Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4543: sudden avenue fluctuation


A black cauldron hangs high for nine days, and there are streaks of demonic energy, lingering around the giant scorpion protector, resisting the annihilation Buddha power of the Great Nirvana Buddhist Sect.

In just an instant, the demonic energy collided with the Buddha's power of silence tens of millions of times.

The aftermath of the four escapes directly collapsed this void into a vast chaos, and even the laws and avenues seemed to be directly collapsed.

If it hadn't been for the Heavenly Dao of the Great Quiet World to take action in advance, coupled with the many great formations arranged by the Great Quiet and Quiet Buddhist Sect, I am afraid that the Great Quiet World would have been destroyed by most of them at this time.

Even so, many of the strong people who stayed in the great world of annihilation fled in a hurry, and did not dare to stay too much in the great world of annihilation.

Once it is affected by the aftermath of the fight between the two virtual immortals, even if they have nine lives, it is not enough to die.

"It's actually the giant scorpion demon who is plotting against Zen Master Xuandu and others. Why is the giant scorpion demon plotting against Zen master Xuandu and others? There should be no hatred between the giant scorpion demon and the Dajimie Buddhist Sect."

There are strong people who also care about the giant scorpion, why are they puzzled about the Great Quiet Destruction Buddhist Sect?

However, most of the powerhouses also understand that the reason why the giant scorpion protector made a move against the Great Quiet Destruction Buddhist Sect is not important to them at all.

In contrast, more powerhouses have the strength of the giant scorpion guardian, or the cauldron without a heavenly wheel.

"A mid-level Heavenly Venerate weapon, no wonder it dares to take action against the Great Silent Buddha."

Many strong people couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, when the Great Scorpion Buddha took action to force the giant scorpion guardian out of the void dimension, everyone thought that the giant scorpion guardian would be defeated, and it was likely that they would have to pay a great price to escape from the Great Scorpion Buddha. .

After all, it wasn't long before the giant scorpion dharma-protector proved the Way of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, and the Great Nirvana Buddha was an old-fashioned Celestial Venerable in the middle stage of the Imaginary Immortal Realm.

How could the giant scorpion protector be the opponent of the Great Silent Buddha?

However, beyond everyone's expectations, the giant scorpion guardian would actually have a top-notch mid-level Heavenly Venerate weapon.

Relying on this middle-level Heavenly Venerate Tool, the Giant Scorpion Dharma Protector can actually compete with the Great Silent Buddha.

"Is this your confidence?"

The Buddha's expression remained unchanged, looking at the Heavenless Wheel Converter Cauldron behind the Giant Scorpion Dharma Protector, a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

He has practiced for hundreds of epochs, and has gone through countless killings before he can break through to the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, so why would he care about a heavenly weapon?

The Giant Scorpion Dharma Protector thought that by relying on the Heavenless Wheel, he would be able to compete with him. He must have underestimated him!

"This is the foundation of this seat."

The giant scorpion protector smiled lightly, and didn't care about the contempt in the words of the Buddha of Great Nirvana.


Even, the giant scorpion's Dharma protector's expression moved, and he took the lead in attacking the Great Quiet Buddha.

The monstrous demonic energy surged and poured out towards the Great Silent Buddha. In a trance, there seemed to be a huge demonic scorpion appearing in the void.

When the magic scorpion moved, its scorpion tail directly pierced the void, wrapped in unimaginable power, and stabbed towards the Great Silent Buddha.

The top of the scorpion tail reflects a biting cold light, as if it carries a terrible toxin that will corrode the world.

If this move falls, even the Heavenly Venerate in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland may be corroded by the toxins in it and fall directly.

"The great silence of the golden body!"

The Great Silent Buddha did not dare to be negligent, and shouted angrily, one after another of golden lines and black lines, crisscrossing his body, forming a pattern similar to a formation.

The next moment, the aura of the Great Silent Buddha soared, reaching out with one hand to meet the terrifying poisonous needle that stabbed.


The power of the two collided directly, and the earth-shattering fluctuations erupted, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten places, as if to destroy the heavens and the world.

Poisonous gas and demonic gas overflowed, and the Buddha's light fell, stirring the surrounding void into a mess, as if the end was coming.

Even the great formations inscribed in the void by the great annihilation Buddhist sect experts uttered overwhelmed groans and groans.

Then, it shattered directly.

If it weren't for the existence of the Heavenly Dao in the great world of annihilation, I am afraid that this fluctuation would break through the suppression of the great formation of the great annihilation of Buddhism and fall into the great world of annihilation, causing unimaginable damage.


And the battle between the giant scorpion protector and the great annihilation Buddha is still going on. It is only one breath in a billion, and the two have already fought tens of millions of times.

But neither of them could do anything about the other.

Although the cultivation base of the Buddha of Great Nirvana is higher than that of the giant scorpion guardian, but the guardian of the giant scorpion has the Heavenly Wheel in his hand, which is not weaker than the Buddha of Great Quiet Destruction, at least not inferior to the Great Desolate Buddha in terms of combat power.

The more they fought, the more ugly the Buddha's face became.

The combat power of the giant scorpion guardian is far beyond his imagination. Even with his strength, it takes a lot of means to win the giant scorpion guardian.

Even, the giant scorpion guardian wants to escape, but the Great Silent Buddha may not be able to stop it.

Although this is the great world of annihilation, it is the base camp of the great annihilation Buddhist sect, but in the end it has not penetrated into the core area of ​​the great annihilation Buddhist sect.

Although this large formation in the void is tyrannical, it is obviously unable to trap such existences as giant scorpion guardians.

Therefore, if the giant scorpion guardian wants to leave, the Buddha of Great Quiet Extinction may not be able to stop it.


Just when the Great Nirvana Buddha had a headache, a huge wave suddenly came, which instantly shook the Dao of Law in the Great World of Nirvana, and even the Dao of Law in the entire Western Heaven Realm was shaken.

Do not.

To be precise, the Great Dao of All Heavens in the entire five realms was shaken.

"This is?"

The Buddha's eyes narrowed, and he looked at the direction from which this wave came, which was the central boundary.

"This location seems to be the Immortal Burial Domain?"

The Great Quiet Buddha frowned and quickly identified the general area where the fluctuations came from.

Just when he was distracted, the giant scorpion protector took advantage of the situation to break the seals of many great formations and left the great world of silence. However, the Buddha of great silence didn't care.

Judging from the current situation, he cannot suppress the giant scorpion guardian, so there is no need to entangle with the giant scorpion guardian.

For the hatred of Zen Master Xuandu and others, he will take action against the Giant Scorpion Demon Sect after that, and when he comes back with revenge, he is more concerned about the fluctuation of the Great Dao at this moment.


The Great Desolate Buddha immediately ran the Heavenly Venerate Dao Yuan, blessed his eyes, and his eyes instantly crossed the billions of chaotic Taos and landed near the Immortal Burial Domain.

I saw huge formations that were unimaginably huge, straddling the void, sealing the world and blocking the passage between the Immortal Burial Domain and the five realms.

This is the order of the real dragon ancestor and other peak Tianzun, and many large formations are set up to block the Immortal Burial Domain and prevent the recurrence of Kunlong Tianzun and others.


At this moment, these great formations are collapsing rapidly, as if something is about to emerge from the Immortal Burial Domain.

At the same time, the Great Way of the Heavens shook, and a boundless sea of ​​thunder suddenly descended outside the Immortal Burial Territory, shrouding the vast void outside the Immortal Burying Territory.

A terrifying aura filled the universe, as if a thunder penalty could be imposed at any time.

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