Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4638: escape

The Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate, originally a Heavenly Venerate who practiced the Dao of the Devil and the Dao of the Blade in the Nanming Realm, was famous and undefeated in the Nanming Realm.

His cultivation is also tyrannical, as early as hundreds of epochs, he has broken through the early stage of the virtual fairyland.

However, for some unknown reason, he confronted Xitian Buddhism and repeatedly attacked Xitian Buddhism, destroying several first-class top forces in Xitian Buddhism.

Even the ancient holy place of the Western Heaven Buddhist Sect was severely damaged by the magic knife Tianzun, and it was almost destroyed.

For this reason, the high-level officials of Xitian Buddhism were furious and sent a Tianzun from the late stage of the virtual fairyland to chase and kill the Demon Sword Tianzun for two epochs, and finally captured the Demon Sword Tianzun back to Xitian Buddhism.

After dozens of epochs, the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate has never been seen reappearing. I thought that Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate had been killed by the high-level powerhouses of Western Buddhism.

Unexpectedly, the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerable was transformed by the Western Heaven Buddhist Sect and became the Dao Protector Demon Venerable of the Western Heaven Buddhist Sect.

As for the Heaven-devouring Devil's Blade, it is a natal Taoist weapon made by the Devil's Blade Heavenly Venerate himself.


The Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate faintly spit out a word, like the cold and cold wind blowing from the Jiuyou abyss.


As soon as the figure moved, the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate once again hidden into the void dimension to find an opportunity, and then shot at Lu Bu.

"Get out of this general!"

Lu Bu snorted coldly, his eyes glowed like electricity, and Fang Tianhua halberd waved in his hand, pointing directly at a void.

With his current cultivation level lower than the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate, he could not find the exact location of the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate, but with the guidance of the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, Lu Bu could still easily find the location of the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate.


The halberd light passed, the void shattered, and the magic knife Tianzun fell out of the void.

There was a hint of surprise in the dark pupils without the white of the eyes, but they soon disappeared, replaced by endless coldness.


The Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate shouted angrily again, slashed out with a knife, and met Lu Bu's blow.

The next moment, the power of the two collided, and the Demon Sword Tianzun showed a surprised look on his face again, because Lu Bu was able to stand against him.

You must know that Lu Bu has just proving the Dao Immortal Realm, and his realm is not yet stable. He is far weaker than him, and he can actually stand up to him.

However, the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate soon realized that this is because of the ancient map of Wan Yao Mang.

Lu Bu breaks through the virtual fairyland, and he can exert more power of the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, relying on the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, Lu Bu can also compete with him.

"Wait, still haven't shot?"

The magic knife Tianzun pushed Lu Bu back with a single blow, and shouted in a deep voice.

Although he is not afraid of Lu Bu, if he can't take Lu Bu for a long time, it is also a very dangerous thing for him. After all, the strong people who do not fall into the gods can arrive at any time.

As a last resort, the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate could only let other powerhouses from Xitian Buddhism and other forces join forces to quickly suppress Lu Bu.

However, there were no other powerhouses from Xitian Buddhism and other forces appearing. Instead, there were fluctuations in the collision of powerhouses from the depths of the void, as well as several angry shouts.

"not good!"

Demon Sword Tianzun's face changed, how could he not understand that the powerhouses who did not fall into the divine dynasty had arrived and stopped other powerhouses from the Western Heavenly Buddhism and other forces.

For a time, he was resigned.

Because He knew that if it dragged on like this, it would be particularly unfavorable to Him.

Once a strong person who does not fall into the gods comes, it is very likely that he will fall into an extremely dangerous situation.

However, when he wanted to leave, Lu Bu stopped him.

"Damn junior!"

The Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate roared and roared, trying to break free from Lu Bu's shackles.

But Lu Bu was like a shadow, making the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerable unable to leave.

At this time, the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate instantly realized that the powerhouse who did not fall into the divine dynasty was going to use him as a sharpening stone for Lu Bu!

"A mere celestial who has just entered the virtual fairyland, relying on a celestial tool, he dares to use the deity as a whetstone, courting death!"

Thinking of this, Demon Sword Tianzun had a big killing intent in his heart.

You must know that the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate was once a man of the five realms, who acted recklessly and was lawless. Although he had converted to Western Heaven Buddhism, how could he change his temperament?

Not to mention, being so humiliated by others, how could He not be angry?


Demon Sword Tianzun's eyes were full of killing intent, and the offensive in his hands became more and more fierce.

The demonic energy and the light of the sword turned into a terrifying offensive that ripped apart the sky and the earth, shrouding Lu Bu in it, as if to annihilate it into nothingness.

"Devouring the Heavenly Halberd!"

However, Lu Bu did not show any fear, holding Fang Tianhua Halberd in his hand, he approached the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate.

With the blessing of Wan Yaomang Gutu, Lu Bu is already qualified to compete with the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate, and naturally he is not afraid of the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate.

At the same time, when he was fighting with the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate, he was also using the power of Heavenly Venerate to sharpen his body and temper his own cultivation with battle.

Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate is worthy of being a veteran Heavenly Venerate. His cultivation base and combat power can be considered to be in the forefront among all the Heavenly Venerates in the early stage of the virtual fairyland, and his combat power is tyrannical.

As long as the battle begins, if Lu Bu does not have the blessing of the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, I am afraid that he would have been defeated by the hands of the magic knife Tianzun immediately.

But Lu Bu himself is a strong man who has come out of countless killings, and his fighting talent is far beyond ordinary creatures. Relying on constant collisions, he can quickly stabilize his cultivation.

As time went on, Lu Bu became more and more at ease, and he was no longer embarrassed in the face of the attack of the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate.


The violent aftermath swept across the four directions, instantly setting off a monstrous storm of destruction.

The world where the party was not very affected, and the countless creatures in it, fell directly on the spot, and they couldn't die any longer.

"Damn junior, **** you!"

The dark scorpion of the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate has a hint of scarlet color, and infinite magic bursts out from his body, covering hundreds of millions of miles of chaotic void.

In an instant, the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate seemed to be transformed into an invincible ancient demon god, and every move could shake the universe.

If he couldn't take it for a long time, the Demon Saber Tianzun was furious, and he couldn't help but use his own trump card.

Its aura soared, and it rose countless times in an instant, breaking the threshold of the peak of the early stage of the virtual fairyland and reaching the level of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland.


A halberd swung, wrapped in the terrifying power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, enveloped Lu Bu.

"Good come!"

Lu Bu's expression was solemn, and the Taoist essence of the Heavenly Venerate was urged to the extreme, and the ancient map of Wan Yaomang also erupted with powerful power, blessing him.

In the face of the magic knife Tianzun who used his trump card, he did not dare to have any contempt.

However, what he didn't expect was that the halberd of the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate did not slash at him, and its offensive was abruptly stopped, and the whole person turned into a flash of light and left directly.

All these actions, Demon Sword Tianzun did not hesitate at all.

"Run, run?"

Lu Bu, who was waiting for him, couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

The Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate was very decisive, so that Lu Bu did not notice it for a while, and it was too late to stop it.

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