Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 935: The origin of the king of yin and yang

"Return to your Majesty, just as your Majesty expected, the feathered monster clan of the five big caves of the monster clan.

All gathered in the Nether Cave Sky, plotting a way to deal with our human race. "

The Desolate King stepped forward and said respectfully.

Thanks to Qin Yi's explanation, the Four Desolate Kings also knew that the so-called monster gods were all feathered monsters.

In the words, there is no more respect for the monster race.

"Please show your majesty, what should we do?"

The Desolate King showed enthusiasm and looked at Qin Yi expectantly.

Even from the bottom of the Desolate King's eyes, a trace of fiery fighting spirit could be seen.

As soon as the news came that the sky was destroyed in the deserted cave, Qin Yi gave them the elixir of the heaven-breaking robbery. In the eyes of the king of the deserted, Qin Yi is no different from the banished immortal!

Although Qin Yi doesn't admit this, in the eyes of the Desolate King and others, Qin Yi is a real fairy!

Destroy the desolate cave sky, you can give the supreme treasure that is enough for everyone to break through the realm of emergence!

This kind of method, it is not an exaggeration to say that turning your hands into clouds and covering your hands into rain!

Except for the censorship that only exists in ancient books, who else can have this method!


Qin Yi's eyes flickered, and there was no doubt in his tone.


Hearing the words, Wang Wu was taken aback, feeling a little discouraged.

He originally thought that with Qin Yi's domineering style, he would definitely lead them to directly attack the five great caves!

The four of them had just broken through the realm of emergence, and their morale was at a high time. Just taking advantage of this opportunity, they attacked the five caves in one go!

The monster race is powerful, but it is divided into five big caves, and its power is extremely scattered compared to the great Qin Dynasty!

And the Feathered Demon Race gathered in the Nether Cave.

If so, they avoid the Nether Cave Sky and take action one by one against the rest of the Monster Race, and they will surely destroy the four big Cave Heavens except the Nether Cave Sky!

At that time, the pressure on the human race will be much smaller.

"King of Yin and Yang, what do you think of my approach?"

Qin Yi didn't explain, but looked at the king of Yin and Yang on the side.

This king of yin and yang is an old man with a clean face and a beard in his jaw.

At first glance, some people might even think that the king of yin and yang looks a little dull.

But the Desolate King and others who knew the Yin and Yang King knew the wisdom hidden under the dullness.

The king of yin and yang is a warrior who cultivates the way of divining, stepping into the realm of heaven and man by the way of divining, and has extremely high attainments in the way of divining!

It is precisely that the King of Yin and Yang has used the way of divining for thousands of years to infer the vitality of the human race, and the difficulty of the human race will be solved in thousands of years. This will allow the Desolate King and others to retain their strength and even fall to the demon. The six big caves of the clan!

After waiting for thousands of years, they have now ushered in the opportunity to rise!

"Your Majesty has a plan long ago, and the old ministers dare not say anything!"

Upon hearing this, the king of Yin and Yang seemed to wake up from a dream, and quickly replied.

"If I ask you to say it, just say it."

Qin Yi frowned and said with a smile.

To be honest, the appearance of the King of Yin and Yang greatly exceeded Qin Yi's expectations.

According to the King of Yin and Yang, he was originally a Tianjiao of Zhongzhou Yin and Yang Sect, but he was designed by his opponent and exiled into the world of sin.

Trapped in the world of sin, the king of Yin and Yang can only contribute to the rise of the human race.

After all, with the Yaozu pressing on his head, he couldn't do it if he wanted to break through the realm of eclosion.

And because of the inheritance of the Yin-Yang Sect, the eyes of the Yin-Yang King were more far-reaching than those of the Desolate King and others. He would rather wait for thousands of years in exchange for the rise of the human race.

With its heritage brought from Yin-Yang Sect, it has been preparing for the rise of the sin world human race!

Plan for thousands of years, only for the rise of the human race!

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