Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 990: The king smiled and moved the mountains and rivers




The heavy knocking sound echoed in the hall.

This time, the knocking sound seemed to be knocking in the hearts of the envoys, causing them to sweat like rain.

The Xuyuan Sect Master was even more unbearable, his face as earthy.

"Why, Sect Master Yuan, can you tell me what is wrong with my request?"

Qin Yi spoke softly, his tone indifferent, he could not hear the joy or anger.

"This... Your Majesty, this request is really difficult for others."

Sect Master Xuyuan deliberated over and over again, carefully testing.

"It's hard for a strong man, let's hear it?"

Qin Yi seemed to be interested in the knocking sound.

"Your Majesty, please listen to me. Now the six big caves of the monster race have just been destroyed, and the crime world has settled down soon.

Because of this, this is the time when His Majesty needs to extend his grace.

In this way, all parties in the human race can be convinced of your majesty! "

Suzerain Xuyuanzong immediately rejoiced and hurriedly hit the railroad while it was hot.

"Yes, your Majesty, we have respected Da Qin and obeyed all the will of Da Qin. Has this requirement been exposed?"

The messengers of other forces also hurriedly spoke out to help Xuan Yuanzong.

"Please, your Majesty, it seems to be giving us some way to survive."

"If your majesty recovers his life, you can still reap the admiration of the various forces of the sin world human race, we should do our best to manage the territory for your majesty!"

"I am equal to a human force, and I will not have the wolf ambition of the demon clan. I hope your majesty will learn from it!"

Envoys continue to speak out, hoping to fight for the interests of their own forces.

In an instant, the envoys seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, stood on a front, and they all persuaded Qin Yi.

However, Qin Yi still couldn't deal with the rebellious human race and the power of the monster race, and he could not kill at will.

After all, these people were all envoys sent by the forces who came to loyal to the Great Qin Dynasty.

If Qin Yi started to kill people, it would certainly make the entire crime world awe at Qin Yi's strength, but this move is bound to make people chill, and they are unwilling to serve Da Qin and Qin Yi!

Dominance of a party's forces can not just rely on strong strength to conquer everything!

If so, many forces respect the Great Qin Dynasty on the surface, and the following will be a nuisance to the Great Qin Dynasty!

It was precisely by grasping this that the envoys dared to speak boldly.

Otherwise, the envoys would not dare to fight against this Majesty Ye Huang!

"Da Qin Xinli, really should be generous."

Qin Yi sitting on the high platform, his eyes flickering, with a smile, as if he agreed with the words of the envoys.

"Your Majesty is wise, I will definitely remember your majesty's kindness!"

This sentence immediately made the messengers look happy.

However, the Desolate King and other Daqin court officials were slightly surprised. Your Majesty, is this subdued?

how is this possible?

With your majesty's temper and Da Qin's strength, how could it be threatened by these forces?

Just when the court officials of Da Qin were startled and the envoys were pleased, no one noticed that the smile on Qin Yi's face gradually enlarged.


A cheerful laugh suddenly sounded in the hall, at first it was very low, and then it became louder.


With Qin Yi's laughter, the entire Daqin Palace seemed to be shaking together, with vitality tumbling.

The envoys' eyes widened, and they looked at the scene in horror. They were clearly laughing, but it made everyone cold.

Even the loud laughter came out from the hall, and even the entire Great Qin Emperor trembled!

The king smiled and moved the mountains and rivers!

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