Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 900: My son wants to kill you here

In the sky, a very strange scene appeared.

Tianpeng god, countless warriors of the desert city, with a ridiculous posture, stagnated in the air!

One word to say!

Qin Yi broke the attack of Tianpeng God with only a word!

Jier, the imprisonment in the space was loosened, and everyone fell.

"Live... survived?"

Countless warriors in the barren city are still in shock, and still have the joy of the rest of their lives.

"This is the **** of my human race?"

The warrior of Desolate City couldn't help but look towards Qin Yi, and the words of Desolate King flashed through the bottom of his heart.

If they had doubts about the words of the Desolate King before, then, at this moment, there was no doubt in their hearts!

It is not a **** that can block the Tianpeng God with one's own strength, so what is it?

My human race also has gods!

For a time, the warriors in the barren city were excited.


Before the warriors of Desolate City recovered, there was another fierce cry in the sky.

Tianpeng Shen dual wielded, tearing open the suppressive force in the air.

After all, it was a monster of the feathered realm, and it was too difficult to defeat Tianpeng God with one move.

"Dead, die!"

Tianpeng God roared again and again, and was furious.

He is a god, aloft, overlooking countless human races.

In his eyes, the human race is nothing but blood, ants!

However, Qin Yi continued to use his tricks, and even rescued countless human races from his hands!

How can the self-esteem Tianpeng God be able to bear it!


A roar, a ferocious and violent aura, overwhelmed the sky, making everyone disgusted again.

After all, Tianpeng God has a trace of the blood of a sacred beast. Although it is a realm of eclosion, its combat power far exceeds this realm!

Tianpengshen is full of golden light, and his breath is soaring steadily, as if it is endless!

Even these golden lights have formed countless mysterious golden patterns, engraved on it!

At this moment, with Tianpeng as the center, the whole world is shaking!

Powerful fluctuations of power, such as the roaring of the river, the smashing waves hitting the shore, raging everywhere!

In front of this momentum, it seemed that everything was about to turn into powder!

"I wait, I still can't resist the gods!"

The Martial Artist of the Desolate City, who was originally delighted, sank in his heart, and was pressed to kneel on the ground again by this momentum.

Tianpeng God is so powerful, so powerful that it makes them desperate!

This is the **** who sits in the sky!

Countless warriors in the deserted city have pale faces. Compared with Qin Yi, they really know this Tianpeng **** who often appears in ancient books!

"In the past, there was a Dapeng, who was called the **** of Tianpeng, and the imperial light controlled the wind.

This is the description of this **** in human ancient books!

Looking back at Qin Yi, everyone did not know what his methods were.

Even if Qin Yi had blocked Tianpeng God's two consecutive blows, he still couldn't give everyone confidence!

"A beast is a beast. Even if he claims to be a god, he still gets angry so easily."

Qin Yi slowly raised his eyes, with a hint of ridicule in his tone.


This sentence again made Tianpeng God furious again and again, his wings waved and a terrifying storm was set off!

"A beast dare to call himself a god, no matter what, my son will kill you here!"

Qin Yi's eyes are faint, and his deep eyes are like the vast sky of stars!


Along with Qin Yi's words, Qin Yi suddenly took up a strong momentum.


Qin Yi flipped his wrist, and a simple token appeared in Qin Yi's hand.

It is the emperor's order!

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