Spear Venerable might not be an opponent.

But the Pure Yang Spear is the most important treasure of the Pure Yang Spear Sect. If it is lost, the Pure Yang Spear Sect will never rise again.

Even, it is likely to collapse because of this.


Hei Xuan Dao Zun did not do anything, just glanced at Qing Ming Zun Zun and the others, and immediately withdrew his gaze and left directly.

He didn't care too much about the Pure Yang Divine Spear.

It's just a low-level Heavenly Venerate weapon, and it's not worth his fight for it.

If this low-level Heavenly Venerate weapon is a long sword, Hei Xuan Dao Venerable may still be tempted, but the Chunyang Divine Spear is just a long spear, not a long sword.

Therefore, Hei Xuan Dao Zun did not have much interest in the Pure Yang Divine Spear, so he left directly.


Looking at the back of Hei Xuan Dao Zun leaving, Qing Ming Spear Zun was relieved.

If it is not necessary, he does not want to fight with Hei Xuan Dao Zun for life and death. If Hei Xuan Dao Zun really shoots at him, I am afraid that he will only have to die.

In this case, avoiding this battle is the best outcome.


The other powerhouses of the Chunyang Spear Sect also stepped out of the big formation and came to the Qingming Spear Venerable.

"Elder, what should we do next?"

There is an elder of Chunyang Spear Sect asked.

In the face of such major events as the fall of the Taoist Chunyang, these elders of the Chunyang Spear Sect were also confused and didn't know what to do.

There is no quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse, and today's Chunyang spear sect has lost its greatest heritage.

If other first-class top forces attacked, they would definitely not be opponents.

"Recalling external disciples, from now on, the Chunyang Spear Sect will seal the mountain for an era!"

Qingming Gunzun pondered for a while, and made a decisive decision.


As soon as this remark came out, a group of pure Yang Spear Sect powerhouses looked at each other in dismay, and in the end they had no choice but to agree.

Because this method is the best way for Chunyang Spear Sect to solve the current crisis, and they have no better way.

So far, Chunyang Gunzong has closed the mountain.

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