Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4538: siege


The golden portal hangs high for nine days, and the infinite Buddha light lingers around it.

A huge mirror stood in front of the portal, revealing a world filled with demonic energy and countless demonic creatures.

This is the world behind the golden portal, the world of demons.

In the world of demons.

The giant scorpion guardian turned into a wisp of demonic energy into the demonic energy in the void, never revealing his body shape.

As soon as he entered the Heavenly Demon Realm, he discovered that the entire Heavenly Demon Realm was being monitored by someone with a treasure. If he revealed his figure, it was very likely that he would be discovered by the powerhouses of the Great Desolation Buddhist Sect.

Although he is not afraid of the powerhouses of the Great Desolation Buddhism, if he exposes his traces, he may not be able to complete His Majesty's calculations.

Therefore, the giant scorpion guardian can only hide his own traces.


The divine sense of the giant scorpion guardian poured out silently, covering the entire demon world.

In an instant, the entire Heavenly Demon Realm was under the supervision of the Giant Scorpion Protector.

With the cultivation base of the giant scorpion, it only takes less than one breath to investigate the situation of the entire demon world.

Even the space crack between the Demon Realm and the Nine Nether Abyss, the giant scorpion guardian has been found.

However, when the giant scorpion guardian wanted to penetrate the spiritual sense into the crack of space, he sensed a trace of danger. As a last resort, the giant scorpion guardian could only suppress the mind of exploring the nine secluded abyss.

Obviously, after the space crack, the demon powerhouse with the nine secluded abyss sits in the town.

If the giant scorpion protector has no other tasks, maybe he will take action and test the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate behind the space crack.

But at this moment, the giant scorpion guardian can only suppress the throbbing in his heart.

"Well, how are these bald donkeys scattered so far?"

The giant scorpion guardian used his spiritual sense to investigate the traces of Zen Master Xuandu and others, and his brows could not help but wrinkle.

Because of the great formation outside the Demon Realm, Zen Master Xuandu and others were scattered all over the Demon Realm, not in the same place.

This is also very understandable. After all, the purpose of the Dajixie Buddhist Sect's initiation of the Buddha's Children's Ceremony is to screen out the Buddha's sons of the Dajixie Buddhist Sect, not to let the many arrogant demons of the Dajixie Buddhist Sect fight.

Naturally, from the very beginning, many arrogant and evil spirits of the Great Siltout Buddhist Sect were scattered all over the world of demons.

"We must first think of a way to gather these arrogant demons of the Great Quiet Buddhist Sect and kill them in one fell swoop."

The eyes of the giant scorpion guardian flickered, thinking about countermeasures.

It would be too much trouble to let him deal with the arrogant demons of the Great Quiet Destruction Buddhist Sect one by one.

But if you can gather all the arrogant evildoers of the great annihilation of Buddhism, it will be easier to deal with.


As soon as the giant scorpion's expression moved, he had an idea.

The strands of spiritual thoughts scattered and merged into the seventh-level demon creatures in the demon world, controlling all these demon creatures and turning them into puppets of giant scorpions.

With the cultivation base of the giant scorpion, it is the easiest to control these demonic creatures in the seventh realm, and no one can find the abnormality.

Then, the giant scorpion protector manipulated these seventh realm demon creatures, and began to target the arrogant demons of the Great Quiet Buddhist Sect.

Because of this, the arrogant demon of the Great Quiet Destroyed Buddhism suddenly found that his situation in the world of demons became extremely simple.

The originally invincible concealment method lost its effect directly, and was discovered by the demon creatures in the demon world, and even chased and killed.

Some of the weaker Dajixie Buddhist sect Tianjiao demons fell into the hands of the demons.

From time to time, the seventh realm level war broke out!

There are many geniuses and evildoers of the Buddhist sect of Great Quiet Extinction. They are profound in Buddhism. They have restrained demons and creatures. They are also proficient in various Buddhist supernatural powers and secret methods.

For a time, there were many battles in the Demon Realm.

Many of the arrogant demons of the Great Quiet Buddhist Sect did not have time to complete their own tasks, and were held back by the demonic creatures in the demon world.

"what happened?"

"Why did the demon creatures in the demon world change?"

"What happened to expose the whereabouts of Xuandu and others?"

What happened in the world of demons also attracted the attention of many strong people in the Great Silent Buddha Sect, and the Great Yuanling Buddha and others began to investigate the situation in the world of demons.

However, no matter how they probed, they did not detect any abnormalities in the Demon Realm.

In the end, only one conclusion can be drawn. It seems that there is a problem with the big formation in the Demon Realm, so that when Zen Master Xuandu and others entered the Demon Realm, they directly exposed their traces.

"Da Yuanling Buddha, what should we do?"

A group of high-ranking members of the Great Quiet Buddha Sect couldn't help but look at the Great Yuanling Buddha.

This time, the Buddha's Grand Ceremony was led by the Great Yuanling Buddha. In the event of an accident, it was also the Great Yuanling Buddha who made up his mind.

"The ceremony continues, a little accident, can't handle too much wind and waves."

The Great Yuanling Buddha pondered for a while, and then opened his mouth.

In his opinion, the current situation is just a small accident, and everything is still under the control of the Great Quiet Destruction Buddhist Sect.

Although several arrogant demons have fallen, the path of cultivation is inherently difficult, and accidents often occur.

When they chose to participate in the Buddha's Grand Ceremony, all the arrogant demons of the great annihilation of the Buddhist sect were already mentally prepared, and their bodies might fall.

For the senior leaders of the Great Desolation Buddha Sect, such as the Great Yuanling Buddha, it is nothing to lose a few arrogant evildoers. As long as Zen Master Xuandu and several other arrogant evildoers they value do not fall, there will be no problem.

Even, the Buddhist sons screened out under such circumstances are more tyrannical and more hopeful to win the position of the Buddhist sons of the entire Western Heaven Buddhism.

Therefore, the Great Yuanling Buddha did not end the Buddha's son-in-law ceremony.

Without the intervention of the Great Yuanling Buddha and others, the situation in the world of demons would follow the will of the giant scorpion protector.

Zen Master Xuandu and other great annihilations of the Buddha's arrogance gathered together under the conscious or unintentional guidance of the giant scorpion guardian, or in other words, it was Zen Master Xuandu and others who took the initiative to gather together.

After all, many demon powerhouses in the Demon Realm have already discovered their traces. At this time, if they continue to act alone, they are likely to put themselves in an extremely dangerous situation.

Only when a group of Tianjiao join forces can they compete with the demon powerhouses in the Demon Realm.


Zen Master Xuandu and others joined forces, and the demon powerhouses in the Demon Realm instantly fell into a disadvantage, and were suppressed by Zen Master Xuandu and others.

However, there are many strong demons in the demon world, and they are connected to the abyss of Jiuyou. One after another, the strong demons come one after another, making Zen Master Xuandu and others feel unimaginable pressure.

"What should I do, Senior Brother Xuandu, it won't do us any good to drag it on like this."

Zen Master Xuantian put his hands together and looked at Zen Master Xuandu.

In fact, if it wasn't for the arrogance and evil spirits of the Great Quiet Destruction Buddhist Sect taking precautions against each other, how could the situation develop to this point?

After all, the strength of many arrogant demons present is not weak.

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