Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4646: Big dream three thousand

Zhang Zhenshan is not very clear about the origin of the listening, he only knows that this is a powerful being subdued by His Majesty the God Lord.

And the ability to listen to the truth made him feel terrified.

This listening ear can actually monitor the entire Eastern Boundary, and listen to every move of all the creatures in the Eastern Boundary.

It can be said that everything that happens in the Eastern Frontier is inescapable.

At least, an existence with a cultivation base lower than it cannot hide from the truth.

You must know that listening to the truth has now broken through the virtual fairyland, and even reached the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, that is to say, the existence under the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, the things done in the eastern boundary can not be hidden from the listening.

Even, as his cultivation level gets higher and higher, the range that can be monitored by Truth Listening will also increase, reaching an even more astonishing level.

You can only monitor what is happening in the Eastern Border Territory, which is to listen to the things that have not yet been proven to the virtual fairyland.

Now that listening to the truth has broken through the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, I am afraid that the scope of listening will be farther.

It is precisely because of the existence of Truthful Listening that one can only perceive Chen Dongxuan, who is also the Buddha of the Great Dream, if he is not in a state of mind.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the Great Dream Buddha will hide the past.

After all, not everyone can detect the abnormality of the Great Dream Buddha, and there will be no strong people who will test the strong people under their command all the time.

If so, the strong man doesn't have to do other things.

In this case, the existence of Truth Listening is particularly terrifying.

As long as there are spies who enter the Unfallen Dynasty, or if someone betrays the Unfallen Dynasty, they will be known by Truth Listen, and then exposed to many powerful people in the Unfallen Dynasty.

In fact, the undercover agents and spies that other forces placed in the Buluoshen Dynasty were all under the control of the Buluoshen Dynasty.

However, in order to numb the many forces in other realms, Ting Fengwei only removed a part of it, and the rest was left.

But the rest of the spies and undercover agents were also under the surveillance of the Unfallen Dynasty.

Once they make a move that is harmful to the gods, Ting Fengwei will directly take action and solve them.

The existence of the Great Dream Buddha was judged by many high-level powerhouses in the Buluoshen Dynasty as a huge threat to the Buluoshen Dynasty, so Zhang Zhenshan was asked to take action and kill him.


When Zhang Zhenshan opened his mouth, the big dream Buddha moved in his heart, and the whole person's figure suddenly became illusory, as if he was about to ascend to immortality.

"Want to go? Have you asked General Ben?"

Zhang Zhenshan's eyes were indifferent and he sneered.

If the deity of the Great Dream Buddha was here, he might be a little more solemn, but it's just a branch, why should he care?


As soon as Zhang Zhenshan raised his hand, the boundless and vast qi and blood rushed out, directly suppressing the void, and at the same time destroying the means of the Great Dream Buddha.

Then, in the ugly expression of the Great Dream Buddha, he punched.

The mighty fist intent shrouded the Great Dream Buddha, directly crushing the avatar and turning it into nothingness.

After doing this, Zhang Zhenshan stood with his hands behind his back, his expression calm, without the slightest fluctuation, as if he had done a trivial thing.

It is just a clone of a quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse, which can be destroyed with one punch.


Just when Zhang Zhenshan was about to withdraw the formation that enveloped this place, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Daoyou Da Meng, you are really good at it!"

Zhang Zhenshan sighed with emotion and saw the right side of this void.

The next moment, this void rippled with water-like ripples, and the Great Dream Buddha walked out of it.

At this time, the figure of the Great Dream Buddha was a little vague, like a soul, but it had the characteristics of being erratic like a dream.

This is a supernatural power of escape mastered by the Great Dream Buddha. Three thousand Great Dreams can be transformed into a dream-like existence and integrated into the void dimension. It is difficult for ordinary people to perceive it unless the void dimension of this void is completely destroyed.

The Great Dream Buddha once relied on this magical power to escape from powerful enemies several times.

It's a pity that Zhang Zhenshan saw through it.

"Zhang Dao has friendly eyesight."

The Great Dream Buddha showed a sad look on his face, and sighed softly: "Fellow Daoist Zhang, why do you have to kill me? I would like to compensate you for the five high-grade chaotic raw stone spiritual veins, as long as you can let me go with this avatar."

For the avatar of 'Chen Dongxuan', the Great Dream Buddha was reluctant to give up.

Because 'Chen Dongxuan' has the blessing of luck in the Eastern Boundary, if it is vigorously cultivated, it may not be possible for him to break through the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm in the future.

If this clone can break through the peak of the quasi-celestial realm, and then merge with his deity, the background of his deity will inevitably rise, and the possibility of breaking through the realm of heaven will also skyrocket.

This kind of operation has been done by the Great Dream Buddha several times, which has also led to the background and combat power of the Great Dream Buddha's deity, far exceeding that of the quasi-tianzun peak powerhouse of the same realm.

After all, the Great Dream Buddha alone is equivalent to the sum of several quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses.

"Five top-grade chaotic primitive stone spiritual veins?"

Zhang Zhenshan sneered, seemingly dismissive of it.

Just five high-grade chaotic primitive stone spiritual veins, just want him to let him go?

If he hadn't joined the Godless Dynasty, he might have agreed, in order to obtain five high-grade chaotic primitive stone spiritual veins as the resources for his own cultivation.

But now, even if the Great Dream Buddha took out five supreme chaotic primitive stone spiritual veins, he could not let him go.

In Zhang Zhenshan's heart at this moment, it is more important to maintain the majesty of the dynasty.

The Great Dream Buddha actually dared to take action against the arrogant demons who were not in the Godly Dynasty and refined Chen Dongxuan into a clone. This was a provocation to the Godless Dynasty.

If the Great Dream Buddha is not allowed to pay the price, it will certainly damage the majesty of the Unfallen Dynasty!

At this time, he absolutely does not allow things!


Zhang Zhenshan's mind was moving, his eyes brightened, he shot directly and brazenly, and he punched again, and the surging fist was raging.

It is like the collapse of an ancient sacred mountain, covering hundreds of millions of miles of chaos!

"Three thousand big dreams!"

The big dream Buddha's face changed, and he activated his magical powers again, wanting to repeat the old tricks to avoid Zhang Zhenshan's blow.

However, how could Zhang Zhenshan make the Great Dream Buddha happy?

The same move, if Da Meng Buddha succeeds again, he will probably become a joke of a group of powerhouses who are not in the dark.

Don't think that he is the only one here at the moment, but in fact, there are still many powerhouses who are not in the dark who are paying attention to this battle.

Not to mention other things, Listening Truth has been paying attention to this void, and even when he discovered the supernatural powers of the Great Dream Buddha, Listening Truth opened his mouth to remind him.

If he hadn't listened carefully to remind him, he might have let the Great Dream Buddha deceive him and let him escape.

Moreover, with the ability to listen carefully, the entire Eastern Frontier is within its monitoring range, and what happened in this void cannot be concealed from Listening Truth.

If Zhang Zhenshan was deceived by the same magical power of the Great Dream Buddha again, he dared to be sure that in one day, the embarrassing incident about him towards me would surely spread throughout the entire dynasty.

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