Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 959: Invincible King


The majestic coercion, vertical and horizontal.

At this moment, the situation under the sky was instantly reversed.

The situation of the human race and the monster race changed in a blink of an eye.

Now, it was the turn of the strong monster from the human race to be suppressed by the human race.

On one side, dozens of feathered monsters, dozens of monsters play an army, like the dark tide of the sky.

And the other is only one person, but it is even brighter, and there are many demon gods in Ren Yaozu, and it is also suppressed by one person!

"The Terran is angry, the universe is split!

The second anger of the human race, the sky is broken!

Terran Three Fury, chaos! "

It seems that the mighty heavenly sound originated from the beginning of the ancient times, carrying an unstoppable power, resounding through the sky!

In an instant, an inexplicable fear emerged unconsciously in the hearts of the thousands of monsters!

"Those who insult our human race, die!"

Qin Yi slowly raised his pupils full of purple rhyme, revealing an indifferent chill.


As soon as the voice fell, a faint purple light, like silk, rippling.

The purple light is very soft, it seems that there is no power, it brushes over the body of the human warrior, and it makes the warriors feel extremely comfortable.

However, in the eyes of the human warriors, the seemingly soft purple light, in the eyes of the monster army, it is like a scourge!

The purple halo slowly circulates, like a huge mountain of ten thousand meters wide, coming under pressure!


The Nether God snorted coldly, stretched out his hand, and the Netherworld Demon God returned to his side.


The Demon God of Underworld roared, struggling to make a move, bringing the infinite evil spirit, and heading towards the purple halo.


However, as soon as the Underworld Demon God came into contact with the purple halo, he was blown upside down.

Immediately, the purple halo swept across, and directly annihilated the Demon God of Underworld!


The Nether God suddenly changed color, don't think that the Nether Earth Demon God was made by gathering the Qi of Netherworld.

In fact, this Netherworld Demon God is also the original demon element that has condensed more than half of the Nether God!

Once the Netherworld Demon God fell, it was equivalent to the Nether God losing half of his original demon element!

The original demon element is no better than others, but the foundation on which a demon race relies!

Even with the emperor of Nether God, losing half of the original demon element is also a great loss of vitality!

Even if there was a block by the Demon God of Underworld, the purple light had not stopped, and it still spread unabated.




As soon as the purple halo touched an army of hundreds of thousands of monsters, the bodies of thousands of monsters suddenly burst on the spot!

The army of hundreds of thousands of monster races turned into ashes in an instant!

In a short while, these thousands of monster races lost their lives!

Under the sky, it's quiet!

Over the imperial capital, the clouds shattered!

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, the atmosphere was terribly silent!

Even those dozens of Feathered Demon Race, at this moment, seemed to be pinched by an invisible hand, and couldn't say a word anymore.

"Long live your majesty!"

"Long live your majesty!"

"Long live your majesty!"

Until the Desolate King and others reacted first and shouted in excitement.

This is our Majesty of Great Qin, the Emperor of Human Race!

One move, kill hundreds of thousands of monster races!

Invincible posture, no doubt!

"Point my human soul, burn my human blood, the human race is brilliant, but my human emperor!"

Thousands of words, finally turned into a shocking shout, tolerate a word!

Countless human races cried with joy, and tears fell into the sky!

At this moment, no more sorrow, but weeping with joy!

From this Emperor, we can no longer fear any monsters!

The human warrior raised his eyes and looked directly at the figure standing proudly.

This moment is eternity!

Hunting in clothes, comparable to gods!

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